《That Day // Villain Deku》Chapter 15 : You're Too Late, All Might.


I felt my lungs start to burn as I ran faster than I ever had in my life. The USJ was so far away from the main building, we had to take a bus there. So, I had a long run ahead of me. I was so nervous. My legs felt like they were about to fall off, but I knew if I had stopped, then some of my classmates could potentially die.

Thoughts of my classmates played through my mind. The reasons they wanted to become heroes, the jokes we all shared, the funny training fails. Momo, Izumi, Uraraka, Tsu, Denki, Mina. Everyone of my classmates meant so much to me. We were like a family. Tears started to form at the rim of my eyes as I imagined life without them. Although it had only been two weeks since we had met, the bond we all shared sprouted almost instantly. Even Bakugou was dear in my heart.

Wiping my eyes, I ran into a person. There before me, stood All Might, in all his glory. He was wearing a white t-shirt and green cargo pants. He took one look at me and realized something must have gone wrong.

"What happened? Are you ok, Young Jiro?" He bombarded me with questions, worry tracing his voice.

"T-The... U... S... J... is... un-der... attack!" I said between gasps. "Vi-villains!"

Through my attempts at explaining the situation and catching my breath, he sped off to the USJ. I still had roughly a mile to run to get back to the main building. With the number 1 hero running to the scene, I felt more at peace and confident. After catching my breath, I used my determination to push me through the last mile. Dear God, please let my classmates be alright.


We were dropped in the Landslide Zone not even ten minutes ago and Bakugou was already going feral. I put down my right foot and froze fourteen of the the fifteen villains that I was assigned to defeat. They were all acting like children, upset about not getting a candy bar. Turning to look at my two childhood friends, I noticed Bakugou screaming at the fifteen villains he was supposed to 'take care of'. He was really giving me a headache.

Izumi was floating her fifteen villains at least thirty feet off the ground, changing their orientation every few seconds. She was trying to gain information from them, same as me. Although, I guess Bakugou just preferred to beat his villains unconscious.

"What is your business with us?" I asked coldly with my usual monotoned voice.

They remained silent. A villain shot up behind me with a metal spear and I dodged him with grace, catching the spear and freezing him in the process. These villains seem to think they can kill the Symbol Of Peace. I don't see how they could. At first, I thought they had gathered a lot of elite villains, but these villains are nothing but low-level thugs, pawns, expendable lives. From what I can tell, there are only four or five truly dangerous people here. How do they plan on defeating the All Might? I reworded myself, and this time spoke with more anger seeping from my aura to my voice.


"Listen well, if you stay frozen your cells will die as your bodies succumb to frost bite and hypothermia. Luckily for you, I want to become a hero, so I'd like to avoid any unnecessary cruelty." I paused, noticing Izumi looking at me, obviously thinking I was talking about Izuku. "But I can only do that if you tell me how you plan to kill All Might. That's the only way you'll survive."

The mist cleared as I saw Sero falling next to me. He shot a string of tape around my waist, and another from his other elbow to a tall object. As soon as we both landed safely and he removed the tape, we were ambushed by villains. There weren't many, just ten, but considering there were only two of us, and we only had about two weeks of real training prior to now, we were scared.

"I take the five on the left, you take the five on the right?" I asked him, taking control of the situation and masking the fear with fake enthusiasm.

He looked at me and smirked, then said a quick 'You're on'. I spewed my acid onto one of the villains, making sure to keep the solubility to a minimum. Although these are villains, it doesn't give us the right to hurt them more than necessary. I shot my acid all over them; however, due to the solubility, they weren't going down as quickly as I'd hoped.

After I had knocked out three of the villains, I took a second-long glance at Sero. He was fighting his last villain. I looked at the pile of taped up villains and noticed one of them, fully conscious, escaping. Just before I got the chance to alert him, the villain used his quirk to electrocute Sero and he was out cold. The villain started charging at his limp body that laid on the ground, when I beat him to it. I stood over Sero's body, screamed at the top of my lungs, and fired a much more concentrated burst of acid at the villain running at me, as a result of my nerves getting the better of me. In the process, acid started expelling from all over my body as a powerful beam, knocking down all of the villains within a thirty-feet radius.

The man closest to me started screaming and shrieking, as his skin turned red. My acid had left visible burns, ranging from mild first degree burns to extreme third degree burns. I cringed as I watched the electric man's skin bubbling and boiling. I looked around me and saw the same fate for every other villain surrounding us. They were all crying out in pain. I felt a wave of guilt and remorse cloud over me as I began to panic. Although I want to be a hero, I deliberately hurt all these people. I made them all suffer. I'm a monster.


I held my unconscious classmate in my arms for a moment as I sobbed. After a few minutes, I picked Sero up and started running from the Ruins Zone, not bothering to look back. He had high voltage electrical burns all over his face and back. I was running to maybe find 13 or another pro who could help. Then, when I find help, I can send someone to help the ten or so villains I had hurt. Sero started stirring, and then he woke up. I was carrying him in my arms and started asking him questions.

"Are you ok? How are you feeling? Are you in any pain?..."

I was about to continue, when he fell unconscious again. I frowned with worry, and started running faster. I could see the stairs leading up to the entrance just coming into view.

"We're almost there... hold on, Sero..."

I fell out of a purple portal and landed in one of the covered areas of the USJ. There was fire and smoke everywhere. This must be the Conflagration Zone. I looked around and saw about twenty villains surrounding me. They all had gas masks on and what looked to be fireproof hazard suits. Likely to shield themselves from the gas, fire, and my mucous.

As soon as I was transported here, I realized they must have known my quirk. Of course, there was a 1/6 chance that I would have landed here even if it were just a coincidence; although, I'd think the chances that they knew what my quirk was prior to sending me here are quite high. I immediately started leaping away from villains as they started attacking and lunging for me. It was extremely difficult to evade the villains attacks, as we were surrounded by fire and gas.

I was beginning to feel light-headed, likely due to the Carbon monoxide being expelled from the fire. I looked for a spot I could jump to next, but noticed two villains with fire quirks, spreading fire all around the area. Then I realized.

They were trapping me in.

I looked around, desperately for a safe spot to land, but found nothing. No where to climb. No where to jump. No where to run. The villains were closing in on me and I was once again surrounded, but this time, I had no escape. The villains with fire quirks started spewing fire in my direction, and I felt my skin start to burn. My flesh started to melt as I felt the excruciating pain take over all of my senses. The smell of burning flesh. The ringing in my ears. The condescending looks from the villains. I was in pain and still rendering the situation I was presented with.

I was burning alive.

My nerve endings started to fry as my lungs and airways started to burn. The fire must have been extremely concentrated considering I was burning so fast. As I laid on the ground, I was left staring at the villains. They looked at me and I could see the accomplishment on their faces behind the masks. The world seemed to move in slow motion. My blinking slowed and my vision was going black as I watched them all laughing. Some danced around the fire, while other looked at me and waved. I took in my final breaths, feeling my flesh boiling and melting; meanwhile, the people around me just watched and mocked my death. Thinking one final thought as I slowly burned alive.

I hope the others made it out alive.

"I am here!" I shouted as I entered the USJ.

My eyes were closed as I spoke. I thought those words alone would put all nineteen of the 1-A students at ease, but I was wrong. I heard the screams of my students fill my ears. My eyes quickly shot opened at the scene that was unfolding before me.

The USJ was in ruins. 13 was on the ground, unconscious and extremely injured. Young-Mina was panting and carrying an unconscious Young-Sero. Young-Sero had High Voltage burns all along his face and soot marks all over his hero costume. Further away, in the Central Plaza, Aizawa was on the floor underneath a large bird-like monster. Then, a little off to the right of Aizawa, I saw a pale, blue haired man holding Young-Koda's face. Before my eyes, Young-Koda turned to ash. I ran towards the scene in horror.

Arriving too late, the students present, along with the villains, acknowledged my presence. A man in black, wearing a mask, looked at me directly. His glowing, emerald green eyes pierced through my soul. Looking at me, he began to speak, with ice tracing his words.

"You're too late, All Might."

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