《50 Shades of Dark clouds》Chapter 36


Amina laid in the hospital bed with all her loved ones surrounding her. She even requested for Santana to stay she wanted to learn a little about the boy who got her daughter in love.

But even with all the love surrounding her body was weak. The medication she was on was not working anymore the cancer was getting stronger and stronger each minute.

"Amina why you didn't tell us" Grandma Kasi asked in a depressed tone.

"Because ma I didn't know how that's not something you can just easily say" Amina said lowly "I just thought I had more time I wanted to tell you all tonight"

"shit crazy" Kai mumbled

"Have anybody been able to get ahold of Amour" Amina asked concerned everybody shook their heads no "with everything going on y'all try to be there for my babygirl" she paused "especially you" she said looking at Santana who was leaned up against the wall.

"she gone come she just a little shook up about all this" Ezekiel said looking at West.

Amina scoffed "you so fucking trifling"

"After I already explained Everything you still mad" Ezekiel paused "Can y'all give us a second" he asked looking around the room at everyone.

Kasi scoffed the walked out following the rest "I'll be back in three minutes so hurry the fuck up" she said then closed the door.

"She ain't changed not one bit" he paused "I remember when I brought you them diapers for Kai she cussed me out because she claimed I just wanted sex"

"Because you did" Amina said laughing

"I remember just like it was yesterday we was running the streets having our little share of fun" he paused "I even remember when you found out you were pregnant with Amour"

"Whew I was so scared two kids what the fuck was I thinking" she sniffed "she hates me"

"She hates me too" E mumbled

"I just wish I had more time, but I don't you do so fix y'all relationship before it's too late" she paused "and if I don't get to tell her goodbye promise-"

"Man Hush you gone be able to tell her goodbye" he said waving her off


"E I'm serious" she paused "if I don't get to tell her goodbye just her know that I'm so sorry an-and that I love her so much"

Ezekiel nodded "you gone be able to tell her all of that and some I promise"

She sniffed "thank you"

"For" he asked

"You always come through" she paused "no matter what we was going through you always found some way to pull us through"

Amina laid her head on Ezekiel shoulder "I love you"

Ezekiel exhaled a breath that he didn't even know he was holding in "I love you too"

Amour dragged her bloody body into the hospital seeing her loved ones faces filled with tears. Which made her try to walk faster.

"Amour" West said walking up to her "what happened to your face" he said touching the cut above her eyebrow.

Amour winced in pain "get away from me" she snapped

Amour tried to walk off but was stopped by Santana "what the fuck happened to your face" he asked in a serious tone.

"I'll tell you later" she paused "please I just really wanna go see Coco" she said with tears in her eyes

Santana nodded "ok I'll take her to you her" he said trying to grab Wrist making Amour winced in pain.

Santana looked at her bruised face and swollen eye "mane I'm not waiting what the fuck happened" he asked her

"I'm good stop worrying about me" she mumbled walking into her mother's room leaving Santana standing in the hallway.

Amina eyes lit up when she seen her daughter walk into the room "Amour"she said trying to get but instantly felt pain making her lay back down.

"Coco" Amour said rushing over to her mom's hospital bed. "Are you ok" she asked getting in the bed.

"I'll give you two a minute" Ezekiel said walking out the room. Amour quickly turned her face.

"Are you ok" Amour asked again "what's wrong"

Amina eyes teared up "Amour baby" she paused "I'm sick"

"Oh so you gotta get treatment or something" she asked

"No baby" Amina paused as tears ran down her face "I'm dying" she said really lowly.


Amour didn't say nothing her eyes just started tearing up.


"What do you mean your dying" she said looking at the floor.

"I don't have that long to live, I have cancer and when I found out it was too late it had already spread through my body the doctors told me it's too strong for any medication or treatment."

"So you knew why you didn't tell me" Amour asked angrily

"I tried I just didn't know how-"

"So you were just going to up and leave like you always do" she mumbled

"No Nuni I had plans of telling you and everybody tonight but it look like I'm a little too late" she paused "I'm so sorry for everything and I'm talking about everything from-"

"Coco you don't-"

"Yes I do I don't want you to hate me anymore. Amour I'm sorry for putting you through all of this shit if I had the chance I would have took you and moved far away from all this shit" she paused "I'm sorry we didn't get to do the small things like bake cookies or hell played dress up "

The two started laughing "now you know I'm too G for that "

"Does he make you happy" Amina asked


"That boy Santana"

"Oh we just cool I guess" she paused "ma we can talk about other things"

"No we good now answer my question does he genuinely make you happy" Amina asked

"In a way" she paused and looked at her mother "I never met someone that I could relate to so much but it's like we're two totally different people, you know?"

"ooo your in love" Amina dragged

Nuni laughed "Oh no I got love for him though"

"Well give me a grandchild" she said lowly

Amour shook her head "Ma I can't have kids" she mumbled

Amina mouth dropped "what? I'm so sorry baby"

"Stop apologizing Coco it's okay I'll be fine"

Amina nodded "there's other ways to have kids you know" she paused "no matter what just promise me that your going to live your life to the fullest"

"I promise"

"No Amour I'm for real be happy, if Santana makes you happy be with him and if doing hair makes you happy do it. I know for fact doing missions and shit like that don't make you happy so stop it"

She pointed to her face "I try then something always happens so I gotta retaliate or do a mission. It's like I take a step forward and two steps back it's just crazy"

Amina grabbed her hand "When you get ready you get far away from here get out of here Nuni ain't shit for nobody here" she paused "just be happy"

"I will Ma"

"Now come give me a hug"

Amour laid up under Coco and gave her a hug "Whew I can't remember the last time we did this"

"It's been a long time" Amina paused "I love you mi Amour" she said as a tear rolled around her face

"I love you too Mom" Amour said closing her eyes.

And in that very moment Amina took her last breath. But she wouldn't want to take her last breath anywhere else with anybody else.

"Beep!Beep!Beep!Beep!Beep!Beep!" Amina's machine went flatline.

"Amina" Amour said tapping her "Coco" she said in a sad tone

Doctors and nurses rushed into the room. The doctor checked her pulse "I'm sorry to say this but Amina is no longer with us"

Those words made Amour break down in the hospital bed next to Amina "mama" she cried and yelled.

Her cries were so loud they were heard all the way in the waiting room. At that moment everybody knew that she passed just from Amours cries.

Santana rushed to Amour side as she cried in his arms.

"Fuck" Kai said seeing his biological mother laying there lifeless.

Everybody was hurt by this. Especially Nuni losing her mother was a different type of pain. A pain that's going to last for sometime. Even though they weren't as close that was still her mother who she loved.

Wheewwww sorry for the slow updates but I'm back and ready to finish this book y'all...

I need some comments on this one..

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