《Rejected and Pregnant》Chapter 26


Alena's POV

"Will it's about time you figured it out." A female was setting on the couch. Her hair was a silky brown, her eyes were lavender, and she had very pale skin.

"Who are you and how did you get in?" Axel growled, pushing me behind him.

"Oh dear, how rude of me. The name is Elletta. I'm here to help." Elletta smiled at us.

"Help us with what exactly?" I asked from behind Axel.

"Tanya of course. I'm tired of cleaning up after her. She needs to be stopped, she has put our clan in enough danger." Elletta's face grew very dark. It held so much evilness, that it made my skin crawl.

"How do we know you won't turn your back on us? How do we know its not a trap?" Axel pushed on.

"Alena knows." I looked at the girl.

"How would I know?" I looked at Elletta weird. She just sat there and watched me. Then I saw something on her wrist. My eyes grew big. I gasped.

"What is it Alena?" Axel asked me. Concern was written all of his face.

"We're related."

"What how? How do you know that?" Axel asked. I pulled my sleeve up and showed him my wrist.

"Look at her's." Axel did just that.

"How is that possible? There has to be something you're parents aren't telling us." I nodded in agreement.

"We need to talk to them." Axel, Elletta, and I both left Axel's office and made out way over to my parent's house. Only... it was empty. No one was home, the house was distroyed. My parents things were all over the place. I ran up to their room. I gasped out.

"Axel!" I yelled out. Axel ran into the room and stood behind me.

Give us the child or you can say goodbye to your parents.


Axel took out his phone and dialed the top 10 pack warriors. "Alena do you smell anything?" I looked around the room and sniffed my parent's bed. My eyes grew wider. I swear if my eyes go big one more time, they are going to pop out of my head.

"Xavier." I looked at Axel. My heart was thumping in my chest. "Axel we need to get to Timmy and Mateo." Axel and I took off and ran all the way back to the back house. We didn't stop until we got to Mateo's room. Right before we got in there, we heard voices talking.

"Timmy, you have to come with me bud." Xavier said.

"But mommy would be really sad. You left." Timmy whimpered.

"I know buddy, but I only did that to keep you safe. You know that right? Buddy I love you so much. You need to come with me, daddy misses you so much." Xavier urged.

"But-" Xavier growled out in frustration.

"Timmy stop being deficult and grab your brother. You are coming with me and that's final." Xavier boombed out.

"You're not my daddy! My daddy wouldn't have yelled at me!" Timmy sobbed out. Suddenly there was this slap sound heard. That's it. I barged into the room and what I saw really shocked me. Lying on the floor, was Timmy. I looked at Xavier in horror. He just layed his hand on my son! My mother instincts kicked in. Xavier looked shocked for a second, but he soon recovered. The darkness consumed him again. I grabbed Timmy and Mateo really fast and pushed them into Axel's arms. Axel looked at me confused.

"Take them away." Axel tried to agrue, "I can defend myself." Axel hestatated but agreed. I turned to Xavier and I threw myself onto him. I threw everything I had into him. Xavier fought back too, but he wasn't as strong as me. Will not at the moment. I took my frustration, anger, and sadness out on him. I grabbed him by the neck and threw him against the wall. When he tried to get up, I again grabbed him by the neck and let my hand warm up. It slowly grow hot, slowly causing Xavier pain. But when I looked into his eyes, I remember that this wasn't Xavier, but at the same time it was.


Quickly, I let go of Xavier and moved away from him. Xavier fell to the ground holding his neck and looked at me in horror. "You're a monster. Why did I ever love you?" Pain exploded in my heart. I masked the pain and looked him dead in the eye.

"You will never come into this land ever again. You will never come near Timmy again. You are nobody to us. Now go before I change my mind about killing you." Xavier glared at me before he jumped out of the window and limped into the forest.

Falling onto my knees, I sobbed. I let it all out. The pain, the loss, the anger. I let it out. The man who promised to always protect us, the man that promised to never hurt us. Axel came into the room and wrapped his arms around me. He held me until I couldn't cry no more. I looked up at him, "What happened? How did this all happen? We were happy..."

"I don't know, but I promise you I will fix this." I looked down at the ground. Promises don't mean anything. People break them all of the time.

"Where are the boys?" I asked Axel.

"With you're mom. She took them to the park." I nodded and rested my head on Axel's chest.

"Stay with me for a little while?" I asked him.

"I'll stay as long as you need me too." So that's what he did. He stayed with me on the floor for about half an hour. We just sat there in pure silance, enjoy one another's company. Before I knew it, my eyes grew heavy and darkness consumed me.

"Say goodbye , Timmy." Xavier said. I watched in pure horror as Xavier snapped Timmy's neck. I yelled out and tried to break away from my restraints. The silver burned my flesh, but I didn't seem to mind. Xavier dropped Timmy's body and faced me. "Now we can have a child of our own. With powers. Powers that will make me powerful. Make my pack powerful." Xavier smirked. Fear ate at my heart as we grew closer.

"I will never have your children." I sneered.

"I never asked for your permission." Before Xavier could grow any closer, I heard someone calling my name.

"Alena! Alena wake up! Wake up!" I shot up, sweat was running down my face. Axel was standing in front of me. "It was just a nightmare." I looked around me. Timmy and Mateo were both sleeping next to me. I sighed in releaf. My babies are okay.

"What are you doing in my room?" I asked Axel.

"I was coming to check up on you guy's when I heard you screaming. Good thing you didn't wake up the boys hu?" I chuckled a little bit.

"Yeah." I agreed.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I shook my head no. Before he could say anything else, there was a knock at the door.

"Come in." I said. Elletta walked in. Her eyes weren't the same lavender color, no now they were a deep purple.

"I had a vision. We need to prepare, fast. My sister is coming and there will be a lot of blood spilled." My heart dropped. When are things going to get better?

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