《50 Shades of Dark clouds》Chapter 31


"Why ain't nobody been putting money on your books"

"Money low with gang right now-"

"That's cap but okay keep lying like you always do"

"I thought I told yo ass to stop coming up here" Santana said

"Boy fuck you , You don't tell me what to do" she paused "i just think its funny that you don't talk to me for months but when y'all do decide to hit me up it's cause y'all need something"

Santana nodded "is that it-"

"No shut the fuck up I'm talking how much" Santana jerked his head back "How much do y'all need to be cleaned"

"We just need a mil they gone flip the money than we will be good"

"Well I'm not letting y'all do money laundering through my shop i know somebody that can get y'all that money or they'll clean it for you"


"Don't worry about it" she paused "is y'all not trying to find who killed Splain anymore" she whispered

Santana rubbed his face "they handling something right now I'll just handle it when I get out"

"And when do you get out"

"Soon" he said dryly

"Nigga just tell me you tryna keep it a secret like it's the crusty crab recipe or something you know what don't tell me I don't care I hope this our last conversation any damn way" she mumbled the ending

"What you just say" Santana asked

"You heard me I ain't stutter" she paused "anyways I gotta let you know something it's about Splain"

"Wassup" he said leaning back in his chair

"Did you know that y'all have different dads" she asked in a whisper tone.

"What the fuck you mean different"

"Let me put this in terms you may understand you got this daddy"she paused "and Splain got that daddy"

He huffed "shut the fuck up talking to me like I'm slow how you found that out"


"A little investigation" he nodded "another thing um you and Mikey are brothers well half brothers"

He nodded trying to process it in Amour wanted to tell him everything but being in these four walls and him not being able to do anything was going to drive him crazy so it was best she kept the information to herself.

"I'm really not trying to lay all this information on you right now but I wanted to tell you before somebody else try to tell you" she paused and started fidgeting with her hands "I'm I am what's that word" Amour said snapping her fingers "I'm pre- I'm pretty that's the word" she said nodding

"Stop playing what's going on" he asked

"Santana I'm pregnant and I went to the doctor I done took like eight test and all that" Amour said really fast with her head down.

Santana looked around the room "you keeping it"

"Uh I wanted too-" she mumbled

"Please tell me you playing don't you see where I'm at I ain't in no position to take care of a baby" he paused "just do us both a favor and get a abortion"

Amour blinked a few times and leaned over the table and smacked her hand down "please don't think for a second that me or this baby need you" she paused "I'm not these other bitches I'm not finna beg for you to be in my baby's life fuck you nigga"


"Nah forget I even said anything don't worry I got it the baby better off without you anyways" Amour said standing up leave Santana at the table.

At that moment Amour knew what she had to do, she needed to worry about her kid and her own problems.

Sorry Splain but Amour won't be helping his little crew had to figure that shit on their own and laundering that money went straight out the window.


"Don't worry Dorito it's just me and you" she said rubbing her small stomach she started laughing "not me team I got a kid"

Amour eyes started tearing up "I promise I'll be the best mom I can be to you and I hope you won't even go through half the shit I went through"

Amour drove off heading to her pops house tonight she just wanted to sleep for longer than a couple of hours.


"Hey pregnant bitch" Imani said laughing

"Girl fuck you" Amour said

"I'm so ready for you to have this baby"

"I am too hell I haven't smoke in a long ass time" and "I'm excited to meet my little Dorito chip"

"Girl I can't believe you pregnant how did things go with that boy"

Amour huffed "girl fuck him that nigga had the nerve to say get a abortion because he in jail" she paused "like no that would be very selfish of me I have everything i need to take care of this child by myself"

"Okay fuck him we don't need him at all big lip motherfucker"

Amour started laughing but the laughs slowly ended "yeah fuck him he can't even try to come in my baby life when he get out" she said stopping at a red light it was hardly any cars on the street.

"Yeah cause I thought a nigga that said abort me trying to hold me" Imani yelled

"I'm dead no seriously-"

"BOOM" out of nowhere a truck came and hit Amour camaro making it flip on the side. "POW!POW!POW!POW" the men started shooting at her car then drove off leaving Amour unconscious.

"AMOUR" Imani yelled "oh my gosh are you okay" she asked "Amour can you hear me baby where are you"

Imani clicked over to call Grandma Kasi which went straight to voicemail. She called Ezekiel who answered on the last ring "I was on the phone with Amour out of nowhere she got hit and now she's not responding" she said really fast "let me merge the calls"

"Amour" Ezekiel said she started groaning "babygirl where are you"

"I'm like a few minutes from the house , someone called the police I can hear sirens" she said lowly

"Okay Nuni stay with us we gone meet you at the hospital ok" Imani said

"Okay" she groaned then dropped the phone

"African American early twenty's female it looks to be hello ma'am can you hear us" Amour didn't respond "okay just stay right there we are going to get you out"

The fire man pulled Amour out of the smoking car "get her to the hospital she losing blood"

The ambulance rushed Amour to the hospital "what's her name" the nurse said rushing her to the emergency room.

"she was found unresponsive on the scene"

"She needs surgery now-"

"Excuse me has anybody that's been in a car accident been brought to this hospital" Imani asked really fast

"Yes ma'am she just got in here about three minutes ago"

"Thank you can I go see her" Imani said looking down the hall

"I'm sorry but she's in surgery the accident was pretty severe"

"What the hell Let me call her people" Imani said grabbing her phone

"Okay your more then welcome to wait in the waiting room" the nurse started walking off

"Wait she's pregnant oh my gosh she's pregnant is the baby ok" Imani asked concern about Amours baby.

"We had no Idea she was pregnant I'll go check and let you know as soon as possible"

50 shades of Dark clouds = 50 chapters....


Santana feelings about having a kid?

The crew wanting to clean money through Amour shop?

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