《That Day // Villain Deku》Chapter 12 : Who Are They?!


I felt refreshed as I sucked in a breath of the dewy, morning air from the window a couple of rows across from me. Mornings were my favourite for this reason. The air was refreshing, humid, and dewy – more so during Tokyo's rainy season, that being June and July, but luckily, the spring's air could at least manage to be refreshing in the mornings.

My job as the League's named 'U.A. Infiltrator' was to gather information about U.A. High School from the inside and report back to them to attack the heroes at their weakest points. Although, it wasn't as if the students had access to information detailing blind sports U.A. was vulnerable to and such, so I wasn't sure how much help I was. At this point, I honestly felt like dead weight to the League, like they could do fine without me.

I knew I needed to get up off my ass and put in the same amount of effort as everyone else.

With motivation coursing through my veins, I stood abruptly from my seat and walked towards Mr. Aizawa's desk – concealing my deviously poisonous grin in the process, which I was dead sure no one had been able to notice.

"Mr. Aizawa? May I use the restroom?" I asked sheepishly.

He gave me a quick sideways glance – not taking his eyes from his work for more than a few moments – before nodding a short 'okay' and permitting me to bolt through the unnecessarily large doors towards the bathroom. Immediately as I arrived in the restroom, I checked every stall thoroughly, as well as the hall for good measure, before I inevitably went invisible.

Joining the League as a spy, All for One realized it would be in the League's best interest that I had a stealth quirk to conceal my presence when necessary, so he gifted me a more worthwhile quirk – a second quirk. It was a quirk that gave me the ability to turn myself invisible; however, that was boring on its own. Invisibility was valuable – especially when compared to my first quirk. However, it wasn't good enough in a school as paranoid as the famous U.A. High: Hero school extraordinaire! A school like this would have infrared and thermographic surveillance cameras made to detect invisibility quirks if need be. Otherwise, people with powers like Hagakure's would have free range over the classified documents in U.A.'s vault.

Invisibility was nothing to scoff at, but someone on a mission to destroy everything heroes stood for would need something more. So, my quirk also gave me the ability to control my body temperature. With a feature like that, I could match my heat signature to the temperature of whatever room I enter, thus concealing my visual and thermal presence. So long as I didn't make any audible noise or move in an environment where footprints could be left, I would be completely undetectable.

I called this quirk Dissipate.

Using Dissipate to its full potential, I scoured the halls for something, anything, that may be of use to myself and the League, and then I came across a room titled 'The Archive'.

This is it.

I found it surprisingly unguarded for a place that presumably stored information about students, teachers, and advantageous points in the school that could all be exploited by ill-willed people – such as myself. However, I wasn't going to complain.

"After all, it's their funeral." I grinned, speaking at a low, husky voice – undoubtedly from not having spoken all morning.

While choking down the need to clear my throat in fear of being louder than necessary, I looked through files for timetables, schedules, or any other form that would help me find a moment where the heroes would be more spread out, rather than all condensed in the main building. And like a gift from whatever God or Devil was watching over me, I felt a file titled 'U.S.J.' fall into my hands.


"Unforeseen Simulations Join, or 'USJ'..." I read aloud. "An off-campus natural disasters training facility."

Flipping through the file at superhuman speed but still making sure to absorb all of the information, I learned that the U.S.J. was a training facility under the supervision of a pro hero named Thirteen. Although, the best part, in my opinion, was the fact that she ran it alone.

Completely alone.

"The U.S.J. is far enough away that no one would hear the screams of a couple of dozen heroes in training," I muttered to myself.

However, another point to be noted, mentioned in the schematics of the building, was the alarms – that, of course, had to be on par with the school's. only showcasing the extreme paranoia of the school more.

This wasn't much of a problem, though, as any villain with an electric-themed quirk would be able to mask the alarms.

Continuing to scan the enormously large file, I found a timetable indicating that our class would be visiting the U.S.J. with All Might, as well as Mr. Aizawa, the following week. Consequently, prompting and beckoning the sickening grin I'd suppressed in the classroom to dance about, making its way back onto my face in slow, quivering movements and causing me to cup a hand over my mouth – not that anyone could see it anyways.

This would be perfect.

Quickly, I slipped the relevant files under my blazer before bolting to my locker and securely placing the files in a secret compartment in my backpack – where even a school as suspicious as U.A. wouldn't be able to find it during a randomized bag check.

As soon as I finished, I shot towards the bathroom for the second time today and deactivated Dissipate before returning to class as if all was normal. I flashed my peers one of my signature smiles, catching a few greetings in return, before sitting down at my assigned desk – a few rows from the window.

And I was only gone for twelve minutes and thirty-two seconds.

With excitement wreaking from their body, the new recruit bolted towards us while swinging their backpack around to give themself access to its contents.

"I figured out the perfect time you guys can attack U.A.!" They grinned, pulling out a large file and slamming it down between our plates of food before walking behind the counter. "Okay, I found an off-campus training facility far enough away that no one would hear anything, but guess what the best part is?"

Eyeing Shigaraki, I watched as they opened the file titled 'U.S.J' with skepticism, only to be met with schematics and pages upon pages of informative documents regarding the place. Flipping through page after page, Shigaraki stopped on a paper that looked like a timetable – taking in its information lustfully.

"All Might will be there." The recruit spoke with toxicity laced between their words.

As if on cue, Shigaraki began reading the page which detailed when Class 1-A would visit the U.S.J., and like the new recruit mentioned, All Might was scheduled to be there. Grinning, Shigaraki led the four of us to the meeting room, abandoning our food to plot.

"Here's the plan." He started. "We gather around fifty thugs and villains to attack alongside us. We can also separate the brats into random sections of the USJ via Kurogiri's quirk – to make it more difficult. The goal is to kill All Might. We've been developing monsters that we call Nomu, so we can use those to kill the Symbol of Peace." He explained with excitement, evoking a scoff from me.


Turning towards me, he spoke with passive-aggressiveness and agitation, asking if something was the matter, causing me to roll my eyes.

"Yeah, your plan stinks." I retorted flatly.

"Well, what would you do?" He asked me with a menacing voice.

I smirked at his words.

This will be interesting.

My mind wandered from place to place as I mindlessly let my fingers dominate the poor, red leather of the couch I had been sitting on in the dimly lit bar. All I could think of was the event that would take place tomorrow: what the League had dubbed "The Fall of a Titan"; the day of the League's attack, and what they had hoped would be All Might's end. Although this was something I had worked so hard to make possible, alongside the League, I felt nauseous thinking of it.

Was this right?

Was this justice?

The second thoughts rampaged and ravaged my confidence and surety so entirely I could hardly see straight. I've made friends; I've found people I don't want to die; I've finally found a place where I belong. Although maybe I don't belong there either.

Maybe I should warn the heroes.

Maybe I should turn myself in.

Maybe I should tell the people that care about me what I've done, so at least they could prepare themselves.

The U.S.J. attack could be avoided, and my friends wouldn't get hurt.

Continuing to pick at the couch, my leg bounced violently; however, I couldn't be bothered to notice as I was busy contemplating m options.

Of course, I wasn't the only one in the bar.

"Hey, what's up?" Yagi asked me from behind his glass of water, suspicion sparkling in his eyes as they roamed about my figure.

There was something about Yagi that could make anyone tremble. Maybe it was his defined and beautiful features or the way his eyes could mentally undress you and leave your mind, thoughts, and intentions naked for all to see, but he could make anyone nervous with one glance. Although, I wasn't exactly sure what type of tremble or fear he could instill in you.

It wasn't a fear you wanted to go away; it was a fear you needed to understand. It was a fear that traveled throughout your body, igniting your most sensitive places and leaving them yearning. It was a fear that would make its way into your scalp and let any delicate breeze or slight touch make you moan in your mouth.

"U-Uhm..." Was all I could manage to squeak out, standing up and readying myself to book it out the door if need be; although, I was sure he was faster than me.

Raising an eyebrow, he began walking closer to me – reminding me with his eyes and movements that we were here, alone, as the rest of the League was still out looking for people to help with the upcoming attack. His sudden but natural efforts to get closer caused a shiver to run down my spine and made me subconsciously walk backward to evade him. However, with each step I took backward, he seemingly took two forward until my back hit the wall.

Quickly, I tried again to evade him, but his hands were faster than my side-stepping actions. With his hands now firmly placed beside both sides of my head, preventing me from escaping, he lowered his head to match my height.

It's always bothered me, his height, I mean. He was shorter than me when we first met. However, in receiving his quirks, his body needed to be altered. Otherwise, the rumour is that his body wouldn't have been an adequate vessel for the powers he was gifted.

"I'm going to say this one more time." He spoke in a voice just above a whisp. "What's up?"

He was so close; I could feel his hot breath fanning my ear and traveling down my neck – lighting up every part of my body with his warmth. An unwanted lump rudely formed in my throat as I stared into his bright emerald eyes. Gulping it back, I straightened my back and began to think Yagi and I had a better connection than anyone else in the League. He was young, hated All Might even more than I did, and he was friendly. So, if anyone would understand my problem, it would be Yagi.

Sucking in a deep breath, I cleared my throat and started to speak. However, before I could even finish a single word, Yagi began speaking.

"You're not getting cold feet, right?" He asked me with hostility, inching closer to me.

It was intimidating. His way of extracting information was precise and effective, but being this close to him still would make my heart race, even knowing what his true intentions were.

His face was inches from mine, his lips close enough that we would collide if either of us flinched. I lustfully took in every detail of his face, from his long lashes to his perfect teeth and minty breath, all the while my heartbeat drummed in my ears loud enough to make them bleed.

Taking my silence as his answer, I watched his eyes narrow into slits before he spoke again.

"You are..."

"You are..." I spoke in a tone flooded with malevolence.

Knowing it would be better to snuff this out sooner rather than later, I began going over my options. The first and easiest option was to kill them and make it look like an accident. That would be messy, however, and they did good work when they applied themself.

"Fuck," I growled in a whisper before an imaginary lightbulb illuminated itself over my head.

I have a plan.

"Hmm..." I hummed with purpose in my voice. "Why would you want to abandon all that we've all worked so hard for? Hmm?" I asked them with a smirk.

"I-I..." they spoke with a tremor in their voice.

God... was this what I was like?

Ignoring the likeness the two of us once shared, I watched them release a shaky breath before they began to speak once again.

"It's just, I've made friends now, and maybe the heroes aren't that bad...?" They said the last part more like a question than an answer.

I was most definitely not as cool as I constantly would act. I wasn't level-headed, and I wasn't indifferent – I got angry when people praised the heroes for everything they've done. So, to say their last statement made my blood curdle was a bit of an understatement.

Nevertheless, I needed to think things through more before showing off my emotions for all to see. The way you speak or act in front of someone with an opinion different than your own would influence them to either dig their heels in and reinforce their statement, or it would help them understand your side.

I needed them to see my side.

Recomposing myself I thought about the person in front of me.

What were they like?

Were they more submissive when spoken to lightly, or when intimidated with close proximity?

Inwardly smiling to myself, I realized anger was definitely the way to go and began considering their reasoning for wanting to abandon the plan so rashly: they've got friends now.

"Maybe they're not that bad?!?" I spoke abruptly after what could have been only a half of a second of deliberating, grabbing them by the collar of their shirt and lifting them from the ground. "Don't you remember what they did to you?" I squinted my eyes and asked them in a questioning and loud tone.

"Help," I spoke out in a voice as loud as my bruised throat could muster. "Help me, please! I need help," I choked out once again in a hoarse voice, finally emerging from the alleyway I had been dragged into not so long ago.

Looking at my red eyes and tear-stained cheeks, it was obvious to anyone who could have looked that I was desperate. The burns, bruises, and gashes along my small body; the ragged and blood-stained clothes I was draped in – everything about my appearance confirmed this fact.

Without hesitance, as soon as I crawled out of the darkness, I ran into the safety of the closest hero in sight; the hero I had always idolized: All Might.

I looked into the eyes of the hero I had always dreamed of meeting, and he looked into mine. His presence felt like a breath of fresh air and a ray of sunshine all in one – I felt safe for the first time in my life. So, with the courage of being in the reflection of such a perfect person's eyes, I pleaded with everything I had for him to save me. I prayed with my eyes; my words; I grovelled at his feet begging him to help me.

However, no amount of pleading would ever reach his sky-high ego.

"Sorry, my boy, but I need to run. You see, it's my daughter's birthday today, and I'm already running late. Another hero will be on rotation in a few minutes, I'm sure you'll figure it out!" The hero spoke his words laced in false sincerity and curtness, but despite the smile widely spread across his face, his eyes remained dark and lifeless as he jumped away.

My whole world seemed to shatter as my first and last chance of survival was brutally stripped from my loose grip. He was supposed to help me; he was supposed to rescue me; he was supposed to provide safety for me, and every other person like me.

He didn't save me, all he left me with was a sour taste in my mouth.

Watching in resentment and emptiness as my once idol flew away laughing a hardy laugh, I felt a firm squeeze on my shoulder causing my blood to run dry.

"Now, now," A gravelly voice cut through the tense air from behind me. "You weren't bothering All Might with our little problem, were you?"

I knew the voice of the man behind me without even needing to look back. His deep, crazed voice was all it took for my body to tense and the small shred of anticipated security from my previous encounter to finally die out. There was nothing I could do anymore, so I let his malicious words circle me like vultures as he pulled me into an alleyway where even the light of the summer's burning sun wouldn't be able to rescue me.


A smirk played at my lips as I watched my friend's expression morph into a vengeful and tearful one at the memory I unlocked within them.

"You're right," They choked out through their trembling lips. "They, they don't care about us; they don't care about anyone but themselves." They spat, bitterness flowing freely from their voice as I slowly set them down.

"Don't worry," I whispered to them as we heard the door swing open. "I won't tell Shigaraki what happened here today."

Shigaraki entered the bar and immediately saw the new kid crying, and me smirking in front of them.

"He beat you in Mario Kart, didn't he?" Shigaraki asked my friend with a look of empathy. "Yeah, I thought so. That little shit totally cheats." Shigaraki continued angrily before sulking to his room.

I chuckled at his words before turning to my friend and winking at them.

The human mind truly is malleable.


The rumbling of the bus filled to the brim with my friends and peers rocked me back and forth into the two people sitting beside me, Kacchan and Shoto, as they partook in their usual argument; however, strangely, I didn't mind. I was too excited thinking of the exercise we would be doing today to be bothered: Rescue training!

Rescue training was one of the fun parts of being a hero – rescuing a thousand people on his own was the way my father made a name for himself, so it would be the way I wanted to make a name for myself!

Bringing me out of my thoughts, I felt the bus come to a slow and complete stop before Iida and Mr. Aizawa ushered us off the bus. Then, we walked into the U.SJ.

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