《Senior Year (Jeid)》Chapter 10


A/N As promised.

Chapter 10

She was avoiding me. Each time I walked into the living room she would notice me then look away. She didn't talk to me unless necessary. She went out again to the store and invited Garcia instead. Maybe I was just being jealous. Either way, I didn't like it and I didn't know what caused it. It had been 5 days since we started skiing and in a few days we were leaving. I really wanted to talk to her and fix things before we left, but of course every time I tried, all my courage would disappear.

Right now we had just eaten dinner out and were lazing around in the living room. JJ had gone to shower and Morgan was teaching Hotch how to play blackjack in the bedroom.

"So Reid do you still like JJ?"

The question caught me off guard. "What?"

"Seriously," Emily continued, "do you still like her?"

Blood rushed to my cheeks and being the person I am, I couldn't lie, "Um, y-yeah."

"Good." The brunette stated and Garcia just giggled. I furrowed my brows and frowned at them, very much confused.

Before I could ask, JJ entered the living room with her hair wrapped up in a towel. I have no idea how they do that, girls are magic.

"JJ come with," Garcia motioned for her to follow them back to their room, leaving me alone in the living room.

I sat there for a good hour trying to figure things out, but even that complex brain of mine could not. I stood up, frustrated and went off to find Hotch and Morgan.

"What's up girls?" I asked my friends as they ushered me into our room.

We all laid on one bed and they were grinning like they had just heard the greatest news.


"What?" I repeated.

"Spencer still has a crush on you."

"Ugh, again Emily!? Why are you always bringing this up?" I rolled my eyes.

"Because, JJ, I think he's good for you," Emily said.

"I agree, plus you guys look so cute together!" Garcia squealed.

I looked at her curiously, "You really think so?"

Both nodded furiously and I threw a pillow at them out of frustration with myself.

"What am I supposed to do?" I puffed.

"JJ he's been interested since the 8th grade. You don't need to do much," Emily reminded me. She was right. They both were. I liked Spencer Reid. There, I said it.

"Shit," I said to myself and the both laughed.

I rolled over to lay on my back and I started thinking about what to do. I probably needed to talk to him soon, hopefully he didn't hate me for avoiding him.

Us girls talked for a while longer before Emily started falling asleep. Garcia, with only half opened eyes, moved to her own bed as well. I, on the other hand, still had a running mind. I didn't know why I was so nervous, usually I was confident and sure of myself, in front of any boy. But this guy, Spencer, I just didn't know what he was doing to me.

I stepped outside to not disturb my friends as they quickly fell asleep and decided to make some hot chocolate. I put the kettle on and leaned against the counter.

"Oh, hey JJ," I turned to see the man of the hour enter the living area.

"Hey Spence, um, I was just making some hot chocolate. Want some?"


As I got another mug out, my mind began spinning even faster. Now or never I guess.


"So um, I wanted to talk to you, sorta.."

"Are you mad at me?" he blurted.

"What? No, why would I be?" I turned my body to face him.

"Well, you were avoiding me and I was just worried I did something wrong," he said scratching his head.

Oh crap, now he's blaming himself. "You didn't do anything wrong, it's.. it was me, and I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you think that," I stopped. I didn't know how to continue.

"Is everything okay?" he asked me when I didn't go on further.

I started playing with my hands. Why was I such a wreck? I don't remember the last time I had been like this.


"Yeah, yeah everything's alright... I was just thinking about stuff."

"What stuff?" he asked slowly as if stepping lightly.



"Yeah. You're really good to me Spence," I finally lifted my head up to look at him properly and he blushed. Seeing him, his sharp jaw, messy yet perfect hair, sweet eyes, everything, it made me feel different. I felt safe, comfortable and most importantly I felt happy.

"I really like you Spence."

He opened his mouth but nothing came out. He looked at me in shock for a moment and I couldn't help but smile. He was so cute.

"I uh- I.." he tried to speak but in the end he just smiled.

I threw everything to the wind and stepped closer to him. Putting my hands on his shoulders I kissed him softly on the lips. I started to pulled away but I felt him rest his hands on my hips and changed my direction. I moved my hands to his cheeks and pulled him into another kiss. This time he actually reacted, and if my lips weren't pressed to his I would have been beaming ear to ear.

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