《Rejected and Pregnant》Chapter 30


Axel's POV

It has been three days since the little boy had ran to us for help, three days since Joey went missing, and three days since Timmy and Mateo left. No one can seem to find where the little boy came from. We also can't find Joey anywhere, Monica has also been a miss since he disappeared. She has grown very depressed and won't talk to anyone. Alena has also been training harder than anyone else in the pack. She barely takes a break, no one seems to be able to get her to slow down.

My men and I have been working really hard to get through this war and figure out how to ambush Xavier and his army. We have had three packs ally with us so far and we are waiting on two more.

Sighing, I stepped away from my desk and looked out my window. Alena was just in the hairline of the woods practicing her powers. Even from here I can see the bags under eyes. Sadness ate at my heart.

Sometimes I wondered that if I had never rejected her, we wouldn't be in this mess right now. Everyone might of been safe. Slowly, I made my way downstairs and outside. I found Alena and waited until she noticed me. Her dull brown eyes met mine. She attempted to give me a small smile, but failed.

I walked up to her and wrapped her up in a hug. "You need to sleep. You exhausting yourself isn't going to bring Timmy and Mateo home faster." I whispered into her hair. Alena didn't say anything, but I felt her slack in my arms. I looked down at almost chuckled, she had fallen asleep.

Slowly I lifted her up into my arms and carried her all the way up to her room. Carefully, I laid her on her bed and pulled the sheets over her. Hesitating, I leaned down and gave her a kiss on the forehead, before I left her room. I went back to my office and finished some paper work that I needed to get done. When that was done, I went ahead and looked through our war strategies. Considering Tanya might of forgotten that Eletta could obtain visions. At least that's what we are hoping.


If that's the case, we are planning to make it seem as if we were just going about a normal day, while some of our guards and our allies' guards are in hiding. When they all seem to cross the pack lines, we will all pounce. Attack them from out of nowhere. Sighing, I run my fingers through my hair. We need an alternate plan just in case this doesn't work. Grumbling, I decide to get up and get something to eat.

When I venture into the kitchen, I see Monica standing in front of the refrigerator. "Hey Mon," I greeted her. Monica looked up and gave me a very small smile. "I was planning on making some grilled cheese, would you like one?" Monica shook her head no, but as if her stomach had a mind of its own, it grumbled in hunger. I chuckled softly, as Monica's cheeks grew pink. "You can go ahead and take a seat. I'll have them ready in no time."

Monica nodded and went out into the dinning room, just as I turned around to get out the ingredients. Half way through preparing lunch, Eletta sprints into the kitchen. Sweat running down her face, completely out of breath. "Where is Alena?" She heaves out.

"Sleeping, what's the matter?" I asked.

"The war day was moved up." She said, my eyes went big. "They will be here in two days." The utensils in my hands slipped out, clattering loudly against the floor.

"Call everyone for a meeting, now," Eletta nodded and ran out of the room. I quickly finished the grill cheese and went to go give it Monica. She thanked me softly, before taking the plate and walking towards her room. I quickly raced into my office and already saw everyone in there, even Alena. She looked exhausted but highly alert. Quickly guilt seeped through my cains, but I pushed it to the side for now.


Eletta and I quickly filled everyone in on what she saw. We also came up with a plan b just in case our first attack doesn't work. I also made sure to call our allies and let them know what what's going on. They all said that they would be here by tonight. All women and children are to stay in their houses, easy to go into their safe rooms. Worriers in the morning will deliver food to them and make sure they are will supplied. No one is allowed to be in the woods either. Training has been moved up to a much safer location, just in case they decide to attack during that moment. It will also be more intense this next day and a half.

When the meeting was done, I made sure Alena stayed back. I made sure everyone had left the room before I spoke, "are you okay?" I asked her softly. Alena shrugged her shoulders and yawned tiredly. Opening my arms, Alena stepped right into them and snuggled her head into my neck.

"I'm scared," she whimpered quietly. My arms instinctively tightened around her lean body.

"I won't let anything happen to you," I said.

"Not for me, for the pack. The boys...for you." She whispered. I looked down at her with a confused face.

"For me?" She nodded.

"I don't want something bad to happen to you, the boys have already lost so much. I've lost too much. I know we aren't supper close or romantically involved as mates, but I care about you. Look at all that you have done for the boys and I. You provided us a home and safety, despite the circumstances. I will also always love you as my mate, even with the rejection. We were meant to be and that will always hold a spot in my heart. You gave me one of the most precious gifts. You gave me a son and helped me with my other precious gift." Tears slowly ran down Alena's face and I just couldn't help myself. I reached up and wiped away her tears. Daringly, I leaned down and captured her perfect lips with mine. Remembering how it felt the first time I kissed them, but somehow this time it's better, for some reason.

"I love you too, Alena." I whispered after I pulled away.

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