《50 Shades of Dark clouds》Chapter 35


"Grandma I'm fixing to call her again she must be still drunk from last night" Imani said calling Amour

"I'm going to beat her ass she know how important Christmas brunch is to me" Grandma Kasi said walking into the kitchen.

"Oh Ma calm down she's probably just laid up with that boy again-"

"What boy y'all keep talking about, I ain't met no boy and I thought that girl was gay" she said with her hands on her hip

"Gay?" Amina asked

"Awkward" Dayza dragged "grandma can you make me another plate please" she said pouting

"You ain't know that girl was gay she been gay for the longest had a little girlfriend and everything running around here child"

"She doesn't talk to me about things like that" Amina mumbled "but I have some news I want to tell y'all when everybody gets here"

Kasi frowned "you pregnant?"

"No ma-"

"Don't tell me You and E getting back together?"

"Ma no just wait to everyone gets here"

Imani walked into the kitchen "Nuni on the way she said her phone was dead so her alarm didn't go off"

"That girl-"

"Wassup I hope we not late to the Christmas party" Kai said walking into the kitchen with him and his family.

"Oh my gosh Kai you came" Amina said walking over to them.

"Amina this my daughter Arianna and this is my Wife Kenslee and that's my mom Amina and everybody else is everybody else"

"Hi it's a pleasure to meet you" Kenslee said extending her arm for a hand shake.

Amina looked at her hand "Baby we family" she paused "we don't do handshakes give me a hug"

They two shared a long hug that they would remember forever. "You got your daddy whole face" she said bending down to Arianna level. "What's your name beautiful"

"My-my name is um Arianna Ro-Rosemary um Savage" she paused "but everyone calls me Ari for short" she said then started smiling

"Well Miss.Ari my name is Amina but you can call me Coco if you like" she said wiping a tear

"Ok Coco" she paused "why are you crying daddy says princess are too pretty to cry"

"Well baby I'm just very happy to meet you that's all" she paused "I got you a gift come on" Amina said picking her up.

"Kenslee you look beautiful as always" grandma Kasi said grabbing her hand.

"And grandma you look stunning as always" she said smiling

"Where the hell Nuni big head ass at" Kai Asked leaning on Kasi.

The door bell rung "that should be her I'll get it" Imani said walking over to the door

"Girl grandma gone-" Imani dropped her wine glass making wine and glass go everywhere "oh my gosh" she said walking off


"Imani everything ok" grandma asked coming to the door "oh my-"

Imani ran upstairs grabbing Loyal out the bed "mommy where we going I wanna stay here and play"

"Baby just please do me a favor and keep your head down for me can you do that" she asked he nodded his head "baby I promise I'll bring you back to see Grandma tomorrow"

Imani grabbed her purse and threw Loyal over her shoulder putting his hoodie on "Imani is everything ok" Amina asked noticing Imani storming down the stairs.

Imani didn't respond she just walked even quicker to get out the house "Mani let me explain-"

"Don't fucking touch me" she yelled with tears running down her face then stormed to her car.

Imani buckled Loyal Into "mommy but I wanna stay with grandma please"

"Baby I promise tomorrow" she paused "not today" Imani got in the car and sped off

"Beep!Beep!" Amour honked her horn trying to get Imani attention but she kept driving.

Amour walked up the driveway with Santana following her "your so childish you did not have to take your own car" he said

"Boy shut up talking to me" she paused "why you look so nervous" she said laughing walking into the house.

"You shut up talking to me" he mumbled

"Grandma your favorite person in the whole world who you love so much is here" she paused nobody replied but she could here people talking in the living.

"Ooo go make me a plate" he said pointing at the table full of food.

"Grandma-" Amour walked into the living room everybody stop talking and looked at Amour. "Stop looking at me like that y'all acting weird"

Amour scanned the room and a particular face made her freeze up. Amour started shaking her head backing up out the living room.

"little sis"

"It's a dream" she paused "it's just a dream" she opened her eyes to be face to face with someone she thought she wouldn't see again in this lifetime. Her brother West.

He tried to grab her arm "Please let me explain-"

"No don't touch me" she gritted "West please don't touch me"

He nodded "I didn't have a choice you think I wanted to do that to you hell naw mane it was either fake my death or be real dead" he paused "just let me explain"

Amour started to walk out the house she slowly turned around "I gotten so use to you being dead" she paused "for all I care you can go die for real" she said then walked out.

"West she didn't mean that it's-"

"You know we finna fight right" West said walking over to Santana "you suppose to be my homeboy but you smashing my little sis what type of shit is that"


Santana stared laughing but his laughter stopped when West punch him in his face , blood from Santana lip flew everywhere. The two started fighting throwing jabs at each other. West swung on Santana, Santana ducked and hit West and the eye.

The two fought for a good minute before Kai broke it up.

"Alright that's enough" Kai said separating the two.

They both started laughing "you still weak" Santana said dapping West up

"Nigga put on some weight and think he doing something"

Ezekiel walked in and looked at the two and noticed the blood on their lips "you ain't been back alive for twenty four hours and you already starting shit" he said

"Shut the fuck up-"

E looked around "Where Nuni"

"She took off" Santana said

"Did she try to kill you" he paused "I told yo dumb ass to FaceTime her and tell her" he said laughing

"She ain't try to kill me-

"Aye nigga what the fuck" Amina yelled tapping on E forehead "I don't know what type of Cartel you running but you fucking with my daughter and I don't like that shit at all" she yelled

"Stop tapping on me the hell and we gone explain to everybody in a moment can you chill"

"Go to hell" she mumbled walking away.

"Amina you need to sit down you don't look so well-" Amina collapsed on the floor she started foaming out her mouth. "Oh my gosh Amina somebody call 911" Kasi yelled everybody rushed to Amina side.

"She's having a seizure" Kenslee said turning her on her side "she needs medical attention now"

"Fuck" Kai mumbled

"Daddy what's wrong with Coco" Arianna asked

"Baby go over there please" he said turning her away.

"Ambulance pulling up ima try to get a hold of Amour" Dayza said "it's ringing but it's going to voicemail"

"I just called her I got the same shit" Santana said

The Paramedics rushed in putting Amina onto the stretcher. "Name and date of birth" a paramedic asked while another paramedic found her vein to give her a shot to stop her from seizing.

"Amina Savage date of birth October 6, 1982" Ezekiel said

"She's unstable right now we are going to have to rush her to the emergency room to get her stable and possibly run some test" the paramedic said rolling her out the house.

"Keep trying to get ahold of Amour please I'm going to the hospital" Kasi said grabbing her things.

"Ok I'll keep trying grandma I'll be on my way after I lock the house up" Dayza said call Nuni

The two snapped their heads in the direction of the sound of a phone ringing.

"Get off of me" Amour said kicking the intruder.

Amour tried to crawl to her purse to get her gun but was immediately pulled back. The intruder flipped her over and punched her in the face repeatedly.

"Where is Santana" he asked grabbing her by the shirt

"I don't know-" he cut her off by punching her in her face again.

He pulled her hair bringing her closer to to his face "You know exactly where he's at and your going to take me to him or I'm going to kill you" he yelled

He picked her up by her hair letting Amour get a glimpse of how she looked In the broken mirror. Her face was all bloody and her arm that had been broken in the past was hurting really bad.

Amour felt weak.

The intruder pushed her out the room making her hit her head on the table.

"Get yo bitch ass up" he said pulling her by her shirt.

Amour looked around trying to figure out where his gun was once she noticed it was still in the bedroom she turned around slowly.

"What the fuck you-"

Amour cut him off by shooting him in his leg and shoulder making him kneel down. "You fucking bitch" he yelled.

While Amour was on the floor she took that as a opportunity to grab her gun from under the table

Amour kicked him in his face making him fall back "who sent you" she asked standing over his body.

"I ain't telling you shit" He said trying to catch his breath

Amour nodded her head "that's cool but after you die I'm going to get somebody to find the people you love the most" she paused "and I'm going to make them suffer"

"Fuck you" he said lowly

"I'm going to make them beg for their life's and then right before I kill them I'm going to tell them how I killed you but at the end I always win" She said whispering the end.

"The Santos are coming" he paused "they coming for all of you so you-" he said laughing

Amour cut him off by sending one bullet to his head ending his life right there on spot. "I don't got time for that shit"

Amour limped over to her purse grabbing her phone "Os necesito, ya he enviado el dinero y la dirección" Amour said then hung up the phone.

"Why is they blowing up my phone" she said scrolling through her call log.

A message appeared at the top of her screen "Nuni we understand that your upset but you need to get to the hospital it's your mom she's sick, Love grandma"

Amour tried to quickly put some clothes on and rushed out the door.

"Fuck" she mumbled looking at her bloody face in the rear view mirror.

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