《That Day // Villain Deku》Chapter 14 : I Am Here!


As the purple mist cleared, I felt my body falling through the air. Preparing to land on the ground, I looked down and saw water. I must be in the flood zone, then. The water soon surrounded me, filling my engines. I heard a voice coming from my left and noticed a villain swimming my way. Quickly, I swam to the surface. Gasping for air, I saw a boat. There were at least fifteen villains stationed in the water, racing at me. I swam and dodged every villain that came towards me, slowly making my way towards the boat and once I got there, I began to climb the side of the boat.

Upon hoisting myself to the deck of the boat, I noticed one of my other classmates already there. I recognized him as Koda. He was cowering against the boat and seemed to be talking to himself.

"Koda! I'm so good to see you got to safety! Did you happen to see anyone else from our class in the water or on deck, yet?" I asked him with relief seeping from my voice.

I was very relieved to know I wasn't alone here. As they say, safety in numbers, right? As I made my way towards my timid classmate, I heard a quiet sigh of anger.

"I'm here too, y'know!"

Upon hearing a familiarly feminine voice, I noticed two white gloves floating amongst the air. Bowing my head apologetically, I vocalized my remorse and compunctions. She then apologized for her rude outburst. We all realized we'd need a plan to escape this unfortunate situation, before the villains, still in the water, attacked. Crouching down, we started brainstorming and analyzing the situation we were currently presented with.

"How could we possibly escape these villains with our quirks? We're totally not suited for this!" Hagakure pointed out.

While Koda and Hagakure panicked, I was thinking of the situation and our powers. A thought came to my mind. While this could have been a coincident, it seems a little too perfect. Our quirks are specifically unmatched for the flood zone. It were almost as if they had prior knowledge of all of our quirks.

Hagakure has a strong quirk, there's no doubt, but any movement she were to make would be evident in such an environment. The water would make noise and air bubbles would definitely give away her location. Rendering her invisibility quirk virtually useless. This would make her more of a hinderance in battle, per this particular situation.

Then there is Koda. His power to control and communicate with animals is definitely impressive; however, there are no animals situated in the USJ's Flood Zone. Because of this, he doesn't have any real power in conditions like these.

After Hagakure and Koda, there would be me. While I can run extremely fast, due to my quirk: engine, this does not apply to swimming. A car can drive fast, up to 210mph on certain makes, but if you drop it in water it won't necessarily match those speeds. I swim just as any normal person would. So, all of us are at a disadvantage against the villains in the water.

Looking to the villains, I noticed that they all seemed to have water related quirks. The villain whom first attacked me was, in fact, a heteromorphic villains who seemed to have gills, and more fish-like features. They were all in their element. As well as having water-orientated quirks, the majority of the villains seemed to be adults. Age ranging from early twenties to maybe as far as late forties. They were in a complimenting environment regarding their quirks, as well as having more experience than us.


"This doesn't look good..." I said, startling them from my previous period of silence.

"What do you mean?" Koda asked me with fright, imminent in his tone.

"None of our quirks seem to be of use in an environment such as this one. Besides, even if there were a particular use that could benefit us right now, the villains down in the water have much more experience. They also seem to have quirks fit for water." I explained.

"Whom ever planned this coordinated attack must have an IQ far more advanced than any ordinary person's." I muttered under my breath; though, it was loud enough for my two peers to have heard.

"Well we can't just do nothing!" Hagakure said, determination leaking from her voice.

"Who knows how long the pros will take to get here, if they even make it at all. The villains down there could attack us at any moment, so we have to do something as soon as we can. There must be something we can do!" She added to her previous statement.

I thought for a moment before looking to my two classmates. They were shaking.

I have to save them!

It is my duty as an aspiring hero, and as their class representative.

I walked to the side of the boat to glance the villains in the water. As a curtesy, they seemed to be giving us time to accept our fates. Looking back to my classmates, I began to speak.

"I have an idea."

My words were cut short as a giant hand made of water clawed at the boat.

"Time's up, kids!"


To my horror, and probably the villain's as well, I saw Tokoyami's quirk 'Dark Shadow' grow to the size of a dragon and begin to thrash around. We were fighting villains in the downpour zone pretty much straight after we had all fallen here. There were approximately twenty villains here waiting, before any of us had even dropped.

Straight away, I was assaulted from behind by a villain. I recovered fast and counter-attacked the villain with a strong tail whip and a roundhouse kick. Upon knocking down the villain, I decided to just run. This would give me time to regroup with any of my classmates that may or may not have been transported to the downpour zone with me. It would be super inconvenient if I were situated alone.

I do love my quirk's mutation, but at the moment, with only around two weeks of proper training, I don't feel comfortable with my ability to fend off God knows how many villains. Although I am a black belt in karate, there is truth the to phrase 'safety in numbers'. As I ran through the rainy, grey, fake city, dodging villains as they came, I found a couple of my classmates already fighting. Naturally, I joined in to help.

Kirishima hardened his body and was currently attacking an opponent with what seemed to be a strength quirk. As Kirishima was fighting, another villain came up behind him, attempting to strike him on the head with was looked to be a metal bat. Kirishima, luckily, heard the footsteps of the villain behind him and dodged the bat just before impact, causing the villain to accidentally hit his comrade in the process.


"Wow, so un-manly of you, bro!" He shouted before hardening his arm and punching the villain square in the jaw.

Next to me, Tokoyami was stationed. He looked to be having an inward battle with himself. I couldn't understand why though, his quirk seemed to be the most suited for a setting like this. Dark Shadow could cover our blind spots and help in fighting. I tore my eyes from Tokoyami and looked at my other classmate.

Shoji was fighting a villain that seemed to have a quirk similar to Vlad King's. He cut his arm and a stream of his blood began to morph into a sword. With said sword, made solely of blood, he dismembered one of Shoji's Dupli-Arm extensions.

A loud, blood curdling scream emerged from beside me. I whipped my head around to see Tokoyami being overtaken by Dark Shadow.


Almost instantly, Dark Shadow attacked and annihilated every villain within the downpour zone. Kirishima, Shoji and I were relieved and were about to congratulate Tokoyami, when out of nowhere, Kirishima was thrown across the city street we were battling in. As his body repelled backwards and impacted with a wall, Shoji and I ran to him.

Crouching down I checked his pulse. He was alive, just unconscious. His head must have impacted with the building. I was worried that maybe this could cause a concussion, but quickly made a realization. There is still one more villain to defeat, and it must be a strong one.

"Dark Shadow!" Tokoyami screamed from the top of his lungs, obviously in distress.

I peered to my right and noticed dark shadow, thrashing around, attempting to attack Shoji. There were no villains around, so Dark Shadow must have been the one to attack Kirishima. This must have been the reason Tokoyami seemed so stressed earlier on. I looked towards Kirishima, then Shoji, then Tokoyami and made a plan.

With Shoji injured and Kirishima unconscious, I was the only one who could do something. The only thing I could do, is lead Dark Shadow and Tokoyami away from the downpour zone. Outside, I can maybe get help from my classmates, or if available, the pros.

With Hagakure and Koda stationed on my back, I jumped from the boat, shifting into fifth gear. I had realized the only way to escape this situation would be to run along the only platforms available: The villain's heads. As barbaric as it sounds, it was the only way.

I aimed my foot to land on the head of an unexpected villain. As my foot came into contact with the villain, he started to sink. I jumped before his head fully sunk, and as fast as possible, I jumped from villain to villain. Trying desperately to keep the momentum, I had to dodge the constant quirks being fired at me and adjust to the movements of the villains.

We cleared the flood zone hastily, and decided to check on Mr. Aizawa in the center. As we were walking towards where the fight was, I couldn't help but let my mind wander. Something seemed off with how easily we had escaped. Although the placement of my peers and I seemed strategic, perhaps I was thinking too much about this. The villains we faced were nothing but low-level thugs it seemed. Maybe this was all just a diversion. Maybe this was all just to separated us. This could have been a trap or a ploy to mask a larger motive.

My mind raced through thoughts of possible reasons as to why it was so easy to escape the villains until we arrived at the center of the USJ. There, we saw Mr. Aizawa, defeating villains with speed. Based on how easily he is taking down these villains, it seems to me that these were just low-level thugs trying to make a name for themselves, it seems we have nothing to worry about.

As my eyes darted around the villains, I noticed a man dressed in black. He didn't seem to be doing much. Just writing in a notebook. He watched the fight with my teacher and wrote stuff down. Every time Mr. Aizawa's hair stopped floating, the man wrote in his book. Maybe I was right. Maybe this was all a diversion to gather information on the pros and students. Maybe they used the thugs as expendable lives. Simply to test our abilities.

"Wow! Mr. Aizawa is amazing!" Shouted Hagakure, bringing the attention of the masked, note taker to us.

He looked towards us and locked eyes with me. He tore his gaze from me and began writing in his notebook again while taking second-long glances towards us.

Is he taking notes on Hagakure, Koda and I?

Just then, a giant monster-like creature showed up and started to attack Mr. Aizawa. He pinned Mr. Aizawa to the ground, holing his arm behind his back. In the process breaking it. The monster slammed my teacher's head to the ground, causing blood to spill from his face.

A purple mist started forming behind the man taking notes on this whole exchange. It was the mist from before. He walked up to a man with pale, sickly looking skin and blue hair, then he began to speak.

"Shigaraki, we may have a problem" He started in a low, monotoned voice.

"What is it, Kurogiri?" The man replied with annoyance.

"The children at the entrance bested me in a battle. When I had woken up, one was gone. I think they might have left to alert the pros."

"Dammit, Kurogiri!" The masked man suddenly exploded, abandoning his previous calmness. "I planned this to go perfectly! There wasn't any reason they should have gotten past you!" He continued.

"Then that means this is game over. Back to the title screen. I was really looking forward to killing All Might..." The man with blue hair added.

"Well, before we leave, we should at least break the heroes' pride, right?" The masked man said, malice dripping from his honey-sweet voice.

Without any time to react, the man with blue hair was in front of Koda. His hand came into contact with his face and Koda's body turned to ash.

"I Am Here!"

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