《System Dilemma》42. No Matter What It Takes


Oh, that was out of the blue…

“What the hell is a latent talent anyway,” I said.

“Remember the corpse right there,” he replied as he pointed toward the body of the Bahamut, “You’ve beaten it using your latent ability. I don’t even know much about it, so we’ll have to discover it step by step.”

‘We’? is he planning on intruding into my personal life?!

“Don’t worry, kid,” he said, “I could kill all humans on a whim, and I might be able to do things that you’d find unimaginable. Why would you refuse free help?”

“Free help always comes with strings attached,” I said, “I am not even sure if I could repay you for what you already gave me, but I guess I can’t dissuade you from lending me a hand, can I?”

The mysterious man clapped as he laughed, then he told me to focus on my bullshit instead of rambling around. He warned me sternly not to disturb him unless I had something incredibly important to discuss; he told me that he reached a critical part in the novel.

Ugh…I’ll check the description of the new class and the new skills that come with it.

-Excess EXP used.

-Host levelled up x4!

-Host reached Level 79! 16 MAG, 16 END, and 80 free stat points acquired.

[Class: Pyrotechnical Incinerator (Legendary)

Jason was an average human for a while, until he wasn’t! His legacy will go on for ages as the Earthling with the fastest clear time of the tutorial!

The system recognized his efforts as he faced armies of enemies, and emerged victorious despite being greatly outnumbered.

He’s slowly climbing the power ladder, and his prospects are getting brighter and brighter.

This Class is a memorial to Jason, who stood against all odds and defeated the Primordial! Give him a round of applause, please! As this might be his lifetime’s achievement…

This Class was carefully balanced and optimized to assure some satisfaction.

-Each Level gives the host: 4 MAG points; 4 END points and 20 free stat points.

-If the Host desires to use a skill, he must shout its name.

-Host is immune to fire damage.

-The past class skills were improved accordingly.

-In addition to the past skills, the host obtains 2 other skills.

-Damage is increased by 80% against beings made of flesh.

-Increases fire affinity (30/100)


[Host gained Class Skill [Unlimited Fireworks] (Legendary)!]

[Host gained Class Skill [Deus Ex Machina: One against Many] (Legendary)!]

-Host acquired 1 extra title for the impressive feat!

Aha! I still haven’t checked the titles that I had! Never mind, I’ll check them once I am done reading the skills’ descriptions.


[Unlimited Fireworks] (Legendary)


Jason is a conceited person who believes himself to be better than others, that’s why he prefers fighting alone!

Jokes aside, he truly likes fighting alone. Thus, he became experienced in the art of staying out of the enemy’s range while being able to control the battlefield.

The system recognized his efforts, and deemed him worthy of having a Dimensional Bubble!

-The host is the center of the bubble.

- Radius of the bubble: 20 meters.

- Inside the dimensional bubble, the host will be able to use all forms of fire magic without having to spend any mana.

- Fire damage is increased by 400% inside the bubble.

- Once the enemy is trapped, he can’t escape unless the host allows him to or the skill is turned off.

(Activation Condition 1: Make sure the enemy stays around 20 meters away from you or less for about five minutes.)

(Activation Condition 2: Make sure that both you and your enemy are on fire.)

(Activation Condition 3: Make sure that the enemy hears this skill’s chant.)

Warning: Dimensional Bubbles are advanced and complicated forms of magic and they need a chant to stabilize them.

Warning: You’re free to choose this skill’s chant. It must be formed of at least six words and twenty words at most.

[Deus Ex Machina: One against Many] (Legendary)


Jason was a stupid host, and he fought groups of monsters at a time.

Miraculously, he always managed to emerge victorious!

This is a reward to keep him going for a little longer.

-Increases your STR, DEX, and AGI by 2% per enemy on the battlefield.

-Increases your STR, DEX, and AGI by 2% per attack that you got hit with. (Max 200%)

-Increases your STR, DEX, and AGI by 2% per attack that you hit an enemy with. (Max 200%)

Both abilities seemed rather good, and I was equally impressed by them. The first ability had some activation conditions, but they weren’t impossible.

The first ability needs a chant huh? I’ll come up with a random one later.

The second ability was straightforward, and it had great potential if I played my cards right in the battle.

I took a look at the previous abilities that I had, and all of them improved when it came to their mana cost, their stat boosts, and their cooldowns. However, the one that stood out the most was [It’s fine!], as it granted me around four stats points per 10 K at this point. Furthermore, I found out that I would only feel seventy percent of the flames’ pain due to my current fire affinity.

My offensive flames’ damage also increased by thirty percent for no extra mana cost.


It’s time to check the titles that I got…

I asked the system to show me the titles that I acquired, and thirteen system screens appeared.

[Title acquired: Class Dropout]

Class Dropout

Either you got a bad class, or you were too stupid to change what the system assigned you at first!

You are the first human to acquire a new class through external means!

-Gain 100 free stat points.

[Title acquired: Solo Delver]

Solo Delver

Loneliness might be one thing, but solitude is completely different.

You are the first human to clear a dungeon on your own!

-Gain 30 points in STR, and MAG.

[Title acquired: Monster Slayer]

Monster Slayer

Gotta kill them all!

You are the first Earthling to participate in killing five hundred monsters.

-Gain 50 points in STR, MAG, VIT, AGI, DEX, and VIT.

One Man Army

Why are you fighting so many creatures on your own?

This is suicide!

You are the first Earthling to kill five hundred monsters on your own.

-Gain 80 points in STR, MAG, VIT, AGI, DEX, and VIT.

[Title acquired: Boss Steamroller]

Boss Steamroller

An area boss is strong enough to hold control over a vast location.

Nevertheless, you defeated one of them!

You’re the first Earthling to beat an [Area Boss]!

-You get the General Skill [Scout Boss] (Uncommon)!

[Title acquired: Divine Superstar]

Divine Superstar

Some people are monsters, while others are born to be monsters of fame!

You’re the first Earthling to grab the attention of at least thirty entities of the divine realm!

-You get to choose one of these two stats:



I was checking the titles one by one until one of them stood out among the rest.

Divine superstar, huh? It’s offering me one of two great stats!

Charisma was a stat that improved the person’s charm and people’s first impression of him; it was rather useful when it came to interpersonal relationships. I’ve heard that it was capped at a maximum of one hundred and fifty stat points, and its usefulness would’ve been unparalleled.

On the other hand, Rage was a more straightforward stat. Each stat point in it gave the same effect as multiple stat points in the Strength stat, but it had a drawback. The higher that stat was, the more irrational the person became. The host’s mental capacities would degrade, and he’d start acting like a berserker.

The Rage stat didn’t have a stat limit, and it could make the person insane if they invested too many points in it.

It was obvious which one would suit me better, and I couldn’t wait to get my hands on it!

The titles are already looking tasty! And there are still seven other ones that I haven’t checked yet!


“So... What did they tell you?” Igor asked Stella. He tried to keep a smile on his face, but the sweat on his face exposed his anxiety.

“Umm… Were they upset with us because Jason is running laps around us?” said Oleg as he waited for Stella’s reply, but it never came, “I don’t care either way. Being a tank is so boring, and I sure as hell won’t be able to stand out using my class!”

Oleg sneered when Stella ignored him. He was playing around with the skull of an Amphiwolf, and the blood that covered his face didn’t seem to bother him.

Stella had a poker face and gave her companions stern gazes. She took her time before she replied.

“I met the Almighty Holy One,” she said, and the other two gasped loudly. She waited for the surprise to subside before she resumed speaking, “He wasn’t upset with us, and he’s aware of our efforts. He said that he was proud of us and that he’ll be expecting great things from us once we’re out of the tutorial.”

Igor sighed and sat on a tree log. He asked her about the helpful resources that the Great Church promised them when the system integration happened, and Stella furrowed her eyebrows at the question.

“I am sure you know that our performance has been subpar so far, and you still believe that we deserve our sponsors’ help and attention?” said Stella with a monotonous voice, “The Leader of the Great Church is so benevolent that he still believes in our potential. However, I am disappointed with our achievements!”

“Ugh, can’t we just take it easy and enjoy the tutorial while it lasts?” said Igor.

“Pleasure isn’t something that we should care about,” said Stella, “We’re heroes, and we must serve as examples for the other humans to follow. We’re a reflection of our sponsors, and we can’t tarnish their image.”

“I mean, I’m just in for the thrill and the fights,” said Oleg, “I’ll play along as long as we get to have some action!”

Stella sighed and said with a stern tone of voice.

“Excellence is our only option. We’ll overcome that ‘Jason Stubbs” no matter what it takes, and I’ll make sure that both of you are working hard enough to satisfy our sponsors.”

The other two laughed nervously and followed Stella’s lead as she made it to the last Area Boss’s lair.

“…no matter what it takes...” she whispered as she kept up the pace.

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