《50 Shades of Dark clouds》Chapter 30


"She knocked out" Nicole said putting a blanket on Amour

Amour was so sleepy from staying up these past nights and not getting enough sleep she had to force herself to get out of bed this morning. She was still shocked about being pregnant but she was a little excited she hoped that the baby was something she needed.

But the part about being a mother terrified her more than anything. Not having her mother in her life fucked her up in a lot of ways mentally.

"Yeah her ass right here sleep Amour" ant tapped her waking her up.

"Wassup" she said stretching

"Santana wanted to talk to you" he said placing the phone on her ear

"Wassup" she said in a dry tone

"How you been" he asked

Amour wanted to tell him she was pregnant but for one it was too many people and two it was something she wanted to do in person. "I been chilling you" she asked

"I've been better" he paused "I need a favor can't explain too much on the phone but Ant them will I gotta go be easy-"

Amour tossed Ant his phone back and laid back down closing her eyes.

"Here you look dead" Sevyn said passing her a chicken sandwich.

The smell of it made Amour wanna throw up "please get that shit away from me it stinks" she said then gagged

"Well fuck you too I was trying to be nice"

"Nuni we need a favor" Eli said walking In the room

"How much y'all need"

"Nah we don't need no money-"

Ant smacked his lips"Nigga speak for yourself Amour I'm broke as fuck let me hold some money I know you got a few bands in that purse" He said

"Like I said we don't need money but we need you to run some money through your hair shop" Eli said

Amour jerked her hand back "like money laundering" she asked

"Yeah something like that-" Amour started shaking her head no.


"No my hair shop is a legal business I'm not fixing to let y'all fuck it up"

"We only gone do it for a month-"

"What part of No did you not get the N or the O"

"Man we just need a mil clean after that we can clean it ourselves"

"I'm not doing that illegal shit anymore" she paused "I thought y'all called me to figure out who killed Splain"

They all looked at each other "we is we just got bigger shit to worry about"

Amour tilted her head "what's bigger than finding out who killed yo folks" she asked nobody responded "yeah I'm out" Amour said grabbing her things and leaving.

"Y'all should have let Santana ask her she would have probably said yes" Ant mumbled

"He can't them folks listening over the phone and Santana told me about the last conversation they had ima just put it like this Nuni ain't fucking with him no more how she use too"

"I hope me and her still friends I really do need some money" Ant said

"Amour you just got home where you going now" Amina asked

"This isn't my home" she paused "I gotta go somewhere I'll be back tonight"

"Sit down let me make you something to eat" Amina said walking over to the kitchen.

"I'm good I gotta go now" she paused "maybe later bye" she said noticing the look of her mother's face.

Amina was trying to do the little things with Nuni like making her food or even giving her a ride but it was safe to say it was a little too late Nuni all grown up. Amina nodded and went back over to the couch to finish writing her will. She mostly gave Amour and grandma Kasi all of her belongings.

"This is too much" she mumbled throwing the book on the coffee table.

"Hey are you ok?" Kayla said coming down the stairs.

"I'm fine" she mumbled


"Why don't you come in the kitchen I can make you some tea if you like" Kayla asked

Amina figured she ain't got nothing better to do so why the hell not "sure"

"You wanna talk about" Kayla paused "what's ever on your mind I won't tell anyone hell I don't have anybody to tell"

Amina didn't respond "please don't tell anyone not even Ezekiel can know about this"

"I won't tell anyone I promise"

"I'm dying" she mumbled "I was diagnosed in the hospital with tuberculosis i thought I was getting better but it's not it's just getting worst day by day" tears started rolling down her face "i don't have that long to live"

Kayla rushed by Amina side giving her a hug "oh my gosh Amina that's awful I'm so sorry this is happening to you when are you going to tell everybody" she asked

"My plan is to tell everyone on Christmas while they are in a decent mood and hopefully everyone shows up" she said wiping her tear

"I'm here if you need anything I'm talking about anything at all"

Amina nodded "thanks"

"Do you mind if we pray let's pray" Kayla paused "Dear Heavenly Father I'm come to you today asking you lift up Amina that's facing various illnesses. Give them hope and courage she needs today pain their fears, and surround her with your peace in Jesus name we pray Amen"

"Amen" Amina paused "I don't see how Ezekiel is with someone like you, you seem so sweet and he's the devil"

"Well I haven't always been like this in my young life I did a lot of bad things but one day I turned my life around and got saved by the man upstairs"

"That's good to hear-"

"Amina you got a chance to talk" Ezekiel said coming into the kitchen

"Yeah thanks again Kay see you later"

Amina followed Ezekiel into the conference room "what you need"

"I got your money" he paused "do you still want me to sign the divorce papers" he asked

"You must not see that white girl that's in your living yes boy i want a divorce" Ezekiel huffed "it's time E we been holding to each other for to long"

"Amina come on now I'll leave her-"

"No your not you stay with that girl she loves you and it's clear you love her"

Ezekiel signed the papers and handed them to Amina "Amina I'll always love you no matter what"

"I love you too-"

Ezekiel cut her off "your nose is bleeding like a lot"

Amina wiped her nose seeing the blood on her hand "pass me a tissue please" she cleaned the blood up to the best of her ability after a few minutes the bleeding stopped.

"You good" he asked "you bleeding like how you was when shawty from the block whooped your ass"

Amina looked around "Who what shawty beat my ass point her out to me"

"You remember ole girl she whopped yo ass" Ezekiel started laughing

"Ain't nobody whoop my ass hell nigga you can't even whoop me" she said punching him in the arm

"Don't start you already like to take shit too far"

"Nah you just don't want me to beat that ass"

Amina didn't want to divorce Ezekiel but she feel like it was something that she needed to do, she needed to let go. Ezekiel hoped that him and Amina still had a chance to get back together and he was going to test his chance.

"Ezekiel I gotta tell you-" Ezekiel phone started ringing cutting her off.

"Hold on this is very important can we continue this conversation later" he asked

"Of course handle business boss" she mumbled walking out the conference room.

Im fixing to start back dropping chapters I been being lazy...

Don't mind the errors I ain't edit it guys...


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