《Senior Year (Jeid)》Chapter 5


Chapter 5

[Spencer POV]

I was floating. Not really, but it sure as hell felt like it. At first it bothered me and I was a little scared because all of a sudden I couldn't see straight and I felt like I was in a whole different world. I could not snap myself back into reality. But now it was quite peaceful. I felt safe here. I turned my head to look at JJ. She's so beautiful. She was lying on her bed with her eyes closed. I took this opportunity to look at her. Usually I was so shy around her but after spending time with her she made me feel okay. She treated me just like any other friend and never once mentioned how socially awkward I am. I didn't know she could be an even better person than I thought she was.

She looked so comfortable and for some reason I had decided to stand up and walk over to her bed. Then I realized what I was doing and stopped myself. I was about to turn away when I felt her grab my hand and tug me down. I fell onto her bed, immediately surrounded by warmth and softness.

"Isn't my bed amazing? I love it, I wanna bring it with me wherever I go," she giggles.

"It is nice," I said shyly, my cheeks burning up as I lay on her bed, next to her.

She hadn't made a sound for a while so I figured she had fallen asleep. I turned my head to face her but to my surprise I found her looking right back at me. Seeing me she flashed a smile and I didn't know I could blush even harder. I panicked and stood up, almost falling down in the process, but I managed to find my feet.

"Heyyy, where ya goin' Spence?" she whined.

"Uh, just need a little air."

I stepped out of her room and went downstairs while trying to calm myself down. I hated how I'm so incapable in social situations and I began to beat myself up about it. Seeing Emily and Derek on the couch with their tongues in each other's mouths just stabbed me in the chest a little more.

I went outside to find an escape and the pool looked quite appealing. In my current state I didn't care that my shorts were gonna get wet, I just sat down on the edge of the pool with my feet in the cold water. I really want to jump in but that seemed a bit much right now, also it's not my pool.


It wasn't long before someone came and sat next to me. I looked and to my surprise it was JJ. I didn't think she would follow me down here.

"Wanna go for a swim? she giggled sitting down right next to me so our shoulders were almost touching.

"Um maybe in a while."

We both sit in comfortable silence, our feet occasionally knocking as we move them around in the pool.

After a while JJ got up and I watched to see what she was doing. My eyes widened when I saw her reach for the hem of her shirt. She pulled her top off and to my biggest relief she was wearing a tank top underneath that I hadn't noticed. Gosh why do girls always wear so many layers. I looked down at my legs and and tried to slow my heart again. When I lifted my head I caught JJ diving into the pool. Her head popped up and she slowly swam back to the edge.

"C'mon Spence the pool is so nice!" she splashed some water towards me.

"I don't have a change of clothes," I said. It's an excuse, I live only a couple blocks away and I can easily walk home.

"I'll lend you a towel and we can put your clothes in the dryer. C'mon please," she splashed more water on me.

I gave in and nodded but before I could do anything else she grabbed my feet and pulled me in.

Within a second the water enveloped me and I jumped up at the coldness. I wiped my eyes and opened them to find JJ laughing like that was the funniest thing she had ever seen. Her laugh was contagious and soon we were a laughing mess. When we finally calmed down, I let myself float on my back. This was nice. I was floating in a pool in the middle of the night without a single care for anything else except what was happening right now. When I lowered my feet and stood up again I didn't see JJ and felt a tinge of disappointment thinking that she had just left. But that didn't last for long as I felt her arms wrap around me from the back. Her feet rested gently on my waist as she clung to me. I froze.

"I'm too tired to swim Spence, can you just carry me around?" she asked as she set her head down on my shoulder.


"Sure," I whispered softly. I walked around the pool with my heart beating so quickly in my chest. I had sobered up a little and I was quietly freaking out.

"Are you nervous Spence? Why are you so tense? Do you want me to get off?" she whispered gently.

I didn't answer her but kept walking and I guess she took this as a sign that everything was alright. In reality I just didn't know what to say.

After a moment she spoke up again, "I'm falling asleep Spence I think we should get out. Also I'm cold."

I wasn't as disappointed since I was also pretty cold. I walked her to the edge of the pool, then she got off, but not before she kissed me softly on the cheek. "You're a sweet boy Spence."

Once again my cheeks turned red and I didn't move, not even when she ran off back into the house. She came back with a towel draped across her shoulders and another one in her hand.

"Here," she handed me the towel as I got out of the pool. She led me back upstairs and handed me another towel. "You can shower in that bathroom if you want to, just throw your clothes outside and I'll put them in the dryer, I'm gonna shower in my room, just come in and do whatever when you're done."

With that she left and I made my way to the bathroom she pointed me to. I took a nice hot shower and just sat there for a while. My body was still buzzing but I had calmed down a lot. My thoughts were jumbled and I was still kind of at shock about what I did today. Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought that I would come to JJ's party, smoke weed for the first time and go swimming alone with her. Damn.

Eventually I get out and wrap my lower half in a towel. I reluctantly walked out and head towards JJ's room, knocking on her door. She opened the door and I noticed how she stared at me a little. She told me to come in, but I froze at the entrance trying my best to cover myself. Obviously it didn't work very well.

"Spencer just come in will you," she ushered me in.

"Your clothes should be done soon, just sit down for a bit I'm gonna dry my hair." she said before entering her bathroom again. I heard the hairdryer turn on and decided to sit on the carpet in case I get anything wet.

JJ appeared again after 10 minutes and I followed her to the laundry room. I took my clothes out and brought them back upstairs before changing into them again.

"Do you just wanna stay over Spence? It's like almost 3," JJ says and I'm shocked at how fast time flew by.

"Uhm, sure why not," I nodded. At this point anyone could tell we were both exhausted. She brought me to the guest room but when she opened the door we both saw an image I'd very much like to erase. JJ quickly closed the door and looked at me.

"Uh, ok not in there," and I didn't hesitate to agree.

"Well I guess they had fun," she chuckled, "I think we have a spare mattress somewhere.."

She went off but came back empty handed.

"You know what, just sleep in my bed." I tried to argue but she just grabbed my arm and pulled me along. She pushed me onto her bed and threw the blanket on top of me.

I opened my mouth to say something but she stopped me, "You look like you're about to fall asleep and so am I. It's okay Spence I don't mind. But I can build a pillow wall in the middle if you really need."

I just stared at her confused for a while but realized she was right. I was dead tired and I bet so was she. I complied and settled in as she climbed in from the other side of the bed.

"Goodnight Spence, thanks again for showing up, I had a great time," she said softly and I couldn't help but smile.

"Night JJ," I replied.

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