《50 Shades of Dark clouds》Chapter 37


A tear rolled from Amour face she felt like she had been doing this crying shit way more than usual. It's been three weeks and six days since Amina's funeral Amour been all over the place. She had days were she couldn't get out the bed and she had days were she cried herself to sleep. But she also had days were she smiled because Amina was no longer in pain and was now in a better place she hoped.

"Fuck" she mumbled getting out the car.

"long time no see" security said as Amour walked into her father brand new car dealership. "Your fathers in the back celebrating I can take you too him if you like"

"No I think I'm capable of finding him on my own" Amour said then walked off.

Nuni walked into a huge conference room filled with all type of rich nicely dressed white people. Some looked at her up and down due to her looking a little ruff. Her hair was in a messy bun and she had on a oversized shirt with some biker shorts.

"The fuck y'all asses looking at" she said mugging, they quickly turned away and started whispering.

"Amour" E paused "I didn't think you were coming how are you?" He asked walking towards her.

"I'm straight, this that fancy white people shit let me guess Kayla put this together" Amour said grabbing the champagne glass from a waitress.

Ezekiel let out a small laugh "no seriously how are you? nobody heard from you since the funeral"

"I know I had to get my mind straight I'm back though until further notice" she said with a fake smile

"You can't be doing stuff like that it scares people when you just run off-"

Amour cut him off "Well E I wonder who I get it from"


"Hey Mr.De'lagado it some investors who want to talk to you over there"

"Uh I'll be right back baby girl you can go sit in my office if you like I know you don't wanna be around all these people" he said handing her the key then walked off.

Amour walked down the hall looking at all the pictures that was hung on the wall it was pictures of her and her family. She rolled her eyes seeing a picture of her smiling big when she was younger.

Amour opened the door to what she thought was her fathers office "wrong room" she mumbled closing the door quickly.

Amour took a deep breath, she had to get use to seeing her brothers face again.

"Wassup Nuni" Santana said coming up behind her.

Amour turned around slowly "Hey Santana" she said nervously

"How you been" he asked

"I been straight you?" Amour asked

"Can't complain" the two stood their staring at each other not really knowing what to say.

Some white girl walked up to the two "Hey babe I been looking all over for you" she said grabbing Santana face kissing him.


Amour began to walk away "babe who's the little girl" she said in a loud whisper tone

Amour frowned at the girl response before she got to say anything Santana started speaking "Kylie this is Nuni and Nuni this is Kylie"

"I'm his girlfriend" she said smiling

"Cute" Amour said dryly then began to walk away for the second time.

"Well it was nice meeting you" Kylie said sticking out her arm for a handshake

Amour looked down at her and then back at her face "you too boo" she said then walked off.

Kylie scoffed "how rude" she said looking at Santana

The two walked back into the room were the rest of the guys was "Aye Santana we just seen yo girlfriend" Ant said laughing "oh hey Kyla"

"For the millionth time it's Kylie not Kyla"

"Same shit" Ant said

"And babe what do they mean girlfriend" She asked

Santana shook his head "we ain't never dated so chill"

"Well you could have at least told me that she liked you" she paused and smirked "is that why she jealous of me because I'm with you" she asked

"I know you lying" Sevyn mumbled

"You better chill for she come in here and whoop both y'all ass" Ant said

"Um Anyways babe look at the time I gotta go to the airport call you when I land?"

"Yeah that's cool"

"Ok I love you babe" she said kissing him on the cheek and walked out the room.

"I Love you babe" Ant mocked

Santana started laughing "mane chill out you play entirely too much" he said getting up

"Where you finna go" Sevyn asked

"To mind my damn business"

"Nah you finna go get yo girl back simp ass" Ant said making everybody laugh.

"Didn't she break up with you-" Santana slammed the door and walked down the hall to where Nuni was.

"Hey baby mama" he said walking in the office

Nuni busted out laughing "i ain't know you liked snow bunnies"

"Mane quit playing how you been?"

"You already asked me that" she mumbled

"I know but you ain't answer my question truthfully earlier"

"I mean shit is what it is"

"Why you saying it like that-"

Amour cut him off "why y'all up here dressed like that in suits and shit" she asked

"Don't try to change the subject" he paused "but we investors for your pops dealership"

"That don't even sound right but k"

Santana smacked his lips "ima keep it a hunnit with ya, yo pops letting us wash money through the dealership"


"So where you duck off to this time" he asked

"I'm not telling you"

"I missed you" he said leaning over the desk licking his lips.

"Nuuh I know you ain't tryna kiss me you been kissing on that little snow bunny" she paused "you might have the cooties" she teased


"You childish-"

Sevyn came in the office "yo wassup Nuni" he paused "Santana its time"

"Where y'all going" Nuni asked

"We gotta make a drop I'll be back tonight though I can slide through"

"Nah you good champ I'll see you around though"

Santana laughed "I'll see you tonight" he paused "on a serious note you needa check on yo homegirl and her little baby"

"Dayza had her baby already she a few weeks early" Nuni said grabbing her phone.

"Dayza pregnant?" he asked

Amour eyes got big she wasn't even thinking at the moment "huh what you talking about"

"Nah what you talking about Dayza pregnant" he asked again

"Nigga Dayza ain't pregnant don't be putting words in my mouth" Amour said trying to get out the conversation.

Santana frowned "You acting weird but I was saying I think yo brother trying make her do a DNA test on that baby he thinks it's his"

"I'll talk to him" she mumbled

"That's his kid" Santana asked

"Sir I thought you had somewhere to be"

"Mane I'll be at yo condo later tonight"

"Don't live there anymore but cool"

"I'll find out where you gone be" he said then walked out with Nuni behind him.

"Aye West we needa talk real quick" she yelled down the hall

"I gotta go" Santana mumbled then walked off

"Wassup sis"

"Don't call me that" she paused "I don't know and I don't give a fuck what you got going on but stay the hell away from Imani and her kid"

"I been back for four weeks you ain't-"

"Boy I don't give a fuck" she said dragging the ending "if you come near them again I will hurt you, you'll end up dead for real this time" she shrugged

"Mane Nuni if that's my kid you don't think I got a right to know"

Nuni put her hand up signaling him to stop "for the past three years we been telling that baby that his father died" she paused "you and pops ruined my life I'll be dammed if I let you ruin his"


"I meant what I said, You know how I can get I mean you have witnessed it first hand" Amour bumped his shoulder and walked off

"Can I explain why I disappeared-"

"I already heard the story" she mumbled and kept walking leaving West.

West jumped up instantly regretting it feeling a sharp pain in his side.

"West" E said walking over to his hospital bed.

"Mane what the fuck happened" he asked snatching the IV and bandages out his arm.

"Lay yo ass back down, you were in a terrible accident you been in a coma for about three weeks" he paused "but we did something big though"

"what the fuck you mean we did it I been in a coma for three weeks I ain't did shit and what the fuck a nigga got to do to get something to eat around here I'm starving" he said pressing buttons on his hospital bed.

"So instead of our plan to just leave town for a little while I decided that you get to do something big"

"Pops what the fuck you talking about? Just get to the point already"

It was a brief moment of silence "You faked your death"

"I told you that's not how I wanted to do it" West said getting upset

"We ain't have a option-"

"I ain't even get a say in this shit"

"I did what was best for you" E yelled

"No you did what was best for you, you don't give a fuck about shit but your cartel"

"you ungrateful ass fuck I done spent thousands of dollars just to make sure that this shit went the way it went and for you to act like this, I saved your life because if I left you down there for one more day you would be dead the Santos was planning to kill you at your birthday party"

West nodded "and where the team at"

"Ain't no team Santana knuckle head ass went to jail a few weeks ago, Quinton got his own shit started up and half of team work for him"

"So what we suppose to do start normal life's" West paused "where the fuck am I even at" he said getting up to look out the window.

"In Canada"

"Where Nuni" West asked

The room went silent.

"where Nuni" West asked again.

"She's at home" he paused "grieving"

West jerked his head back "you didn't tell her the plan"

"West it's not that simple-"

West cut him off "then you just left her down there by herself you a fucked up ass parent I'll tell you that"

"she's out the game we have no ties with her she'll be taken care of" he paused "West where you going"

"To go get my little sister" he paused "I can't leave her down there she's too young she's a kid"

"You go back your dead" E said then walked out.

West sat on the bed angry everybody and everything he worked for went down the drain. His sister is somewhere feeling all alone and there's nothing he can do about it and for some reason he just wants to call Imani but he knows the situation he's in can put her in danger so it probably is best that he stays where he at.

It more to West story stay tuned...

I'm back fr fr this time 🥲...

This book damn near over y'all want a sneak peak of my new book 🙈?

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