《Senior Year (Jeid)》Chapter 6


Chapter 6


I woke up to the sun shining bright in my face and I had to squint as I got out of bed. Looking at the clock I saw that it was already past 11am. "Shit," I muttered, I had until the end of the day to clean up. I started walking but something caught my eye and gave me a little shock. But seeing him in my bed brought everything back to me. I smiled looking at Spencer, I actually did have a great time last night. I left him to sleep while I made my way downstairs where I found Emily already up and making coffee.

"Morning JJ," the brunette said as she spotted me.

"Morning'," I tried to rub the sleep out of my eyes as I made my way to her.

"I ordered Pizza by the way, a nice hangover meal of lunch."


She handed me a cup of coffee and I took a sip as I scanned the room. "Ugh, I hate cleaning."

"We can get started later when everyone's down," Emily said.

"Yeah, I'm gonna go shower first, I still feel gross."

As I made my way back upstairs I passed Derek and I turned to flash Emily a knowing glance. In turn she gave me the finger and I laughed, much to Derek's confusion.

I opened my door slowly in case Spencer was still asleep. He was. I walked quietly around my room gathering some clothes and went to take a shower. When I got out the boy was gone so I made my way downstairs. The pizza had just arrived and my three friends were gathered around the kitchen counter.

"Hey JJ," Derek yelled causing him to get a punch from Emily, "Stop shouting Morgan."


"Hey Derek," I replied, walking towards them.

"Morning Spence," I smiled as I passed him. "By the way all of you are staying and helping me clean."

We all laughed because we knew it was gonna suck. After a filling lunch we all started making ourselves useful. Someone starting doing the dishes and others picked up the trash. I grabbed a cloth and started wiping everything down. An hour and a half later everything was more or less clean.

"Alright then, I better get going. See you guys on Monday!" Derek left and soon after so did Spencer.

"Thanks for inviting me, I had a great time," he smiled at me.

"No worries Spence, see you on Monday," I walked him to the door and watched as he began to walk home.

I returned to where Emily was splayed across the couch watching Adventure Time. I let myself fall onto the cushions beside her.

"So, Spencer huh?" she flashes me a cheeky grin.

"What?! Please we're just friends," I said trying not to blush but ultimately failing.

"Nuh uh, I peeked into your room this morning."

"I made him sleep in my bed because you guys took the spare room! Also what happened to Hotch?" I said back.

"Oh he was a party pooper and had to leave."

"You should get with him, maybe he can keep you under control a bit," I said to her jokingly.

"Seriously though JJ, you totally like him."

Instead of replying I threw a pillow at her. She was being ridiculous. Or was she? I didn't know and I didn't want to think about it.


A/N Sorry it's a little short it sorta needed to end there. If you guys want anything to happen let me know! Also please comment so I can get some feedback :) Thanks mateys

Oh also, is the formatting okay is it too spaced out? I'm used to posting on ff and you need to like freaking quadtruple space everything :/

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