《50 Shades of Dark clouds》Chapter 41


"I never actually told anyone about that night" Amour mumbled facing Santana. "I remembered every detail. For the longest I could feel the gun powder on my finger nails"

"Damn. I know that shit haunts you but it's the past if you dwell on it for too long it sticks with you" he paused "but what you did was a terrible accident"

Santana kissed her forehead and walked in the restroom and turned on the shower

While Amour rolled over reminiscing about that day...

"Amour where you at?" West asked "don't be out there doing nothing stupid, Jace told pops what you were up to" he paused "call me back we worried about you-"

Amour ended the voicemail and got out car then begin walking up the street. It was around three am Amour been out all night making her people worried.

She had a plan. A plan that she knew West wouldn't like but a plan she was willing to do with no remorse.

Amour walked into the backyard slowly putting her silencer on then slid her mask on.

Amour pushed the unlocked back door, She tried to be very cautious she didn't know what she was walking into.

As she walked in she heard talking in the living room. The talking eventually got louder as she got closer.

"bet I hit seven" one of the man said then rolled the dice.

"Who the fuck-" Amour cut the man off by spraying the whole living room leaving each man with bullets in their chest.

Amour watched as the six man each died she slowly turned around taking her mask off.

On the way out she walked passed a table that was filled with valuable items.

She hoped that her grandma necklace that was given by her grandfather was on there it was the only item that she really cared about.

After searching for a few minutes Amour finally found it. She heard keys jiggling making her exit out the back door.

It was unnecessary to kill a innocent person the six men that robbed her grandma home was dead.

"My baby" a young woman sobbed and cried loudly making Amour walk faster to her car.


Amour quietly walk into her grandma house trying not to make any noise.

She placed her grandma necklace on the coffee table and attempted to walk off.

"Where you been at all night Nu" her grandma said raising up.

"I was with Imani" she said quickly then walked up to her bedroom.

After twisting and turning all night Amour finally got out the bed.

"I haven't eaten in like two days" Amour mumbled opening the refrigerator.

Amour shut the refrigerator after not finding nothing to eat.

"Where was you at last night Nu" Grandma Kasi asked concerned.

Amour slowly turned around to be greeted by her grandma.

"I already told you I was with Imani" she mumbled.

"Ok" she paused "then explain this" she said holding her necklace up.

Amour started fidgeting with her hands.

"Where the hell was you at last night Amour"

"I-I" Amour stuttered "I was out"

Grandma Kasi dragged Amour into the living and turned the tv on to the news.

"Back to you Sydney"

"Last night around 6:00 am police arrived at a crime scene finding six men dead and a five month old baby girl"

Amour tuned the tv out as her heart started beating funny. The room felt like it was spinning making her feel dizzy. Her lungs felt like they were collapsing as she gasped for air.

"Amour what did you do" Coco asked coming inside with West and Ezekiel following.

"Why would you do something like that" West asked

"It's ok" Ezekiel paused "just tell us what happened did you touch anything" he asked




"Amour did you hear us"

"Amour" Santana paused "Amour did you hear me"

"Yeah um what you say" she asked

"I said do you got somewhere to be today because I got stuff to do beautiful"

Amour nodded her head "yeah just drop me off at my car I have something to go to, pick me up later tonight" she asked pecking his lips.

"Nah you good champ" he said then walked to the door.

"It's cool I'll stay at my girlfriend house" she said then walked out.


"I'll snatch yo whole lace off your face"

"ooo" she dragged "I like it when you get ruff" she smirked

"I can't believe you had a damn baby" Imani said to Dayza

"girl and he wasn't suppose to be here for another three weeks" she paused "so now he at his own baby shower"

"Awww Neeko" Amour dragged as she held him.

"Neeko Amir" Dayza said smiling adoring her baby.

"If some drop a baby off on my porch I'm gone name it Adore Hope" she paused smiling at the name "because every bitch named they kid Dior mines gone be Adore cause she different"

"But what if you get a boy"

"Who said I was accepting boys?" She paused "Nah I'm playing but If it is simple name him a junior no thinking needed"

"This bitch-" Imani was cut off by Nicole.

"Hey bitches how y'all doing" she dragged. Nicole was clearly drunk.

Imani cleared her throat "we good hun you?" She asked looking at her up and down.

"I'm great" she paused "Aww he's handsome looking just like his daddy, where is Tahj at" she asked looking around.

"somewhere minding his business why wassup?" Dayza asked

"girl no need to be hostile I was just wondering where a old friend was" she said sipping her drink.

Dayza grabbed her baby "it's time for me to pump" she said to Amour and Imani.

The three girls sat in silence not having much to say.

"ooo Nuni let's take shots" Nicole said going in her purse grabbing a patron bottle.

"Oh no thank you I'm not drinking today" Amour said with a smile.

"Girl since when you don't drink"

"I made a bet with Santana if I don't drink for a three weeks straight he gone pay for my hair to get done for the rest of the year" she said laughing.

"Oh bitch come on I won't tell" she whispered loudly.

"It's ok I'm good" Amour said

"Just one-"

Imani cut her off "damn bitch you don't get it she done told yo ass like ten times she not drinking"

Amour laughed at Imani response.

"Ok pipe down" she paused "Nuni just my drinking friend"

"She ain't yo friend the fuck" Imani said bluntly.

It was a brief moment of silence "Anyways Nuni where you get your purse from it's cute" Nicole asked

"It was a gift from Santana I can ask where he got it from if you want"

"Damn" she paused "I wish he was balling like this when we was fucking around"

Amour and Imani jerked their heads back and looked at each other.

Amour turned towards Nicole "you use to fuck with Santana"

"Girl In like middle school and a little bit in high school" she paused "He ain't tell you? I thought he did sis"

"This bitch" Imani said loudly.

"Nah sis he ain't put me on game" Amour said standing up.

"Awkward" Nicole mumbled turning away "I got to go find Tahj it was nice seeing you Amour." Nicole said the walked off.

"It's some weird about that bitch" Imani said

"Yeah I don't know that bitch tripping almost got her head took off her shoulders"

"Santana really ain't tell you about that"

"Girl do you think I would have been in the bitch face if he did"

"Yeah you need to check that seriously" Imani said.

Imani and Amour phones dinged at the same time making them look at their phones.

Amour frowned as she read the message.

"Your pops is marrying Kayla" Imani paused "let me go ahead and RSVP I know they gone have some rich people shit up in there"

Amour tossed her phone back on the table.

"Did you RSVP?" Imani asked

Amour jerked her head back "No" she paused "I ain't going to that shit"

"But that's your pops"

Amour rolled her eyes "I know"

Imani hesitated "Amour he's going want you there this a special day for him"

Amour didn't reply.

Happy pride month beautiful people

I'm fixing to be done with school so expect some new books!

also pay attention it will be some time jumps :)

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