《50 Shades of Dark clouds》Chapter 46


So let's just skip to the good shit...

"Ok Amour it's not that hard just tell him you love him and you want to be with him for forever and ever" Amour said to herself before walking into the after party.

Amour scanned the room looking for Santana. "Looking for someone" E said walking up to Amour.

"E" Amour smiled then cleared her throat "congratulations happy for you" she said genuinely.

"Thank you wish you were there for all of it, one of the happiest days of my life" he said looking around.

She nodded "I just couldn't, it didn't feel right but I'm still happy for you, you deserve it"

"Understood" He paused "Santana's over there" he said pointing in to the corner.

Ezekiel leaned over and kissed Amour forehead "love you baby girl forever"

"Love you too"

Amour walked up to Santana "hey" she said awkwardly.

"Wassup, how you been?" He asked concerned about her health.

"I been- I've been better" she nodded "how are you?"

"I been chilling" he smiled showing his grills.

"Can I apologize? I'm going to anyways" She paused "I'm so sorry for how I acted at the hospital and how I been acting for these past few weeks. Your mental health matters and I'm so sorry for acting the way I acted just because my fear of losing you" she mumbled the end

"You straight I was drunk that day going through a lot, I was stressed out" he paused "but I'm good Nuni you don't have to worry about me doing something crazy like that-"

"I love you I really love you" she said as her eyes got tearing.

"ahhhh I thought you was a G why you crying?" He asked laughing "I love you too crazy girl"

"I don't know my hormones fucking with me I'm all over the place" she said laughing.


"Here clean your face I don't like seeing you like that it make me wanna go kill somebody" he said passing her napkins.

Amour cleaned her face "Get up I want to dance"

"Folks I know you see this big ass cast on my foot" he paused "you dance I watch"

"No now come on I like this song"

The two walked onto the dance floor hand and hand.

"You would want to come up here while they playing this white ass song tell them put it on some rap music or some"

"Come on boy I want to feel like Cinderella spin me around"

Amour busted out laughing at how horrible Santana was at dancing. "You suck" she dragged trying to make his dance. "Follow me 1,2,1,2 real easy" she smiled

The two started dancing like they were in a movie.

"That boy must be in love cause what the fuck" Ant said recording doing the most he was clearly drunk.

The two danced on the floor for a while it felt like they were the only ones in the room.

"See just like that" Amour said as Santana spun her around.

"I'm Icey with this-"

Before he could finish his sentence Amour tripped over Santana boot making her stumble forward.

The two started laughing "Ok I'm done I gotta pee watch my purse" She said tryna walk off.

Santana grabbed her wrist "you tryna dip?" he whispered in her ear

Nuni grinned "mhmmm"

"Hurry up then" he said bitting her ear.

Nuni smiled the whole time she walked away.

Sevyn rushed up to Santana "aye where Nuni go"

"To the restroom why wassup"

"She strapped?" He asked making Santana stand up.

"Hell naw" he said looking at her purse.


"Where you been girl?" Nicole asked walking up to Amour.


"I been trying to get myself together you know"

"Yes periodddddd" Nicole dragged "as you should"

Amour smiled. "How you been?"

"Working, planning, you know that type of shit"

"ooo ok what you planning a baby shower?" She said joking.

Nicole smiled shaking her head no. "girl no I been planning some other shit" She said then walked to the door.

"Well I can't wait to see what you have in store" she said Amour said walking behind her.

Nicole smiled and locked the door.

"Girl why you-"

Nicole took her gun and hit Nuni with it making her stumble back.

Nuni touched her head feeling blood "fuck is you doing-"

"Nah bitch I'm gone tell you how this is fixing to go you gone shut the fuck up first off"

Amour shook her head and leaned against the counter "bitches be weird"

"I didn't think it would be this easy" she said loading her gun "I've been planning for months but for you to just pop up like this girl you don't know what you just walked into" she smiled

"Nicole what the fuck are you talking about"

"Nuni shut the fuck up" she yelled "all you need to know is that you'll be walking out of here in a body bag"

Santana twisted the knob trying to get in the restroom. "Nicole unlock the door"

"awww here comes Clyde to try to save his Bonnie" she paused "sorry Santana I got to do this"

"Open the door Nicole" he said banging on the door.

"Like I said the bitch is dying tonight"

Santana kicked the door down. "Nicole drop the gun"

"No she ruined my life" Nicole yelled

"Girl fuck is you talking about-"

Nicole gave Nuni a death stare.

"You, you killed my brothers when you were sixteen took my whole family from me they was all I had" Nicole cried

"Nicole just drop the gun you gotta understand what they did to her people-"

Nicole cut Santana off "I just can't Santana, not only did she take my brothers from me she took my baby girl" Nicole paused and looked at Santana "our baby girl"

"Nicole what are you talking about?" Santana asked

"That baby she killed" she paused "that was our baby Santana, our baby" Nicole said as tears rolled down her face.

"y'all had a baby?" Sevyn asked

"You told me that the baby was Chris baby" Santana said in a whisper tone.

"I found out a few days after she died that she wasn't his" she mumbled "but I just can't let Nuni get away with what she done"

"Nicole I can't let you do this-"

"I don't know why you trying to save her you should want her dead as bad as I do" Nicole paused and smiled "how you think Mikey got the drop on splain?"

Santana looked at Nuni dead in her eyes.

"Let me explain-"

Santana jerked his head back "bitch fuck you mean let me explain? You helped them kill my brother- ?" Santana took his gun off safety.

"Santana just kill her-"

"Santana let me explain-"

"Kill her she don't have shit to say that will bring your brother back"

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