《Rejected and Pregnant》Chapter 29


Alena's POV

My blood ran cold. My eyes raked over Monica's face, looking for any indication that she's lying, but I found none. "We need to inform Axel and everyone else right away." Monica nodded. I quickly mind linked everyone into my office.

Within minutes everyone was packed on. "Alena what's going on?" Cassie asked. I looked over at Monica and informed everyone of what she had told me. No one bothered to cut me off and no one said anything until after I was done.

"This is bigger than we thought, we need more help from other packs. We need as much help as we can get." Everyone nodded their heads in agreement. They all left afterwards and I asked Monica if she wanted a different room, but her and Axel both made an obvious comment that it wasn't a good idea. We can't tip off Joey that we know everything.

After Monica left, I sat back down in my officer chair and shoved my face in my hands. Tears running down my face. I could feel Axel growing closer, but I didn't bother looking up. "This is all so screwed up. My own brother..." my voice cracked.

"It's not him Alena, you know that." Axel said, as he wrapped his arms around me.

"But what if he isn't in a spell, we don't have evidence that he is." I whispered. Axel lifted me up and sat me in his lap. I immediately shoved my face into his neck. Allowing his scent to comfort me.

"I know, but you must keep strong. We tomorrow our boys leave, we should be with them right now." I nodded and dried off my tears. Axel walked me back to my room where our boys had fallen asleep.


Tears began to pool up again, "I don't know what I would do if I lost my babies." I whispered. Axel kissed my head.

"I don't know either. I know Timmy isn't mine and doesn't think of me in that way. I know we aren't a thing, but I have grown to love you all three. I have always loved you Alena, I won't let anything happen to either of you. They would need to kill em first." I looked up at Axel. My eyes bore into his and before I could comprehend what I was doing, my lips pressed against his.

Axel became stiff, but quickly recovered. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to his chest, before he pushed me away. "We can't." Hurt exploded in my chest, I nodded and began to pull away, but then I was crushed into his chest. "We can't, because I know your sensitive right now. I want to do this right, at the right time. When your 100% ready." Axel said, his hand pushing away a hair off my forehead. A warm feel spread all through at my body.

My arms wrapped around Axel and hugged him close. "Thank you." I whispered. Axel pulled away and bid me goodnight. I laid next to the boys and cuddled close to them, considering they will be leaving tomorrow and who knows when I will see them again. My sweet boys.

After a few minutes, sleep finally over took me and clouded me with darkness. Which on,y lasted for only a few minutes, before being woken up with loud screeching. I snapped my eyes open and looked over at Mateo. Tears were running down his cute little face. I quickly got up and picked him up, before he woke up Timmy. I checked his diaper to verify that he didn't need a diaper change. So I sat down on the rocking chair in my room to feed him. He immediately latched on and his cries subsided. I sighed and rocked his back and forth.


When Meto had his fill, he slowly closed his eyes and fell asleep. I smiled down at him and smoothed back his hair. "Mommy will always protect you my sweet boy. I will always protect you and your brother. Always and forever. You will need to go away for a little while, but not because I don't love you, but for your safety." I kiss his little head, before I lay him back down. I crawl back in bed and little sleep take me away again.

When the time finally came to wake up and take the kids to the airport, I could help but still have a bad feeling about letting them go. Shaking away the feeling, I pried Timmy off of my leg and kissed him goodbye, "why can't you come with us." Timmy whimpered. Tears ran down his face like a faucet.

"Because mommy has to stay back and prepare our new home. A home that is safe and beautiful." I said.

"Then why can't I stay and help. I can watch Mateo." Timmy begged. I sighed sighed and kisses his head.

"You just can't Timmy. Now be a good for your Uncle Drake." Timmy nodded, before he wrapped his arms around my neck tight,y. I hugged him back before I pulled away. I then grabbed Timmy from Drake and gave him a big kiss. "You have the breast milk and everything for the boys right." Drake nodded, a sad smile on his face. I nodded and bid him goodbye too. Axel moved in and bid them all goodbye as well.

Axel and I waited until we saw their plane take off, before e headed back to the pack house. We sat in the car quietly, not saying a word. But what Axel did do, was grab my hand and kiss it. I turned to him and gave him a small great full smile. When we pulled up into the drive way, we saw Monica running from the woods, Joey behind her. I quickly jumped out of the car and ran to her. Monica gripped my arm and head behind me. Axel stood beside me, ready to protect us if needed. "Move out of the way sis, this is between my mate and I." I shook my head.

"No, if you have something to say to her, you can say it in front of me." I growled at him. Joey growled back at me, but before he could say anything, a little pup ran over to us. Blood was dripping down his face. He looked beyond terrified.

"Help us." He said, before passing out. I looked for at Axel, I quickly picked up the boy and turned back to Joey, only to see he had disappeared.

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