《50 Shades of Dark clouds》Chapter 38


Imani finally picked up on the third ring. "Nuni" Imani said answering the phone.

Nuni hesitated on speaking.

"Hello Nuni you there" she asked

"Yeah I'm here" she paused "where are y'all" she asked in a whisper tone.

"We in Baton Rouge with a friend we good you?" She asked

"I'm straight, I came back to town last night" she paused "It was cool uh- did West try to get in contact with you"

It was quiet for a moment "the morning me and loyal was leaving he showed up luckily Loyal was eating breakfast but still Nuni I don't know what to do" Imani said on the verge of crying.

"I usually would have some advice for you but this not no normal shit, just do what's best for Loyal"

"It's like if I don't let him in Loyal life I'm the bad person and- and if I let him in his life how do I even explain it to Loyal what's going on" she paused "Hey Loyal baby I know your whole life I said your daddy was dead but he came back alive last month"

"That shit crazy" Nuni mumbled

"Nuni what would you do" she paused "if you was in my position what would you do"

"I'll kill him so he can go back to being dead for real this time though" she said in serious tone.

"Amour come on be for real if Santana faked his death and he tried to come back into your life would you let him" she asked

Amour started laughing "Not Santana" she dragged "but I wouldn't put my kid through that I'll move far away from this bullshit but just because that's what I would do doesn't mean it's the best option"

Loyal started whining in the background "yeah your right hold on baby I-, can I call you later Loyal acting like a crybaby because he sleepy"

"I miss my baby" Nuni dragged

"Girl come get his bad ass"

"I am" she paused "but I'm fixing to finish cleaning the shop call you tomorrow?"

"You at the shop this late by yourself?!" Imani yelled

"I'm fine I just needed something to do"

"Child call me when you get home be safe please love you"

"Love you too kiss my son for me bye" Nuni said then ended the call.

Amour swept and mop the floors for another hour before she got ready to leave. A chime coming from her alarm system made her look at the front door once she noticed no one came in from the front door she ran to her purse and grabbed her gun.

"Drop the gun" A man said

Amour slowly turned around coming face to face with two men.

Amour took the gun off of safety "I'll give y'all five seconds to get out my shop"

"We don't mean no harm just drop the gun little sis" Mikey said coming around the corner.

Amour pointed her gun in his direction "fuck you want"

"I just need a favor" he paused and walked over to Amour "where yo little boyfriend at"

"Shit I don't know but when you find him let me know some"

"I ain't got time where the fuck Santana at" he said stepping closer

"Don't know" she said dryly

"We been looking for him for a little minute-"

"Bro ain't even hiding that's tough" she laughed

"Mane Mike just off this dumb broad"

"Bitch I wish I would I let a couple of bum niggas take me out-" One of Mike men tried snatching Amour gun making her squeeze on the trigger sending a bullet to his bullet proof vest.


"Alright that's enough tie her little ass up" Mikey said "looks like we gone do this the hard way" he said in Amour face

"Fuck you"

"I just wanna know where Santana at"

"I don't know-" one of the men sent a punch to Amour face making her head go back.

"I'm tired of hearing I don't know, let's cut the bullshit where's Santana" he said lightning a blunt then blew smoke in Amour face.

"If I tell you I might as well be a dead man walking" she said then spit blood out onto Mikey shoe

Mikey looked at his shoe and nodded "Mane I ain't wanna do it like this but I feel like you forcing me too" he paused "Imani in Baton Rouge still right?"

Amour didn't respond.

"I heard she got a kid and everything your nephew-"

"I swear to god if you touch them-"

"I won't touch them IF you give me information on Santana"

"I don't know much I haven't been around since my mom died and when I'm with him we don't do too much talking" she shrugged

Mikey threw the blunt on the ground "I'm sorry about that for real" he paused "Untie her I don't wanna leave her in here overnight I don't know when I'll be back from Baton Rouge" he said then walked to the front door

"I swear to god on my mama last heart beat if you touch them I will kill you with my bear hands" Amour said promising every word.

Mikey let out a small laugh "Aye do me a favor when you see or when you don't see Santana let him know that it was me that killed Splain maybe that'll give him a reason to come looking for me" he paused "Ken, Ramsey y'all know what to do"

Ken snatched Amour gun off the table and dumped out each bullet onto the floor. "y'all better kill me now if y'all let me walk out of here I'll make sure everybody that y'all love-"

Amour was cut off by Ken hitting her with the back of the gun across her face. "I heard you was a crazy bitch but damn you a crazy bitch with balls" he paused then grabbed her shirt and started laughing "I could kill yo ass right now and sleep peacefully tonight" he said walking off.

Ramsey came out of nowhere kicking Nuni and her nose making her body fall back onto the ground. He then stood over her body sending blows to her face. Ramsey begin to laugh "bye bye Rosemary" he said then walked out the shop kicking over her vanity making glass go everywhere.

Blood dripped in Nuni eye making it hard for her to see all she seen was red physically and mentally.

Amour groaned trying to balance herself. Her head was pounding but after awhile she finally built up enough strength to get to her car.

"Fuck" she yelled seeing that one of her tires were flat and glass was everywhere from her windows being shattered.

She still hopped in the car she didn't have time to call a Uber time was ticking she needed to get to Imani but she wouldn't get far in her car she had to make a quick stop.

Amour dragged herself out the car. She was feeling lightheaded like she was going to pass out at any moment. Blood smeared on the glass of her father dealership, A blood trail followed Amour as she walked down the halls to the conference room.


Amour opened the door slowly "E I need your keys" she said lowly making everyone look at her.

"Nuni" Nicole whispered looking at the blood dripping from her head.

"Fuck happened to you" E said rushing over to Amour catching her before she hit the ground.

Santana head shot up in Nuni direction.

"You needa sit down and tell us what happened" E yelled

Amour started shaking her head no "no I don't have time I have to go now can somebody please give me their keys" she yelled back.

"Nuni what the hell happened" Santana asked

"No I don't have time to explain I have to get there before he do I have to go" she said shaking.

"Amour" Santana paused "who did this to you I need a name, a face or something" he said trying to stay calm.

"Fuck" Amour winced while Nicole put alcohol on her cuts "I was at my shop and Mikey and some other people rolled up asking for you when I didn't tell them anything they hit me but I'm good" she paused "they threatened to hurt Imani and Loyal if I didn't tell them anything that's why I have to leave now can somebody please give me their keys please"

"What the fuck Mikey want with me" Santana asked

"I'll explain later I have to get to Imani and Loyal" she paused and took a deep breath "can I have somebody keys please I gotta go"

"We coming with you" West said walking over to Amour

"I don't need none of y'all I just need some damn keys" she said standing up on the verge of crying.

"Cool we leaving in five minutes" West said grabbing his things.

Santana started wiping the dried up blood off of Nuni face "you ok?" He asked

Amour put her face in Santana chest "I don't wanna lose them" she said lowly as she cried quietly.

"You won't let that happen" he whispered in her ear.

Amour, Santana,Ant, Ezekiel and West all rode in one Tahoe, while Nicole and Sevyn followed them from a distance.

West cleared his throat before beginning to speak "Amour"

Amour looked at West through the rear view mirror "what"

"I wanna apologize-"

Amour started laughing "you think now is the right time" she asked trying to see if he was being serious "boy fuck you and your apology for real in real life"

"Mane why you got so much anger built up towards me for real let me know something"

"Bro you really wanna go there nigga you faked your death for what?" She asked "because of some Santos niggas was threatening you my nigga you pussy get the fuck I literally have bigger shit to worry about" she said yelling the ending.

"My bad I forgot since you killed that baby at sixteen that just makes you oh so gangsta" he mumbled loud enough for everyone to hear.

It got quiet "Ok that's enough y'all stop it" E said trying to stop it before things escalated.

"E shut the fuck up and stay out of it" Amour said

"Damn he just gone let her talk to him like that" Ant whispered to Santana

"you wanna go there that shit was a accident and you know that I ain't mean to do that shit to that baby I was young and dumb I can admit my wrongs" she paused "but you run off to Canada just because a few people said they want yo head-"

West cut her off "You don't even know the story so why you speaking on it? you really worried about the wrong thing you need to worry about learning how to fight this the third time I done seen your face fucked up"

"ain't no need to learn how to fight I can shoot"

"Y'all act just like each other that's the damn problem" E said

"There's a huge difference between me and him, a huge one" she paused and laughed "I don't let these folks play me like I'm pussy I never have and I never will. But If I could take back killing that innocent baby I would I swear on everything I love I would but I can't and that's some shit I got to deal with everyday"

"Okay Nuni that's enough you good-" Santana said

She shook her head no "But let's not forget your the reason I had to retaliate because you was gone let some bum ass niggas run in my grandma shit beat her and rape her and you wasn't gone do shit about it so yes I took matters to my own hands" she paused "But on my mama last heart beat if I could redo that day I would I regret killing that baby not nobody else though"

West scoffed "Don't even put that on yo mama life you pushed her away until she was on her death bed"

Amour took a deep breath in and blacked out next thing you know she jumped from the backseat all the way to the passenger seat attacking West sending punches all over his face. Ezekiel immediately pulled over into a empty parking lot while Santana and Ant tried to break it up.

"Ok that's enough" Ant said while Amour got her last hits in.

"I swear to god I hate you" Amour said while getting out the car.

"You mad cause I get to telling you the truth?" he asked "oh I get it you want me to act like shit sweet like everybody else mane get the fuck" West said getting out the car

"What's going on" Nicole said as her and Sevyn got out the car.

Amour looked at him dead in his eyes and before she knew it she grabbed her gun from her waistband and pointed it at West.

"Nuni let's put the gun down it doesn't have to go down like this you don't wanna do something you'll regret" Ezekiel said knowing how his daughter could get.

"Yeah Nuni listen to your pops that's yo blood brother" Santana added stepping towards her.

"You wanna prove you gangsta pull the trigger you bout it" West said

Amour took the gun off of safety "you don't know me I'll shoot you in yo face then ship yo body to Puerto Rico to ya mama"

"So do it then you bad shoot me how you shot that little baby"

Amour pulled the trigger but shot at the ground due to Santana stepping in and hitting her arm.

Ezekiel snatched her gun out of her as she tried to attack West again "I'll hold onto this until you act like you got some sense" he paused "now come on for all we know Mikey them could be already there and y'all on this bullshit" he said shaking his head.

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