《Senior Year (Jeid)》Chapter 4


Warning: Drug (Marijuana) and Alcohol Use

Chapter 4


For the next week I studied as much as I could and did most of the assignments, especially the bigger ones. I spent more time with Spencer and was really glad he was there to help me out. He gradually stopped being so shy around me and he also didn't even make it seem as if he had a crush on me, which I guess I was thankful for. On Friday I handed in all my work, just in time. I got a few disapproving looks from a couple teachers but I didn't let that phase me. I might just get a C at the end of this. I met with Emily during lunch in a better mood than I had been the previous week and it was noticeable.

"Had a good date with Spencer I see," she nudged me.

I rolled my eyes at her, "He's actually a good teacher Em."

"Oh yeah? What did he teach you?" she wagged her eyebrows and I slapped her lightly.

"So? Are we celebrating this weekend?" she asks as we sat down at our usual spot.

"Most definitely. My parents are out again so we can host at my place."

"Awesome," she smiled.

"Having a party JJ?" Derek asked sitting down beside us, Spencer following behind him.

I nodded and asked him to help out with preparation. As usual, he agrees. Any party hosted by the two popular girls and the star quarterback, a lot of people are going to show up. We texted as many people as possible and blasted a message to invite everyone.

"Emily and I can get the booze, can you guys order the food? Just get whatever."

"Pizza?" Derek offered.

"Sure, why not." Then I realized Reid hadn't said anything this whole while.

"Spence, you're coming right? You have to." I looked at him and flashed him a smile.

"Uh, sure, alright," he said hesitantly.

After school Emily and I changed out of our school clothes and put some older looking clothes on, then headed over to the supermarket to load up with cider and beers. We went somewhere else to get the bottles. We ended up with a few bottles of Grey Goose and a bottle of Belvedere, as well as a few bottles of Patron tequila. Satisfied, we head to my house and started to set up. We took all the expensive and fragile objects to my parents room and locked the door. I also removed the carpet and picture frames. Then I hid all the pillows in my own room so there would be less things to throw around.


People started arriving at 7 and within an hour my house was bustling. I kept the music at a modern volume in hopes of the neighbours not calling the cops. People were well on their way to hangovers the next morning but nobody minded because we had no more work due until next term. Someone had brought a keg and people were taking turns doing keg stands outside by the pool. I saw Derek's legs go up and Spencer laughing beside him, helping to hold him up. I started to walk towards them but from the corner of my eye I spotted the familiar brunette. As usual, Emily was having a tongue battle with someone. To my surprise though, it was our student council president, Hotch. I didn't even know he showed up. Emily was so gorgeous, everyone wanted to be with her. Unfortunately for them she was terrible at committment. I chuckled at those two and continued walking.

As I stepped outside the evening breeze cooled me down. The moment Spencer sees me smile spread across his face and I couldn't help but smile back as well. Derek has clearly had a little too much and I urged Spencer to bring him inside. Derek put his arm around Spencer and the two nearly fell over. Laughing, I walked to the other side of Derek and helped lift him up. He was still heavy so rather than try walk him through the crowd in the house we brought him to the side of the house and put him in one of those camping chairs.

I turned to Spencer, having fun Spence?"

"Yeah, this place is great JJ," he smiles.

"You're so smiley Spence, why don't you do that more often."

Instead of answering he simply held up the apple cider in his hand and we both laugh.

At 11 it was dark and people started leaving. Some would go home but others went out clubbing. I had so many people invite me but right now I would rather hang out with my friends.

Everyone was cleared out just after midnight and Emily, Derek, Spencer and I were seated on camping chairs outside by the pool. Emily pulled out a small case and Derek and I smiled knowing what is was.

"WHats that?" Spencer asked.

"This, my friend, is my best friend. Sorry JJ."

Inside the case were four perfectly rolled joints. She passed one to each of us but when she got the Spencer he just looked at it looking quite lost. I chuckled and gestured for her to move on, he's probably new and I could just share with him.


"You want some Spence? You don't have to," I said kindly to him, not wanting to scare him off. Emily and Derek started lighting up and I moved my chair next to Spencers.

"Here," I said pulling out a lighter. I took the first puff and held it in for a few seconds. I exhaled then held the joint up to his mouth.

"Just suck in and breathe it in, or just hold it in your mouth for a moment then slowly breathe. Don't do too much at first though," I offered him though not pressuring him.

Hesitantly he followed what I said. His face screwed up for a moment and he coughed a little when he exhaled.

"Not bad, kid," Derek laughed.

A while later he started to get the hang of it and I lit up the next joint. We had all settled in and were enjoying the peaceful night. I was done with school work for now and I refused to think about anything at home that was troubling. I just wanted to enjoy this time with my friends, doing nothing and relaxing.

"Oh Shit! That just fucking hit me!" I heard Emily exclaim and we all laughed at how dramatic she could be.

I reached over to take the stick from Spence and took another puff. Then suddenly everything shifted to the right. I felt like I was falling over. I stood up from the chair but that made things worse. I tried to walk straight but ended up going all over the place. My world kept moving around and I was spinning. "Oh I think I get what you mean now Em."

Soon after it also hit Derek and Spencer. All of us were laughing and lying on the floor, trying to gain back control of ourselves.

I started becoming paranoid because I really couldn't control myself and worried if Spencer was OK. I looked over but don't find him next to us and panicked a little. On wobbly legs I stood up and looked around. I found Spencer holding himself up against the wall and made my way over to him.

"Hey Spenccee," I slurred, "Sorry I think something else might have been in it."

I couldn't help but smile when I got closer to his well chiseled face.

He started giggling, "I can't walk straight."

I laughed at how ridiculous everything seemed and decided to go inside as it was starting to get a little hot.

I walked over to the fridge and grabbed two bottles of water and threw them outside at Emily and Derek's general direction. They're gonna want that soon.

Spencer, as usual, had followed me inside so I passed him a bottle as well before downing my own. The one thing I hated about weed is the disgusting feeling in your mouth afterwards and the constant need to drink water.

"C'mon," I grabbed Spencer's arm and pulled him along with me. I was starting to feel a little naseous from the spinning and needed to lie down. I unlocked my room door clumsily and plopped myself down on the load of pillows I had put on my floor. I layed on my back and just relaxed in this cold room. I tilted my head up to find that Spencer had made himself comfortable on the little ledge by my window. I love that little space, I had put a small mattress on top of the wide ledge. I usually read there or simply lie down to look up at the sky through the window at night.

"Isn't it nice there Spence?"

"Yeah, it is," from his voice I can tell he is drifting off.

I stand up and walk over to him to make sure he's okay, this being his first time and all.

"You okay there? Wasn't too bad eh."

"It was quite intense, but it's nice now. Quite relaxing. You have a nice room JJ," he told me.

Seeing that he was fine, I threw my body onto my bed, sinking into its softness. The lights on the ceiling are a blur and I closed my eyes to stop the spinning. My mind wandered to all kinds of things, such as school, the future, family, but eventually my mind settled on the guy in my room. I don't think I've ever felt so calm before. Why haven't I been friends with him for longer? Oh right, I was always afraid he's ask me out again. But in reality he has been great.

"Hey Spence, you there?"

"Mhm," is all he replied.

"You're a great person Spence, thanks for bein' there for me."

"Always," and I smiled.

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