《That Day // Villain Deku》Chapter 13 : I-I Don't Want To Die!


As I walked through the portal, I was instantly engulfed in light. Even though I was wearing a hoodie and a black surgical mask, I still had to squint my eyes. The light level in the bar compared to the USJ was equivalent to a black hole and the sun.

After adjusting to the light, I quickly scanned the premises. It was interesting.

The schematics don't do this place justice.

Making a mental map, my eyes landed on my old friends. They were shaking.


Today they're going to feel a minor percentage of how I felt my whole life. Today, they, and all of their classmates, will feel the consequences of their actions. Today, they will feel the rage of a damaged soul. Today, they will reap what they have sown.

I tore my eyes from the three and glanced towards Shigaraki-san. He was scratching his neck and quietly mumbling incoherent words. I could only make out loose words, but it was enough to know what he was trying to say.




All Might.

I was placing the words in my head and organizing them. Although I didn't have many words, I came to a conclusion.

My dear dad's not here.

"Wow! Awesome you guys even got fake villains!"

"Those are real! Get back!"

As those few words left the mouth of our teacher, the looks of awe and amazement quickly abandoned our innocent faces.

What were real villains doing here?

How did they even get in here?

Many of us were in shock. Scanning through the villains that stood before me, my eyes landed on a familiar hoodie.

That man dressed in black, wearing a mask...

He was at the Yoshinoya Shoto, Kacchan and I were at ten weeks ago.

I remembered Shoto pointing him out in the restaurant for whatever reason.

His eyes looked so familiar.

They say the eyes are the windows to the soul, and I completely agree. Perhaps Shoto believed in that as well and saw then in that man what I could see now: pure evil.

As our eyes met, I couldn't help but feel small, as if there was more to the fury behind them. As if there was more to the rage behind them.

He stared at Kacchan, Shoto, and I for what seemed like forever, and then he turned his gaze towards the man next to him. The purple mist they had used to infuriate the USJ grew eyes and began to speak.

"The only real heroes I see are Erasure Head and Thirteen." The mist began. "Perplexing, according to the schedule we retrieved from U.A, All Might should be here as well..."

Aizawa and Thirteen wore the same expressions as the rest of us — at least, I assumed Thirteen did under her suit — minus the fright evident on our faces, of course.

They were both confused.

"When could they have gotten their hands on a U.A official document as important as a class schedule?" Aizawa muttered quietly to himself and Thirteen.

I listened to my peers and the pros make a plan to get us all to safety, but as Aizawa was giving us our instructions, he started walking towards the villains. His quirk allowed him to cancel out that of another, but it only worked on one person at a time. It's also limited to the amount of time he can hold open his eyes. That's the reason he strives in one-on-one combat, particularly surprise attacks.


His quirk isn't suited for group attacks.

"What are you gonna do?" I asked him with worry evidently rolling off my tongue.

Although he's made it abundantly clear that he hates me wholeheartedly, I still was worried for him. He's my teacher, so it only makes sense I would be nervous for his well-being.

"You can't fight them on your own, there's too many of them. Even if you can nullify their quirks, your fighting style's not suited for this. Your power works best in stealth and one-on-one fights." I said, stating the obvious.

Looking down, I continued.

"It's not gonna help with a group..."

"Can't be a pro if you've only got one trick." He retorted in a lecturing voice.

I watched him run off towards the villains and wipe three out instantly. A heteromorphic man with blue skin and six arms screamed at Mr. Aizawa about cancellation not working on him.

"A villain like you is only dangerous if you can reach me." He paused, as he dodged another man's punch and roundhouse kicked him in the face.

"Luckily, I've taken measures to make sure that's never happened." He finished while slamming the blue-skinned heteromorphic man to the floor with his scarf.

I stood there, watching in awe.

Have I been looking at this the wrong way?

As I watched my teacher, barely using his quirk, I felt tears begin to form in my eyes. I couldn't help but wonder whether that could have been Izuku. With proper training and technique, Izuku maybe could have become a hero. An underground hero, that could have specialized in stealth-attacks―like my teacher.

I've been looking at being a hero the wrong way.

I've always thought you needed a quirk to help people, but maybe...

"This is no time to be spacing off!" Iida warned me, pulling me from my self-induced trance.

Quickly wiping my eyes dry, I started running with the rest of my class towards the exit. As we were nearing the door, the purple mist that somehow transported the villains here, appeared in front of us.

"It's a pleasure to meet you. We are the League of Villains. I know it's impolite, but we decided to invite ourselves into this haven of justice to say hello..." The mist paused. "Besides, isn't this a fitting place for All Might, the Symbol Of Peace, to take his last breath. I believe he was supposed to be here today, and yet I see no sign of him. there must have been some sort of change in plans we could not have foreseen. Well, in the end, I suppose it does not matter. I still have a role to play." He spoke with malice and frost upon mentioning my father.

Thirteen raised her hand, preparing to capture the being shrouded in mist, when out of nowhere, three of my classmates jumped into action. A large explosion erupted from my explosive friend's hand, while a structure of ice grew from the right hand of my dual-coloured friend. The smoke and ash cleared, revealing Kacchan, Kirishima, and Shoto, standing below the villain.


"You live up to your school's reputation, but you should be more careful children, otherwise someone could get hurt." The villain's voice was spiteful, yet calm. His voice and body language sounded as if he were directing his hate-filled words specifically towards Kacchan, Shoto, and I.

As Thirteen was shouting at the three, rash boys standing in her way, the purple villain expanded.

"Now, to implement faze two of the boy's plan." He spoke quietly, to himself.

While I watched as my friends and I were enveloped in the purple fog, I couldn't help but to be worried.

What was going to happen to us?

I felt mon beau visage fall from the purple portal, becoming bruised in the process. Yelping out in pain, I shut my eyes. Voices of surrounding villains flew through mes oreilles. In fear, I opened my eyes and looked around me. At least fifteen villains stood, loomed over my figure. I looked around myself, and all I could see were cliffs and rocks.

I must be dans la zone montagneuse.

I quickly scanned across the mountain range and saw an opening between the villains. Gathering mon petit amount of courage, I hastily rose from my place sur la terre and ran towards a pathway that remained unblocked. Running pour ma vie, I made it to a pathway leading up. I didn't think about where I was going, I simply ran. The villains were closely chasing behind me as I ascended the mountain. Mon cœur was racing and my lungs were hurting. The more I ran, my speed decreased exponentially.

I was alone, with villains on my tail, and they were gaining on me.

I ran and ran until there was nowhere left to run. Stopping just before the edge of the cliff, I turned to face les méchants. They stopped just in front of me and began to use their quirks. As an act of impulse, I stepped backward to try and escape the villains.


My heart stopped when I felt nothing but air beneath my foot. Time seemed to slow, as my magnificent being fell backward, off of the cliff. The villains looked at my falling figure, and all I could see in their faces was a look of accomplishment. As I fell, a scary thought passed through my mind.

I was falling to my death and had no possible chance of survival.

Thrashing through the air, I thought repetitively the same words.

I don't want to die.

I don't want to die.

I don't want to die.

My Arms flailed around as I tried to gain a grip on the mountain's side, but it was all an act performed in vain.

Désoler, mama, et papa.

Je suis désolé...

My vision was engulfed in darkness as the sickening crunch of my bones filled my ears. A ringing sound soon took over my ears as I took my final breaths in pain.

"J-Je ne veux pas encore mourir..."

As the warp mist cleared, I watched the remaining students as they shook with fear. The students remaining were Uraraka Ochaco, Kaminari Denki, Sato Rikido, Jiro Kyoko, and Yaoyorozu Momo. I didn't have much to work with. The six kids that weren't transported across the USJ had impressive quirks, there's no doubt, but I wasn't sure how I could put all of their strengths to use against a villain this impressive.

"Everyone! Get back!" I shouted in an attempt to keep the children out of danger.

The kids ran behind me and I powered up my quirk. The purple mist that was emitting from the villain was quickly captured by black hole. As my quirk was sucking up the villain, he chuckled darkly before opening a warp gate in front of himself and behind me. I felt my suit being ripped apart as well as the pain of my back being destroyed. Gasps of the young aspiring heroes behind me filled my ears as I fell to the ground.

"H-He got me..." I said, sorrow lacing my words.

I watched Thirteen fall to the ground with fright. Gathering all the courage and willpower I had, I ran at the villain. I panicked due to my rash action and scanned the villain for a body I could make float. Then I saw it.

A metal neck brace.

I came into contact with the metal surrounding the villain's neck and he started floating.

"Denki! Use your quirk and electrify this villain!" I shouted at him, taking leadership of the situation.

"I can't control it! If I used it, I could hurt you all, too!" He shouted back at me, nervousness evident in his voice.

Momo, on impulse, created a giant blanket of insolation that looked to be about 10 centimetres thick. Running to get underneath the shield, I started to feel sick. Kaminari walked towards the villain and started shocking him from the ground. After the villain shut his eyes and looked to be unconscious I released him and started throwing up.

Momo removed the blanket, giving Sato and Jiro the opportunity to attack the villain. Although the villain was unconscious, they decided to stay close to the villain as a pro caution. Realizing we were the only people who could alert the pros of the situation, we started conversing and weighing out our options.

Thirteen was currently in critical condition, while Kaminari was officially in his 'Yay-Mode'.

I was, at the moment, releasing bodily-fluids from my mouth, and Momo was wearing a miniskirt.

The obvious candidates for the run would have been Jiro or Sato. Assessing both their stats, we discovered that Jiro was, surprisingly, the fastest of us; therefore, our panic-stricken conversation ended with Jiro bolting to the main building.

I just hope the rest of our classmates are ok.

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