《What's Really Hood》FIVE


"I'll give you a ride ma, no buses gonna come and if they do its gonna be packed due to the weather." I looked at him "I won't hurt you." He added

Another gust of wind hit me and I hopped in his car. Desperate times call for desperate measures.

The heater in his car hit me and I slumped in my seat satisfied. I felt him watching me but I ignored his gaze putting my seat belt on.

"Thank you." I said looking at him

While looking at him I took in his appearance fully. He was a brown skin boy with a very popular haircut I see most of New York boys wear. The sides of his head was tapered and the top was full with thick, dark brown spiral curls. His jaw line was strong and sharp and he had a little beard which I adored. His teeth was straight and white, and his smile is gorgeous. He's gorgeous.

"I appreciate it." I added

He looked at his rear view mirror and then pulled off from the curb.

"It's no problem." He said nodding

He's a serious guy, I could just tell by looking at him. The way his jaw clenched and unclenched out of habit, the way he looked so concentrated while his eyes remained on the road.

I was watching him and I know he felt me watching him as he'd glance at me any chance he could get.

"My name is Trinity." I spoke

I took my eyes off of him and started looking out the window. We passed the bus that I missed and I saw it was heavily packed. Oh my. Thank god for him.

"Dominic." His voice was husky and deep and I wanted to die.

I crossed my legs tightly looking the other way biting my thumb. Thank god for Dominic.


"How old are you?"

I looked over at him but his eyes was still on the road as we were at a red light.

"19." I answered confidently

He nodded tapping his finger to the beat of the song on the steering wheel that was lowly playing on the radio.

"You from 'round here?"

"I just moved here from Cali actually."

"Figures." He said looking at me taking in my appearance "You stand out. A lot. The way you present yourself and the way you talk just screams I'm not from around here."

"Yeah, I get that a lot." I mumbled thinking of Michael

He looked at me for a while gazing in my eyes. He smirked as he noticed me sinking in my seat looking away slowly. I squeezed my eyes shut tightly as my crotch began to tingle.

He chuckled.

He freaking chuckled.

The car began to move again as I noticed we were getting closer to the train station. I sighed in relief. I need to get out of this car pronto. I can't take looking at his gorgeous perfect chiseled face.

The car then started to slow down as he parked next to a curb. Next to the curb was the stairs to go underground in the train station. I really don't want to get out of this warm car but I need to before I do something I might regret.

I looked over at him and he looked at me. Oh my god.

"Thank you." I squeaked hopping out of the car and running down the train station steps.


"Stupid, stupid, stupid." I said to myself as I got off the bus and began to walk up the block to my house.

It was going on 7:30pm and it was dark outside. The street lights were dim and I'd occasionally hear rustling in bushes and stuff and I'd get so paranoid it's not even funny.


I couldn't stop thinking about Dominic on my commute home and now that I'm thinking of him now, it's reminding be of how stupid I am!

It totally slipped my mind to get his number so I may never see his beautiful self again.

I wanted to take a plank and just constantly beat my face in.

I began to walk pass the house Chyna and the rest are always hanging out at (still wondering who's house is it and where are the parents) and saw a little spec of light. As I got closer I saw Chris sitting on the front steps smoking. Every time he'd take a hit, whatever he was smoking would glow.

He spotted me and gave me a little head nod.

I froze dramatically "Chris is acknowledging me? No way." I said in bewilderment standing directly in front of the house in the middle of the street

Although I joked about it I was honestly surprised when he nodded at me.

I've been living here for almost a full month now and him and I never had a full conversation. We go to the same school and have the same classes but he continued to ignore me. I honestly don't know why.

Chris shook his head at my reaction and lightly chuckled. I took the initiative and gained the courage to walk over to the house leaning on the gate that was surrounding the perimeter of the house.

"Where you coming from this time of night?" He asked slowly watching me using the gate as support

If he was in the right state of mind I honestly think he wouldn't be talking to me at all right now.

"I went to my fathers job in the city." I replied watching him

He flicked the ashes of his blunt and took another hit. I'm from California of course I know the terms.

"You want?" He offered as he blew smoke through his nose

Oh my.

"N-no thanks." I said scratching the back of my neck

He shrugged and took another hit.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Sure, but just know I'm fucked up." He replied laughing

He wouldn't stop laughing.

"Sooo fucked up." He sang moving his neck like Smokey from Friday

I shook my head "Goodnight Chris." I said softly leaning up from the gate

"You could call me Christopher." He said

I looked up at him and saw him with a serious face on.

What in the world.

"Goodnight Christopher." He nodded taking off his very expensive Just Don hat itching his head and putting it back on

I saw the curtains in the window slightly move but I didn't acknowledge it, but I saw strands of dark hair and I knew it was Kae.

I smirked and walked away from the house going up the block to mine.

I finally made it to my house as I ran up the porch steps unlocking my door going in.

I flicked the lights on as I kicked off my boots leaving it by the stairs since I'll be wearing it to school tomorrow.

Crap, school. I sighed walking up the stairs heading straight to my room. I peeled my clothes off too lazy to put anything away in the dirty clothes hamper and dived in my bed with only my bra and panties.

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