《The Pieces of a Broken Heart: a Jeid fanfic》Chapter 2


JJ went home to talk to Will. When she got there, Will was sitting at the table with Henry, who was in tears.

JJ put her bag down and ran up to him.

"Honey, what's the matter?"

"I missed you!"

"Well I'm here now."

"And, and I heard you and daddy fighting."

JJ looked up and gave Will a stern face. Then she turned back to Henry. "Sweetheart, can you go play in your room for a bit? I have to talk to daddy."

Henry wiped away his tears and sniffled. "Okay mommy."

Once Henry went to his room, JJ stood up and faced Will.

"Look, Will, we need to talk about-"

"JJ this isn't working."

"What are you talking about?"

"Me and you, it isn't working."

"So what," JJ's eyes filled with tears. "Are you breaking up with me?"

"I just think," Will's eyes started to water too. "I just think that we need a break. It would be the best for all of us."

JJ bit her lip and looked up at the roof, holding back tears.

"JJ, I'm sorry."

"Yeah, me too. Listen Will, I actually came here to tell you that me and Spence are going to Florida for a case. But obviously, I don't need to tell you anything anymore."

"Don't think of it that way. JJ, we're still friends, we're just not-"

"Not what Will? You know that Henry loves you, and that he trusts you with all his heart. You're his father Will! It's just you're never there for him and-"

"I'm never there for him. Are you kidding me right now? Jennifer when are you ever here for him? You're the one who's gone all the time!"


Tears started dripping down JJ's face.

"I'm going to go get Henry. He's coming to Florida with me. When I get back, I will get the rest of our things and leave."

Will looked away shaking his head as JJ stormed out of the room.

She walked to Henry's room and knocked on the door.

"Can I come in?"

Henry opened the door. "Yeah mommy."

JJ sat on his bed. "So, hey, I got some good news."

"What is it mommy?"

"You're coming to Florida with me!"

"Yay!" Henry jumped up off the floor and went up to JJ and gave her a big hug. JJ picked him up and put him on the bed beside her.

"Guess who else is coming?"


"Spencer! Remember him?"

"Yeah. What about daddy? Is he coming?"

JJ sighed. "Unfortunately, no. Your dad and I, aren't really, friends right now. Which reminds that I have some other news."

"What mommy?"

"Well, after we come back from Florida, we are going to-"

JJ was interrupted when her phone rang.

"One second, mommy's got to take this call."


JJ picked up her phone and walked out of the room.

"Hey, Spence."


"What's up?"

"Our flight is in an hour. Just wondering if you're ready."


"Got everything?"

"Yeah. And Spence, I'm bringing Henry."

"Yeah! Okay. Well is there anything else?"

"Yeah, uh, Spence. I need to talk to you, on the plane."

"Yeah sure." Spencer sounded concerned. "What about?"

JJ almost started to cry again. "Will."

"Oh. Okay. See you, and Henry, in a half hour then?"

"Yeah." JJ said wiping a tear off her cheek. "See you then."


"Bye." Then Spencer ended the call.

JJ walked back into Henry's room.

"Who was that mommy?"

"That, was Spencer."

"Oh ok."

"What are you going to bring to Florida with you?"

Henry picked up some jeans and a hoodie. "This one!"

JJ laughed. "Honey it's like super hot there! And we're going for more than one day."


JJ stood up and walked over to Henry's closet. "What about this and this?" She picked up a couple shirts and pants.

"Ok mommy!"

"And what pyjamas do you want to where?"

"These ones!" Henry pulled out his green dinosaur pyjamas.

"Yeah? Spencer's going to love those."


"I'm gonna go pack my things okay? How about you pack some things you want to play with on the plane."


JJ gave Henry a kiss, stood up, and walked to her room.

As she was packing, Will came into the room too.

"What are you doing in here?" She asked, by then remembered that it was his room too. "Never mind."

"Hope you have fun in Florida with your new boyfriend." Will said sternly.

"What's with you? Me and Spence are just friends."

"Who says I wanted him as our child's godfather?"

"You said it was okay! And I picked Spence because he's-"

"Don't even say it JJ! And if you're just friends, why do you call him 'Spence'?"

"You know what Will? If you have something to say about Spencer then why don't you say it to him? Why is everything my fault to you?"

"I never said it was!"

"Well you implied it."

"What, did you get that from your boyfriend?"

"For the last time, Spence and I are just friends."

JJ walked out of the room with her suitcase at her side. She went down to Henry's room.

"Got everything sweetie?"


"Let's go then."

JJ took Henry's hand and they walked to the door. Henry stepped outside and as JJ was about to close the door, Will came up to them.

"Bye, Jennifer."

JJ looked at him then turned to Henry.

Will walked closer to her and Henry. He bent down and hugged Henry.

"I love you." Will said, touching Henry's heart with a single finger.

"I love you." Henry did the same thing back to Will.

Then Will stood up and said good bye to JJ.

"Jennifer," JJ looked at him. "I'm so sorry."

JJ turned and looked away, but then turned back to him and gave him a hug. He hugged her back. But deep inside, both Will and JJ knew that this would be one of their last hugs as family.

Henry, who was already at the car, said, "Come on mommy!"

JJ turned to go. "Coming, honey!"

"Bye." Will said.

JJ nodded and wiped away more tears from her face. "Bye."

Then she walked to the car and got in. As she pulled out of the drive way, Henry was waving at Will, who was waving back. And before driving away, JJ smiled at Will and waved.

And after only a few seconds, they were gone, leaving Will standing alone, in the doorway of his lonely house.

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