《50 Shades of Dark clouds》Chapter 45


Sometimes your biggest enemy could be right in your face and the scariest part is that they are right in your face....

I remember when people use to ask how did I cope with my dad disappearing, my mom going to jail, and West doing whatever he did all at once.

Hell I don't know If I'm being completely honest it should not have hurt as bad as it did, they weren't really around when I was growing up.

Yeah they showed up for holidays and made sure I was always straight but other than that my family was my grandma.

They had they own thing going and I stayed with my grandma for the most part. When I did turn fifteen I did start hanging around them more often.

I guess that's how I ended up in the game so young.

"Earth to Nuni trash or keep" Dayza said holding a picture.

"Umm neither put it in a pile to go to my grandmas I don't know who them folks is"

Currently Amour, Dayza, and Imani were going through the last of Coco's belongings.

"Who or what you thinking about" Imani asked seeing Amour in her own world again.

"Nothing in particular" she mumbled

"Talked to Santana?" Imani asked


"Have you at least checked up on him?"

"Nope" she paused "I don't have anything to say to him"

"You don't think you need to talk to him?" Imani asked


"Trash or keep?" Dayza asked quietly since she knew where this conversation was going.

Imani scrunched her face up "Nope?" She pause "crying out loud Amour that boy wrote you a suicide letter and you don't think you should check up on him?"

"No Imani I don't think you don't understand-"

"So help me understand" Imani paused "you should be grateful that he didn't go through with it, hell be grateful that he's still here cause things could have went a different way if that gun was loaded"

"It was so stupid of him-"

"So people don't get to make stupid decisions now? How many stupid decisions have we made? If I can forgive West for his stupid mistakes that could potentially effect my child's life then I believe you could forgive him for his"


"But you don't understand the feeling of reading that letter-"

"Amour" Imani paused "you right I don't understand but for one second remember that his mental health matters too" she said then walked out the room.

Dayza sighed "you know how she feels about stuff like that since you know"

"Yeah I know" Amour paused "it was just so heartbreaking to read something like that though"

"I believe you but understand where she's coming from she was the one to find her foster brother when he hung himself that night" Dayza mumbled

"yeah your right" Amour mumbled.

The two sat in silence continuing to go through the rest of coco's belongings. Coco been gone for months, Nuni been putting this off for the longest.

"How's the baby doing?" Amour asked trying to make conversation.

"He's doing good" she paused "he really completes me"

Amour smiled at Dayza getting happy from talking about the baby "That's good you and Tahj?"

"We just trying to be good parents we'll give the relationship thing a try another day" Dayza said with confidence.

"That's good-"

"Can I ask you something?" Dayza rushed because she finally had confidence.

"Of course you can ask me anything"

Day nodded then cleared her throat "you know I don't get in your work business like that but um, di-did y'all ever find out who killed splain?"

Amour hesitated "Do you-"

"You don't have to tell me if you can't, it's just been on my mind lately. I just miss my best friend so much" Dayza said mumbling the end.

"Do you really want to know?" Amour asked

"Yes- no not really I just want to know if he got justice for what happened to him."

"Santana took care of it" Amour mumbled

Day nodded "Splain was a good person right? It was a lot of things he kept hidden from me and he had his reasons but he left me with a lot of questions I have no answers to"

Amour nodded not really knowing what to say, Dayza doesn't talk about her feelings so the fact that she's doing it today surprised Amour.


"Do you think I could talk to Santana?" She asked lowly "I mean nobody knew Splain like Santana right?"

"It depends what you want to know" Amour said honestly.

Dayza nodded "can I ask you one more thing?"

Nu laughed "yes girl"

"If something ever happens to me will you take care of Neeko right? Cause If so we need to get some legal documents or something."

Amour tilted her head "girl is everything ok?" She asked

"Yeah why you ask that I'm just making sure my child will be taking care of if anything ever happens to me"

"Why you asking me these questions? You know you can tell me anything"

"I think somebody's wants to kill me or I don't know I think I'm being followed" she said really fast.

"Talk and don't leave out nothing"

"It all started a few days ago when I picked Neeko up from my sisters house a car followed me until I reached Tahj trap house then they just sped off like nothing happened, then the next day I got up to go to work it was a box on my porch" she paused "it was a letter that said the dirt that was on his hands have now been washed onto yours"

Nuni nodded trying to see what she could get out of it.

"Whoever behind it weird as fuck they made the letter smell like Splain and everything" Dayza paused trying not to cry "that shit not cool Nu it's weird"

"Ima look into it, I promise won't nothing happen to you or Neeko" she paused "and they know where you stay so you can't go back there anymore, You can stay at my dads until we get things figured out it's enough security for you and neek"

Dayza jumped up and hugged Amour "Thank you so much" she says squeezing her tightly.

Dayza was relieved.

"I'm fixing to head out gotta go meet West" Imani said lowly walking into the living room.

"ok have fun love you" Dayza said

"Love you too"

"So bitch you don't love me?" Amour asked Imani

"Bitch you ain't tell me you loved me the hell"

"But you know I love me some you" Nu dragged

"And I love you" Imani dragged

"Bye hoe" Amour said

"Wait for me Imani I fixing to head out too I got to go get Neek from Tahj"

"Bye my love" Dayza said to Nu

"Bye hoe"

Amour made a mental note to call Sevyn, she was done killing but for those she love she'll do it and some.


"Damn coco" Amour said as she looked at the baby pictures of her and her mom.

It was currently two am she had finished going through her moms things.

"I should have treated you better" she sobbed

Oh yeah and Amour was drunk.

Amour continued crying.

"I should have at least tried everybody deserves chances" she cried "I was being stubborn"

Her emotions were everything.

"I guess West was right I did push you-" Amour stopped talking and rushed to the bathroom, she started throwing up everything she had drunk.

"I thought you was done with that drinking shit"

Amour rolled her eyes, "how did you get in"

"You left the door unlocked dumb ass"

"West I don't got-"

"Girl shut the hell up I was just coming to check on you, Imani told me you was going through your moms things"

"I'm straight you-"

"Get in the shower you smell shit" he said then walked out the restroom.

"I thought you left" Amour mumbled

West doesn't reply he just kept looking at the baby pictures of Amour. "Damn you was a crybaby" he paused "I actually miss this Amour so sweet and innocent"

"What you tryna say I'm a mean bitch now" she joked

"Yup" West said with no hesitation.

Amour started picking up the liquor bottle and the crumbs of weed.

"What's up with you, you been acting weird lately?" West asked following Amour to the kitchen.


"You're a horrible liar"

"It's nothing really" she mumbled.

"Talk to Santana"

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