《That Day // Villain Deku》Chapter 17 : Get Ready.


My eyes fluttered open slowly, as a bright light shown into my eyes. Slowly adjusting to the blinding lights, I looked around. I was laying in a room of white, a constant beeping, ringing through my ears. I slowly sat up, only to gasp in pain before laying back down. I cringed as I felt a surging pain in my abdomen, and back.

"DAD!" A woman shouted.

As my vision cleared further, I noticed a young woman with long, golden, blonde hair and electric-blue eyes, rushing to rise from her seat. I looked at her, taking in the appearance of the woman before me. She had flushed cheeks overtop a pale face. Red eyes, matching that of an apple, evidently from crying. She looked sickly.

"Izumi?" I asked my daughter.

My voice had a layer of concern stitched between the fabrics of shock. She looked at me with tear-filled eyes before leaning down to hug my crippled, skeleton form.

"You're ok..." She stated, her voice overflowing with emotions.

Her tone spoke a thousand words, though she could only make out a few. I returned her embrace, filling the room with the warmth all children should feel. Comforting her, I began to ask her questions.

"What... what happened?" My voice was hoarse, and she took note of that.

Handing me a glass of water, she began to explain what had happened. I listened to her, shock, and remorse visible on my face. The USJ was supposed to be a fun, learning experience, but it turned to be a complete and utter nightmare.

The list of injured students was extensive, while the list of deceased students is even more so. There were three casualties of the incident, as well as six intensive injuries. The young heroes have suffered a great deal of pain.

It has been two weeks since the USJ 'incident', and I have been unconscious the entire time. The students have been given this time off from school, this time was for their trauma based on the incident.

Young-Iida and Young-Tohru had apparently sustained a great mental injury regarding the murder of their classmate they had laid witness to. They had apparently refrained from speaking for multiple days after the death. When they finally did react, they both went ballistic. Doctors had to sedate them, in fear of causing further injuries.

As well as the death of Young-Koda, the pros had discovered Young-Aoyama's body in the Mountain Zone. His body had been impaled by a spike in the ground, causing his organs and tissue to spew about. Blood was still flowing when they discovered his body. His eyes were rolled back in his sockets, while his forehead had been tagged. The initials 'L.O.V' had been carved into his forehead, only causing more blood to spew. Officials suspect the letters to represent the name of the group that had attacked us.

Days later, a pool of black, foul-smelling liquid had been discovered in the Conflagration Zone. The pros at first assumed it to be an oil or something along those lines, but after further investigation, they found otherwise. In the NPA crime lab, the forensic scientist had a gut feeling, telling them to inspect the liquid. Through sample testing, he discovered a deoxynucleic acid signature with genetic material to match one of the missing students. Young-Asui.


Upon further review, a chard piece of flesh was found. They identified the mysterious and disgusting liquid to have been her remains. There were suspicions of foul play; however, they have no idea what happened to her. The NPA believes it was an unfortunate accident, the cause of a mismatched unfortunate situation, or wrong-place-wrong-time. The forensic scientist believes differently, saying the villains must have happily burned her alive.

Aizawa had been emitted to intensive care as soon as the pros had arrived. He sustained irreparable injuries to his face, leaving a scar below his right eye. He has been in hospital ever since the incident. Alongside Aizawa, 13 had also been in hospital for the past couple of weeks. She had apparently sucked up a large portion of her back's tissue, causing her to lose a substantial amount of blood. She is making a swift recovery, with the help of Recovery Girl, of course; although, she's been in a comatose state from when she was emitted to the ER until now.

Circling around the students again, Young-Kirishima had endured serious trauma to the head. He apparently impacted into a wall during the attack. Due to this, he was submitted to a full-body scan, not excluding his head. During the brain scan, the doctors were not surprised to find several torn nerve tissue in his brain. He woke up shortly after being emitted to the emergency ward in the Tokyo Takanawa Hospital. The doctors had explained that Young-Kirishima would make a full recovery, but it was likely there would be some changes in his personality. Concussions do cause changes in the brain, after all.

Young-Sero also was rushed to the ER regarding his high-voltage electrical burns, as well as his unresponsiveness. After a full-body scan, it was revealed that he had mild damage to a few organs and portions of his tissue. He had woken up several times throughout his time in the hospital, only to sustain seizures and fall unconscious once again. Doctors had said that he would recover quickly, but he would likely have a scar along his back. After waking up a few days later, he was released from the hospital. Treatments for physical therapy were assigned due to the intensity of the villain's electricity.

Due to the dismemberment of Young-Shoji's duplicate Dupli-Arm, he was taken into urgent care. He explained that it was solely a duplicate and he could regrow it, so he was discharged a day after he was emitted to the hospital.

Then, there was me. My respiratory injury was reopened and I was rushed into surgery. They did as much as they could, but I fell into a deep coma, according to my sobbing daughter. They weren't sure if I would ever wake up but managed to keep the information outside of the news. I had been given a medical ventilator because of my difficulty breathing until about a day ago.

The doctors imagine that my time as a hero will have to be limited to a maximum of two hours and thirty minutes a day, if at all. Doctor Takahashi recommended I retire early, to prevent further damage to my almost fatal injury, but I countered, saying if I left the world would have no Symbol. I have to continue with my hero work, at least until my successor becomes the new Symbol.


I killed them.

I killed them!


I rapidly rocked my body back and forth as I thought of what I had done. Tears were streaming down my face as I proceeded to slash my arms. The crimson liquid, smelling of metal, slowly poured from my arms as I wept in solitude. The words of the doctors rung throughout my brain during my panicked outburst of emotion.

"How are the villains doing?" I asked the doctor, anxiety creeping into my voice.

I was worried that they had permanent damage. Villains are citizens, too. They're just like everyone else. No matter what they do, it doesn't give heroes the right to hurt them more than necessary. Although in our case we had to protect ourselves, it doesn't mean we should have done anything other than knock them out and capture them.

My mind raced back to the events of the other day. I remembered the screams they had let escape from their mouths, spouted in pain, as their skin boiled and burned from the acid. My emotions had gotten the better of me and I forgot to limit the solubility in the acid, causing it to be much more concentrated and devastating. I could still smell the acid, dissolving a portion of the villains' skin. The foul odour of burning flesh will never eradicate itself from my memories.

The doctor looked at me, wearing a confused look before he spoke.

"The villains? As in the ones who attacked you?" He asked me warily.

I nodded cautiously, still awaiting an answer from the older man.

"Why would you want to know how the villains are doing?" He asked me again, with confusion leaking into his voice.

Do heroes really not feel the need to ask about the conditions of the people they hospitalized? I felt confused. I would think this would have been a question many heroes would ask. I nodded again, wearing a look of pure puzzlement.

"Well, since you asked..." He sighed before continuing. " All of the villains were escorted to Fuchu Prison and immediately sent to the infirmary. They received treatment towards the acid wounds. Some of them made full recoveries and only sustained minor third-degree burns, while others suffered intense first-degree acid burns that will defiantly scar. Two of the villains, who seemed to be in closet range to your attack, had fatal injuries and didn't make it to the infirmary before their skin melted off."

I felt my heart stop as he explained the situation of the villains I had hurt.

"Based on that, I'd say twenty percent of the villains didn't survive your attack, but you did save your friend. If you hadn't done what you had, your friend, Mr. Sero, would have sustained larger injuries than the ones he had already been subjected to. Congratulations, you saved a life!" He spoke, patting me on the back, before walking into a nearby room.

I stalked through the hallways of U.A high as I walked to my classroom with bags beneath my eyes. I felt the gaze of students, passing by. I heard the murmurs of bystanders.

That's the girl who killed two people.

What's a girl like her even doing in a hero course.

I would make a much better hero than a cold, blooded, murderer.

I listened to the remarks of the students as I floated through the halls like a ghost. I felt like a Canadian Goose among a flock of Swans. Ostracized and alone. This feeling was new. I had always been outgoing and happy, I have never felt anything like the weight of the people I killed before. I hope I never feel anything like this ever again.

I walked through the doors to the classroom and was met with complete silence. Our class was typically loud and fun, but today it was cold and lifeless. The room was so silent you could hear a pin drop. I looked around at the faces of my classmates and noticed the desks full of flowers and notes. The pictures of my friends who had their lives cut short.

My classmates all had red eyes, accompanied by bags larger than Mr. Aizawa's. Slowly, I walked into the room towards my desk. No one dared to speak. This was the aftermath of the battle. The result of our failure. We all failed to protect our classmates, and now, they're .

"The looks on their faces. The looks on their faces were PRICELESS!"

My laughter was audible throughout the whole base as I reminisced of the attack we had pulled.

Although my father still breathed, I would consider this to be a victory.

I popped a can of my favourite beer make, Guinness, and happily celebrated in my room. The buzz of the bitter liquid felt amazing as it dripped down my throat. I've been running on pure adrenaline ever since I stepped through the warp gate, leading to the bar. With a notebook filled with information about the students and teachers at U.A, and the students broken, I felt accomplished.

I tore my shirt from my body, in preparation to wash the blood of my father from my torso. He acted rudely and spilled his blood all over me. As much as I love the idea of my father's blood on my hands, as long as he lives, I will see it as a reminder that I had failed my goal of terminating his existence.

I stepped into the shower and cleansed my body of the beautiful metallic smell of blood. Watching the crimson liquid mixing with the cold water, I sighed as my adrenaline rush slowly resided. I washed myself quickly before turning the water off, letting the cold air wrap my body in a blanket of frost. I loved the feeling of the cold, naked embrace of the air just after a shower. It was refreshing. Almost as refreshing as the amazing feeling of breathing in fresh, 2am air.

Dressing myself in a black baggy shirt and sweats, I left my room and walked into the bar. I conversed with Shigaraki-san, when, suddenly, the door burst open. There, in the wake of the night sky, stood my master.

"Stain-Sensei! What are you doing here? Were we supposed to train today?" I asked him as I perked up and walked towards him.

"Get ready, we're both going to Hosu City."

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