《50 Shades of Dark clouds》Chapter 43


"Don't nobody understand me but me"

"I can't even lie that shit hurt" she mumbled walking in the room.

"Wassup big Nuni" Ant said taking the backpack and walked out closing the door behind him.

"A letter a fucking letter" Amour yelled throwing the letter at Santana.

"Wait listen Nu-"

Amour cut him off "No No No you don't get to talk to me ever again how could you even write me something like this" she paused "like really yo you could have talked to me I would have been there for you" she said on the verge of crying.

"Mane I couldn't you be going through your own shit you don't need my extra problems"

"What the actual fuck" she paused "what the actual fuck" she repeated stepping closer

Santana started to talk "Nu-"

Amour cut him off by slapping him "The thought of losing you is my biggest problem" she said then walked out.

"Amour wait don't leave bro" Santana yelled as she slammed the door.

Amour walked out the hospital in full blown tears.

"I can't catch a break" she yelled slamming her car door.

"It seems like no one around her can" a man said

Amour froze looking at rear view mirror.

"Hi I don't believe we have been properly introduced I'm Muhammad" he paused "and you are?"

"You already know my name" she said keeping eye contact with him through the rear view mirror.

He laughed "Ahhh yes, Amour Rosemary De'lagado-Savage"

"What you want folks-"

"So do you go by Amour in the day and Rosemary at night like a superhero?"

Amour didn't respond she was thinking about the ways she was going to kill him.

"Anyways why do you have so many guns in your car two under the seat, one in the glove department, one on the side of the door, one here one there" he paused "gah Damn girl how many people want to kill you?" He asked genuinely wanting a response.

Amour still didn't respond.

"Ok listen I have no problem with you or your family anymore, my problem is with Santana he killed my son today and if he thinks there won't be a consequence-"

Amour cut him off "fuck you mean? Santana your son as well and Mikey killed Splain and if you think Santana ain't sliding then you must not be listening when the street talks"

"The princess does know how to speak, I see how your on go for Santana let's just hope it's vice versa" Muhammad ended the conversation by sticking Amour in the neck.


Amour tried fighting the urge to go to sleep but the medicine did exactly what it was suppose to do.

The door swung open as a middle aged woman entered "now what do we do with young beautiful girl" she said in her heavy accent.

"We get the hell out of here and far away before her people find out she's missing" he said then exited the car.

"Grab her" he said to his man.

Amour woke up from the sun being shined in her face. She stood in a chair as her arms was tied up to a pole above her.

"it's nice to see your awake time to get straight to business" Muhammad said walking in.

"Hola mi Amour it's so nice to see you again"

Amour raised her head up from the voice.

"Rochelle" Amour mumbled

"Ahhhh yes it's me Rochelle" Rochelle said grinning.

Amour laughed and looked at Muhammad "you must be down bad for you to go get a crackhead from across the water"

"For your information sweetie I been sober for almost two years" she paused "but you worry about wrong thing hunny"

"You should worry about learning how to speak proper English hunny"

Rochelle laughed then kicked Amour chair making her dangle from the pole.

"Ok that's enough-"

Rochelle cut Muhammad off "Nah I think we just getting started" Rochelle kicked Amour in the stomach making her gasp for air.

"I said that's enough" Muhammad said grabbing Rochelle.

"Call Santana and tell him he got two hours or the little bitch dies."

Amour finally caught her breath.

"Hello I'm a friend of Artist Hayes I was trying to contact him"

"I can transfer you to him just give me one moment"

Seconds later Santana answered the phone in a groggily voice "Wassup"

Muhammad didn't respond.

"Who this is y'all better gone on with all that playing shit-"

"I think you know exactly who this is"

"Mane Muhammad you better get the fuck on somewhere with that bullshit you know exactly where I'm at" Santana said rising up in his bed.

Muhammad laughed "I'm not even gone do too much but I have somebody that would like to say something to you"

Muhammad put the phone up to Amour "Ar- Santana" She said lowly.

Santana shook his head "you got two hours you know the addy come save her or I'll kill her we can call it even" Muhammad said then hung the phone up.

Rochelle walked back inside the room "I think it's time we shall get this party started"



The now falling sun beamed on Amour wounds and bruises she had been tortured for hours. The revenge Amour planned on Rochelle and her crew. She wanted them to all die slowly.

West and the others were at the front gate drawing the men out so Santana, Sevyn, and Ant could have a clear path.

Santana swung the door open coming face to face with Muhammad. His father.

"You want her go get her down" Muhammad said stepping to the side.

Santana didn't hesitate he walked straight over to Amour and cut her down from the pole the others stood on standby.

"I got you" he said as her body fell in his arms.

He walked to Ant and placed her in his arms. "Y'all get her out of here I got some shit to handle" he mumbled

Amour jumped out of Ant arms "no they are going to kill you"

"Love you" Santana said then closed the door and locked it.

"No let me go back in there Muhammad is going to kill him" Amour said banging on the door "please open the door Santana" she cried

"Damn I can't believe my son was running a big cartel at such a you age hell I didn't know it was you Artist" Muhammad said

Santana didn't say anything.

"I want you to know I beat you to make you strong"

"No you beat me because you were a bitch" he said simply


"Nah I don't want to do no talking I'm here so kill me"

"I don't want to kill you for now I want your help to take down Ezekiel and his people" Muhammad paused "I simply want what's theirs"

Santana nodded. "Why would i help you? You left me and you wanted to kill me yesterday"

"I left because I loved you I needed help I couldn't keep hurting you or your mother" he paused "I was hurt to find out Kasten wasn't mines so I hurt your mother"

"That don't make it better"

"Artist Son forgive me-"

Santana laughed "fuck outta here-"

"No listen I love you so let's make a deal? Mikey killed Splain you killed Mikey we call it even no bullshit"

Santana nodded "on one condition you join our family again and take down Ezekiel" Muhammad said extending his hand for a handshake.

"I need to find a way in" Amour said

"It's nice to see you survived the pain and torturing from earlier" Rochelle said walking up behind them.

Amour exhaled "I'm going to kill you bitch" she said then charged at her.

Rochelle went flying back as Amour jumped on her. Amour got on top of her and begun throwing punches.

Ant, Sevyn, and the other ones sat back and watched it was clear that Rochelle was the one that tortured Amour.

"Nu what the hell is going on?" West said walking up grabbing Amour off of Rochelle.

"Yo crackhead ass mama tied me up and tortured me" she yelled trying to fight Rochelle again.

"West" Rochelle said lowly making Amour roll her eyes. "Is that really you baby" she said grabbing West face.

"How? How is this even possible I thought you were dead I seen the obituary, you had a funeral and everything how?" Rochelle added

"Some shit happened with me and pops forced me to do something I didn't want to do Ma" he said

"Oh my gosh" she said as tears formed in her eyes "I thought I lost you forever" she said hugging him.

Nuni took West gun off of safety, "sorry West but-"

A gun shot from the warehouse made everyone freeze.

The door creeped open as Santana walked out with bloody hands.

"I meant what I said everybody will die for what y'all did to my brother-"

"Wait you do you know the rules of the Santos, Once a Santos dies the new leader is the oldest son or the person who killed the Santos" Rochelle paused and smiled "everyone bow down to your new leader"

Amour pointed the gun at Rochelle making West step in front of the gun.

"Move" Amour said simply

"Please Amour she's my mom" West said

"Fuck that the bitch tried to kill me" Amour said angry.

"And Santana shot me and put me in a coma" he paused "please she's my mom can we just call it even"

Amour nodded then pulled the trigger and hit Rochelle in her stomach. "Y'all better hurry and rush her to the hospital her life is in y'all hands" she paused "die slow bitch"

Amour walked over to her car and sped off.

"Gosh I love her crazy ass" Ant said admiring Amour.

When you scrolling on tik tok late at night and you peep your book on the fyp 😝!!!

Ty hunny big shoutout to the goat thanks for the love

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