《Senior Year (Jeid)》Chapter 2


Chapter 2


It's Monday again and I found myself dreading school.

"Let me remind you all, semester grades are due in 2 weeks. If you need to catch up on any work, hand in late assignments or anything, I suggest you do that soon," the teacher announced as class began.

Ugh, I'm so screwed. I put my head down in an attempt to hide away from my responsibilities. I was so behind on work, yet I couldn't seem to get myself to catch up. And when I was trying to work I could barely do it because I hadn't studied enough. It's not that I was super lazy and didn't care about school, I did care about my future. Somewhat. But it's just that everytime I sat down to try and work, my mind either went somewhere else leaving me in no condition to study, or it's like my brain refused to think. My mind remained blank. I had tried, but I felt like I physically couldn't sometimes. It's hard to explain.

Class finally ended and I headed towards the lockers with Emily. As usual, Derek was there with some kind of plan though this time he was with Spencer. "Hey, wanna come over and hang out for a bit?" Emily always wanted to and usually I did, but the teachers 'reminder' sorta scared me a little bit. I really need to graduate and failing senior year is not going to help me at all.

"Maybe not today, I really need to catch up on work, also study," I sigh.

"Oh hey Reid, you're a genius, why don't you help JJ out. Then you can quickly come back and hang out," Morgan said looking back at me.

I looked at the skinny guy standing next to Derek. I've known Spencer has had a crush on me since the 8th grade. He's such a sweet boy, he really is, I just didn't really think he was my type.


I saw his face light up at Derek's suggestion but I said no. I didn't want to lead him on then have the additional stress of rejecting him again.

I said goodbye to the group and started to walk home feeling slightly overwhelmed.

[Spencer POV]

I hit him again, "Why'd you have to go and say that in front of her?"

"What? Reid I was trying to do you a favour. Don't worry by the end of the week if she isn't caught up I'm sure she'll ask for your help, just you wait kid," Derek said.

"There are quite a few people in our year that find school quite easy. I may be a genius but this is high school academics, quite a few people would be considered smart and she could ask any one of them."

"Yeah, but none are as pretty as you," he flicked my hair and I swatted his hand away.

My house was only a few blocks away so I started walking home while Derek walked over to the where he but his bike. I'm still a bit upset that JJ rejected my help but it didn't come as a surprise and I know not to become too bothered by it.

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