《50 Shades of Dark clouds》Chapter 42


What's left unsaid says it all...

"You hear me?" Ant asked Santana

"You been in your own world all day" Sevyn said

"The other day Nuni told me that Mikey killed Splain" Santana paused taking a swig from the bottle "blood or not I want his bitch ass to suffer"

"Shit say no more I got some young niggas looking for a come up i can get them to scoop his ass up" Ant said

"Bet that nigga been walking around the streets like he can't get touched" Sevyn added

"Nah I'll handle Mikey I need y'all to bring me Eli-"

"Hell naw you ain't rolling up on Mikey by yourself"

"Yeah you tripping I'll get my girl from the club to set Eli up and while he sleep or whatever I'll get my youngings to push up on him tonight"

"How you know he gone be at the club?" Sevyn asked Ant

"That nigga there everyday I heard he pushing money and drugs in that bitch"

"Mikey will be returning in town tomorrow morning" Sevyn said

"We push up on him when he get off the plane" Ant insisted

"I'm down we just need to play it smart"

"Hit up Nuni-"

Santana cut him off "Nah she ain't in the game anymore and I don't want to bring her into this bullshit"

"Well ask her if she can figure out who all gone be on that plane" Sevyn insisted because Nuni had connections.

"I'll see if she can check into it"

"Where her big head ass at anyways" Sevyn asked

"I seen on snap her ass at a baby shower it looked like Dayza's"

Santana squinted his eyes "Dayza that used to go with my brother?"

Ant nodded his head and showed them videos "ain't that Tahj" he paused "she basically fucking with Splain homeboy"

"I'm dead she weird as fuck hoe ass" Sevyn said

Santana nodded thinking about his conversation with Nuni in the office. Why she ain't just tell me?

"We doing this shit for Splain" Santana mumbled

"Fashoo folks already know how we coming" Ant said

"gang shit" Sevyn said throwing up his set.

Santana raised his bottle "Family shit"

Ant thought before speaking "Damn I can't think of nothing come back to me later I got y'all"

The rest of the day the gang chilled and planned everything for the attack on the Santos War was coming. A war nobody is prepared for.

"on gang nem you forever in my heart I love you Amour, From Santana" Santana repeatedly read that part of his letter.

He leaned back thinking about the letter he knew it was fucked up to do that to Nuni she had already been through so much. But he was tired. Tired mentally,physically, and emotionally. Tired of the bullshit. Tired of this cartel shit. Tired of life.

Santana took his gun out the drawer and sat it on his lap closing his eyes.

"Splain" he mumbled

"Splain brother I miss you come get me"

He contemplated on what he wanted to do next. Well he's been contemplating his whole life about this.


As tears rolled down his face as he loaded the gun.

Why me? He asked his self

It's was a question he could never answer.

Santana finished the bottle then threw it against the wall.

A tear rolled down his face making him wipe it quickly.

Santana dug in his pocket for his phone.

He dialed Nuni number wanting to hear her voice one last time but the letter was enough he thought.

Santana put the gun up to his head "I'm tired" he cried

"And I'm drunk as fuck" he laughed as tears ran down his face.

Santana closed his eyes.

"Just do it it's going to end all your pain" the voice in his head said

Santana nodded. "I am"

"So then do it, why you not doing it" the voice instigated

Santana then pulled the trigger.

It ended nothing but a bad dream.

"I never loaded the gun" he said looking at the bullets that sat right in front of him next to his letter that he did write.

"Fuck" he said looking at the sun rise.

What the hell was I thinking?

His phone started ringing knocking him out his thoughts.

"Wassup" he said answering the phone.

"Wake up bitch Eli at the warehouse let's go pick up Mikey he land in about a two hours we pulling up" Sevyn ended the call.

Santana got in dressed in all black then waited outside for Sevyn to pull up.

While he waited he decided to send his mom a message he haven't spoke to her since Splains funeral.

Love you. He simply sent.

"Get in bitch" Ant said pulling up

"Look at Eli crybaby ass" Sevyn said laughing showing Santana his phone.

Eli walked back and forth with his head down.

"His ass talking about some please don't kill me we suppose to be dawgs, boy if you don't get yo opp as on some where" Sevyn said laughing

"What we doing with him?"

"Hell kill him" Santana said

"And what we gone do with Mikey"

"Kill him. But then I would like for his dead body to make a special appearance." Santana said smiling

"Man folks what you talking about" Sevyn said turning the radio all the way down

"We gone deliver his body to his bitch ass daddy"

"Shit say no mo" Ant said then turned the radio back up.

"Where these niggas at" Ant said reclining his seat.

"Mane let's just go over the plan one more time" Sevyn paused "when the plane land and the exited Me, Ant, and the others will all open fire"

"I already know the plan-"

"Alright mane don't fuck up-"

Santana cut Ant off "Mane shut up the plane in route y'all get to y'all spots and shit"

"For Splain" they all said in sync

Ant and Sevyn exited the car and met the others.

"For my brother yo" Santana exited the car and slid into Mikey Tahoe.

Mikey security exited the plane as soon as they touched the concrete bullets started flying from different directions.


"Remember when Mikey exits nobody shoots let Santana handle him" Sevyn said until the mic.

More of Mikey man came out the plane shooting. The crew instantly shot back.

"Santana" Mikey said over a speaker "my people are already on their way get out of her while you can."

"Blow the little bitch up" Santana said into a mic.

The crew threw three grenades at the plane making the top and one of the wings catch on fire.

"I'm going in" Sevyn said

"right behind you" Ant said

Two walked in into the foggy plane bullets started coming in their direction. Making them send shots back.

"It's only one way out this bitch Mikey" Sevyn said loudly.

"I think I shot him" Ant whispered

"My people pulling up y'all better get out of here" Mikey said loudly

"Ain't nobody scared of you or yo people" Ant yelled laughing.

Sevyn followed his voice through the plane.

"Sup bitch" Ant said pulling the curtain back.

Mikey pulled the trigger only to reveal he had no bullets left.

"Get yo stupid ass up" Ant said snatching him up.

"Santana can't fight his own battles got his little bitches fighting for him and he nowhere and sight"

"Mane just kill this nigga- oh shit y'all get out of there these niggas deep as fuck" one of the men said into the mic.

Ant looked out the window "y'all better chill the fuck out for I try to fly this plane"

"How about we make a deal y'all come work for us-"

"Cut the bullshit you dying today bitch I promise you" Ant said putting his gun to his head.

"Y'all need to come out with Mikey alive" one of the men said into the mic.

Sevyn looked out the window all his men were on their knees surrendering. "Fuck" he mumbled

Mikey laughed "for every minute I'm not out there my men are going to kill one of yours"

A shot went off making Sevyn and Ant look out the window to see one their men faced down on the ground.

"Accept the fact y'all can't win against us" he paused "y'all just gone lose more and more people every time"

"What the fuck is going on?" Santana asked "I'm coming in" he said into the mic.

Sevyn and Ant escorted Mikey off the plane with a gun to his head.

"Consider this a warning from Santos" shots started flying killing three more of The crew men.

"Next time bring Santana I would love to speak to my brother" Mikey smiled and walked off to his Tahoe.

Ant and Sevyn smiled "son of a bitch"

Mikey got into his Tahoe "lost a few people pops but it's time we kill Santana he's fucking up our shit he gotta die"

"We'll discuss more when you arrive bye son"

"Damn that's how you feeling brother?" Santana asked

Mikey froze from the sound of Santana voice.

"You been wanting to talk but now all of a sudden you ain't got shit to say? that's crazy"

"look who decided to show up looks like you missed all the fun" Mikey said looking at the plane.

"I'm the one who orchestrated this fun mother fucker" Santana laughed "I plan for all of y'all to die"

"Well hell at least I won't go out like Splain that nigga ain't even expect it he was blasting his music thinking shit sweet until that Benz pulled up on his ass-"

Santana cut Mikey off by emptying the clip. Mikey body slouched down in the seat.

"Closed casket bitch" Santana said getting out the car.

"Let's get the fuck-"

Sevyn was off by bullets flying in Santana direction.

Santana started shooting back eventually the truck crashed giving the crew time to exit.

"Hit the back road we can get to the warehouse"

"Aye" Santana said

"Wassup mane?" Sevyn said

"I think I been shot" he said raising his shirt up revealing his wound.

"Nigga where you vest and shit?" Ant asked

"I ain't have time to put it on take me to a hospital" he said then blacked out.


"Yello" Nuni laughed answering the phone.

"Nuni sis it's me Ant" He said in a serious tone.


"I need you to listen carefully some shit just went down and I have no time to explain we need you to stop by Santana house and collect all his bullets and guns it should be all on the table" he paused "and Santana got shot, he's in surgery but don't worry my boy gone push through I know he is"

"He got shot?" Nuni yelled over him "no y'all do that shit y'all self I'm coming to the hospital"

"Mane Nuni bro gone go to jail if you don't cops could already be investigating that shit"

Nuni smacked her lips "fine" she said then ended the call.

Amour sped over to Santana house hoping that it wasn't too late. She pulled in the driveway and quickly hoped out.

"That nigga was not in that big of a rush where he had to leave his door unlocked" Nuni said walking in

"Dumb ass" she mumbled looking at the bags of weed, guns, and bullets that sat on the table.

Amour took a backpack and collected all the items.

"Let me find out this nigga writing me love letters" she said reading the tittle.

Let me not invade his privacy. "Oh well" she said beginning to read the letter.

As she continued reading her smile from ear to ear slowly faded away, tears formed in her eyes that she quickly tried to wipe away.

"Don't be depressed nigga huh? Fuck you"

Amour phone started ringing "what?" she said angrily answer the phone.

"Well damn don't be rude Santana up he good did you do what was needed?" Ant asked

"Yup" she said then ended the call.

Amour inhaled them exhaled "don't go in this hospital acting a fool Amour" she said to herself.

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