《Rejected and Pregnant》Chapter 27


Alena's POV

My heart was thumping loudly in my chest. Axel looked at Eletta stunned. "What in the world are you talking about?" Axel snapped.

"In a month, my sister will come with Xavier and his pack. They will becoming at night, as a surprise I suppose. I guess my sister hasn't figured out that I am helping you. But there was something else there that wouldn't't let me see it. They were blocking their images. But I know for sure it was dangerous and oozing power. You need to prepare...and fast." My heart picked up in pace. I snapped my head over to Axel.

"What are we going to do?" I asked him. Brand new tears filled my eyes and blurred my vision. Axel looked at me with sad eyes. Slowly he wrapped me up in a hug.

"We have to send Mateo and Timmy to my brother's pack sooner than we thought." Axel said. I shook my head furiously.

"I can't leave them. What if they find them and take them?" I whimpered. Axel looked at me.

"They won't, I promise. I won't every let them get taken." I burst into full on sobs and let Axe cradle me in his arms.

"I won't see my babies for a month." I sobbed out. Mateo was just born and now I won't be able to watch him grow for a month. I just got Timmy back and now I have to send him away for his safety. I'm a horrible mother.

"I know Alena, but it's for their safety." Axel said and I knew he was right, but I just could bare the thought of being away from my sons.

"I know, I just can't imagen not seeing them for a month." I whispered. Axel wiped away my tears.


"I know, me neither but we can't prepare the pack and watch the boys at the same time." Axel pointed out.

"You're right." I said. Axel nodded.

"Come on, let's get to bed. I'll call my cousin in the morning and arrange transportation okay?" I nodded. Axel laid me back down in my bésame covered me up. Before he could leave, I grabbed his arm.

"Please stay?" I asked. Axel looked at me hesitantly. After a few minutes, he nodded and crawled in beside the boys and I. I made a mental thank you for the huge bed.

Axel wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me to his chest. I sighed deeply and allowed myself to relax. Axel missed my forehead lightly. I close my eyes and slowly drifted off to sleep. But just before darkness fully consumed me, I swear I heard Axel say something.

The next morning, I won't up to a snoring Timmy, Mateo, and Axel. I smile at my three boys... wait what? No I mean my two boys and Axel. I can't be falling for Axel. Yes, he has changed a lot sense he rejected me, but I can't allow myself to fall for him again. Not after all the heartbreak I've been there.

Carefully getting out of bed, I made my way into my bathroom and took a much needed shower. When I was done, I went into my closet and chose my outfit of the day.

I slipped into some pastel, grey sweatpants, white tank top, and a fluffy grey cardigan. Liking my outfit, I topped it off with my white vans and some jewelry.

When I went back into my room, I saw that Timmy, Mateo, and Axel were all awake. Axel gave me a warm smile. "Morning." I smiled at him and greeted him.


"Timmy, go get changed okay buddy?" Timmy nodded and gave me a big hug.

"I love you mommy." I smiled at Timmy. I hugged him back and gave him a big kiss on the cheek.

"I love you too buddy. Mommy will always love you." For some odd reason, that felt like the last time I would be telling him that. Shaking my head, I didn't allow myself to think like that.

"I'll go get Mateo changed okay?" Axel eventually voiced out. I nodded at him and watched as he lead my two boys out of the room.

Running down the stairs, I went into the kitchen to prepare breakfast for my family. But what I saw really shocked me.

Standing there was Drake and his mate. That's not the weird part trust me, the weird part is...they were having a heated make out session with Eletta. Clearing my throat, they all jumped away from each other. I raised an eyebrow at all of them.

Drake looked at me flustered, Eletta looked embarrassed, and will Drake's make was smirking. "Please keep it in the bedroom." I gagged our at them. Drake blushed furiously

"Oh shut up. What are you making for breakfast?" Drake rushed to change the subject. Rolling my eyes at him, I turned and pulled out the ingredients to make home made French toast.

"You'll see." Drake nodded and took his mates house and practically ran out of the kitchen. I looked over at Eletta.

"I have no idea what happened." Eletta said. I laughed at her embarrassment.

"It's okay, Drake has always been frisky but please not in the kitchen." Eletta's cheeks flared up. I smiled at her and asked her to help me finish breakfast.

"So have you decided on what to do to prepare?" Eletta asked. I glanced over at her.

"No not yet, but I was wondering if you could help me rain my powers more?"

Eletta glanced up at me too, "that's fine. That was the plan anyways." I blushed at her point. Before I could say anything, Axel came in with the boys. His face was pale white and looked like he had seen a ghost.

"What's wrong?" I rushed over to him.

"I think I caught your brother and sister..." a pink tint kissed his cheeks. I laughed at his discomfort.

"You should have seen what I walked into in the kitchen." I turned and looked at Eletta. Her cheeks flared up again. Axel shook his head furiously.

"No not that, I think I caught them having a secret conversation with Xavier." I looked at him weird.

"What makes you say that?" I asked.

"Because I looked out the window and saw them having a conversation with Xavier."

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