《That Day // Villain Deku》Chapter 16 : To Be Continued...


"You're too late, All Might..."

His voice was cold, and his words were spoken sharp enough to cut ice. Gazing at my expression, he started laughing psychotically. With his mask constricting my view of most of his face, I could only see his eyes. His eyes were squinted, obviously as a result of amusement. This psychotic man just witnessed the death of a child, and now is laughing with joy. My smile rested, unwavering upon my face, as a way of calming the traumatized child who had laid witness to this act of pure insanity and maliciousness.

The emerald-eyed man suddenly stopped smiling, eyes cold and void of any emotion but resentment. Those eyes... He stood there, as we stared at each other. His expression grew angrier and more displeased by the second.

"YOU SOCIOPATHIC HYPOCRITE!" The man, loosing his past humor, yelled at me with anger.

His expression and bipolarity was disturbing to be put frankly. I glanced at the student, still in a state of shock, and grimaced. Thoughts ran through my mind, but there was one constant motion that frequently passed though.

There are still eighteen innocent children who's lives were in danger.

Abandoning my previous reservations and shock, I ran towards the psychotic man staring at me. He seemed to have an amused expression from seeing my smile falter and fade, I'd guess. I was ten feet from the man, when out of no where, the giant bird who was beating Aizawa, stood in front of me. Ultimately, blocking my path.

I lifted my arm and prepared to punch this creature with one hundred percent of One For All. As my fist came into contact with the bird-like monster, my power seemed to have been lost. A raspy voice from my right began to speak.

"That's Nomu. He's been genetically modified to withstand your power and eradicate you from existence." The light-blue-haired man started, as the 'Nomu' grabbed my arm.

"His power, is shock absorption."

I smiled smugly as I watched the 'hero' standing before me looking shocked. Nomu grabbed his arm before punching my dear old dad just below his left rib.

During my first meeting with the Nomu standing before me, All For One reviewed my plan to eliminate All Might. He looked over my idea and revised it based on his knowledge of my father. He had told me that five years prior to my escape, he had been in a battle with my 'dad'.

The battle resulted in bloodshed, and an intense injury being dealt to both parties. The injury was terrible, he had lost his whole stomach along with other consequences; however, the injury All For One had sustained was far worse.

As I watched All Might's shirt start to stain with the crimson liquid I was all too familiar with, I had felt a sense of justice. This was just the beginning of my revenge. I started laughing to myself as I imagined how satisfying it would be to slowly break every bone in their miserable beings. I just want to tear off this mask and hood, revealing that the child whom they all shunned, was in fact alive. To reveal that the kid everyone thought of as less than human, was the one whom would correct them all.



I stopped myself as I thought of revealing myself now. As fun as it would be to see their faces contort in shock and fear, I don't want to do anything of the sort, yet. As they say...

Revenge is a dish best served cold.

I felt my shirt begin to sag as it's previously white material became soaked with my crimson blood. This mutant monster knew exactly where to punch me. I unhooked his arm from mine and punched him again. Repetitively punching him in the face, gut, and everywhere around his body. Punching him again, I knocked him forwards, putting me behind him. Remembering the raspy-voiced villain's words, I grabbed the monster's waist.

"Shock absorption, ey? Thanks for telling me how to beat him! All I have to do is wear him down, then it's on to you!" I spoke, ignoring the pain in my side from the creature's opening attack.

I leant backwards, preparing to slam his body into the ground, when all of a sudden, a purple portal opened behind me.

"Nice work, Kurogiri. Good to see you're atoning to your past missteps." A cold voice spoke from behind me.

I strained my neck to see the masked man shouting in my direction. Turning my head, I noticed a face, shrouded in a mist matching the purple portal beneath me. This must be the one who opened the portal.

I felt the agonizing pain of the monster's fingers digging into my flesh, as well as my injury. My face presented itself with an obviously pained frown. Struggling to pry the creature's claws from my side, I spoke.

"If this is your best, then you picked the wrong place to attack. You should just give up now!" My voice was steady and firm as I spoke. It was obvious I was trying to buy myself time.

"Kurogiri." The light-blue-haired man said calmly while scratching at his neck.

"Normally I wouldn't want blood and viscera flooding the insides of my warp gates, but I'll make an exception for a hero as great as you." The man, I'd assume to be Kurogiri, spoke with a hint of mockery.

"Since you're too fast to see with the human eye, Nomu had to restrain you." He spoke as the Nomu pulled my torso deeper into the warp gate. "And once he's pulled your body halfway through, I'll squeeze the gate shut."

I struggled and looked to my left, noticing a fit of laughter emerging from the green-eyed figure a mere fifty feet away from me. In hand, he was holding a notebook, writing in said notebook every few seconds.

Looking further behind the villains, I remembered I had neglected a student. Young-Iida stood watching the whole scene unfold. He seemed too stunned at the death of his classmate to even move.

"I'm going to enjoy slowly tearing you to pieces." Kurogiri spoke again.

I could sense the tone of vengeance in his voice, hinting at a personal vendetta against me. I felt my body slowly moving further into the portal when suddenly I heard a loud scream of rage.



The grip on my body loosened just enough for me to free myself from the Nomu's grasp while the attention of the villains was directed at the noise. Just as I escaped the Nomu, I heard more yelling.


Katsuki screamed at Kurogiri, before sending an explosion towards to man made of mist. Clearing from the ash, I could see Katsuki holding a piece of metal on the villain's neck.

"Move and I'll blow your ass up." He spoke calmly, which only added to his fearful aura.

The Nomu lunged at me, but before I could counter attack, a sheet of ice trapped him in his place. Looking to my left, I saw a giant Dark Shadow in the distance, slowly shrinking. Then, to my right, my daughter and her friends, Shoto, and Katsuki, were laid out. They all seemed ready to strike.

Regaining my composure, I told them all to get out of here and help Young-Tokoyami, Young-Ojiro, and Young-Iida. They hesitantly said yes after a bit of persuasion. As soon as Katsuki's grip on Kurogiri left, the man of mist warped away, standing behind the two villains, whom were observing the scene.

"Let's finish this once and for all!" I spoke, unironically adding a little quip, with my new found boost of confidence.

All Might is so oblivious, he didn't even notice one of his students. I watched as Bakugou, Todoroki, and my sister, ran to help get their classmates away from the situation. They helped, the now calm Tokoyami, the frazzled Ojiro, and the shocked Iida. While they helped their peers escape, I noticed they had forgotten a certain floating pear of white gloves. Poor little Hagakure was so shocked by the death of her classmate that she could hardly speak.

The audacity my father must have to call himself the Number One Hero, only to leave a traumatized child in the wake of a battle. I scoffed.

Turning my attention from the oblivious students, I watched attentively as Nomu battled with All Might. They exchanged punches so fast I could barely keep track.

23... 76... 109...

"...I will go beyond! Plus... ULTRA!" He screamed before dealing one final punch to the Nomu, breaking my eardrums in the process.

I watched the Nomu fly through the roof of the USJ, taking notes. There are a lot of changes to be made regarding the Nomu's design. All Might started charging towards Shigaraki, obviously still enraged about his dear student. He raised his fist, obviously preparing to punch my friend with a maxed out punch. Just before his fist came into contact with my calm friend, I caught All Might's fist in my hand, effortlessly. I stepped in front of Shigaraki, shielding All Might's view.

"Now, now, All Might..." I started. "Let's not be too hasty..." I spoke in a sickly-sweet tone with a bitter-sweet smile plastered on my face.

The rage seeped through the man's aura, despite his tone. I tried to free my balled fist from the man's grasp, but his grip was much stronger than the Nomu's. How could this man withstand One For All at one hundred percent?

Physically speaking, he seemed quite strong. Decently sized muscles, visible through his hoodie. Height wise, he was around five-foot-nine or so by my estimation. I was much taller of course, but it was evident that this man was as strong as the Nomu, if not more. Considering I was already past my limit, this could serve as a problem.

Abruptly, I was torn from my thoughts as I heard the man speak.

"Oh look, your daughter, Izumi, is here... and her friends too..." He started.

I stood shocked at his words. How could someone, a villain at that, know about my daughter. Only a selected group of individuals knew of my daughter's existence. I gaped as he continued.

"Bakugou Katsuki. Son of Bakugou Masaru and Bakugou Mitsuki. Quirk : Explosion. He sweats nitroglycerin, and can ignite it on command..." He paused, taking a moment to scan through the children.

"Todoroki Shoto. Son of Todoroki Enji and Todoroki Rei. Brother of Todoroki Touya, Todoroki Fuyumi, and Todoroki Natsuo. Quirk : Half Hot, Half Cold. He can shoot ice from his right side, and fire from his left; although, he refuses to use his left side due to his abusive father's influence." The children, obviously listening in, were stunned.

"Yagi. Izumi..." He started, speaking slowly as he gripped my arm tighter, shifting his gaze from Shoto to my daughter.

"Daughter of Yagi Toshinori and Yagi Inko." His eyes, glowing a vibrant green, bored into my own, as his words laced with venom and poison filled the area. Not falling unheard to the children watching attentively from a few hundred feet away.

"Sister of Yagi Izuku, status, deceased. Quirks : Psychokinesis Enhancement, and One. For. All." His voice was menacing and slow.

"How do you know the name of- ARGH" My voice was cut off as the villain forcefully deflated my arm.

He let go of my arm before punching just under my left rib, where my injury was. The sheer force of his strength knocked me backwards into a wall. Smoke filled my sights as my muscular form faded. Surprise and shock took over the faces of my daughter's friends as the smoke cleared. Of course they would be surprised. All Might, their idol, is the father of their childhood friend.

As blood spewed from my mouth, the man started to walk closer to me. A light, matching the color of his eyes, started emitting from the mans hands as a large, green whip made of electricity formed. Lifting his whip, he prepared to strike me, when all of a sudden, a bullet was fired right next to his head.

He looked to the entrance, and in the distance stood Snipe : The Marksmen Hero. He continued firing perfectly accurate bullet, which the green-eyed villain promptly dodged. As the man walked back, Kurogiri opened a warp gate. Just before walking through, he looked back at me.

"Well then, All Might... I guess this means To Be Continued..."

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