《Senior Year (Jeid)》Chapter 7


Chapter 7


Tomorrow was Monday and that sucks, but it was the last week of school so I guess it couldn't be that bad. I picked up my school bag and started heading out.

"Bye mom, bye dad!" I yelled, and as usual I got no reply. By this time I was used to that. I walked out the gate and turned around to close it. When I turned back around I bumped into someone, "Oh! Sorry!"

Then I saw who it was and I felt my heart pound for a moment, "Oh hey Spence!"

"Hi JJ," he said smiling.

Spencer and I made the short walk to school and he told me about a particular book he read over the weekend, apparently in Spanish.

"So how long does it take you to read a book usually?" I asked curiously.

"Um, depends what book, the more recent ones took around 2 minutes."

I looked at him, "What." I just chuckled because to him it seemed like it was totally normal.

"You're so weird Spence."

"Oh, uh, is that bad?" he asked looking over at me.

"Oh no no of course not. I actually kind of admire it," I grinned.

"Oh, okay then," I looked over at him to see his cheeks turning pink. 2 weeks ago this was something I would do my best to avoid, but now I sort of liked it.

We reached the school gates and I said goodbye to him. I made it to my homeroom just in time.

As normal, instead of listening to the teacher Emily leans over and talks to me.

"Hey JJ I have the best plan for the holidays," she whispered.

I eyed her carefully, this girl could be quite adventurous, and that was not always a good thing. "Oh don't look at me like that, this is a great idea, seriously."


"Go on then Em," I said to her.

"Lets go skiing."


"C'mon it'll be fun. My parents are gonna be gone for their anniversary and they left me the van. Wouldn't it be so cool, just a bunch of us skiing together?"

She sounded way too enthusiastic but that's what I love about her, "Let's ask the others first before you get too many ideas."

I texted Derek and Spencer to meet us at our lockers after school. There, Emily did not hesitate to share her plan,

"Please guys, c'mon it'll be great. You can bring whoever just not too many people."

"Sure why not, I'm up for it," Derek said.

"Yes! See JJ be adventurous for once will you, plus it's only skiing it's not like were gonna be hiking in some forest in the middle of nowhere."

"Alright, sure, I just need to ask first," I gave in, I mean I didn't doubt it would be a fun trip.

Then we all look at Spencer.

"Um, sure let me ask as well and I'll get back to you," he finally said.

"Yes!! This is gonna be great guys," we all laughed at Emily.

"Alright, alright Em, calm down now we still got another week of school."

She scowled at me. "Don't be a lame butt JJ."

Hey um, Emily? Can I talk to you for a second?" a voice pulled us away from our conversation. Our heads all turned to face Aaron Hotchner. I raised my eyebrows at her and she glared at me before going off.

"Are those two a thing?" Derek asked me.

I shook my head, "I have no idea."

"They're sorta cute together," Derek said.

I looked back at them as they walked away, "In a way I guess."


It would be weird if Emily actually got a boyfriend, she had been steering clear of that for a while now. But maybe things will change.

That proved itself true on the last day of school. We all had gotten permission to go on our skiing trip and Emily decided to bring Hotch, not that any of us minded. He was quite chill and was good to her. Derek had also decided to ask Garcia to come with us. She and Derek were quite good friends but had been on suspension for the past month for hacking into the school database and changing her grades. I had an odd group of friends, but they were great.

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