《Rejected and Pregnant》Chapter 25


Alena's POV

It has been a week since I passed out in the woods. It has also been a week since I found out about my powers. My parents don't know where these powers are coming from and it seems that Mateo could have these powers too, which can help explain why all of these people are after my baby and threatening Axel's pack. After Tanya attacked me, I went and told Xavier but he didn't want to hear any of it. Something about him changed, he was darker and meaner. He isn't the Xavier I fell in love with. No, this isn't my Xavier. My Xavier would have believed me. After he was discharged from the hospital, he gave me all the rights to Timmy and went back to his pack. Cassie stayed with me. She is mad at her brother for not only tossing me to the side, but because he also abandoned Timmy.

When Timmy found out that his daddy left, he was distraught. He wouldn't eat or sleep. He kind of went back to that stage when Xavier went missing. Axel and I have tried everything to help, but nothing works. The only thing that gets a slight reaction out of him is Mateo. Even then it's not enough. I don't know what to do anymore. Hopefully he will come around, I mean he lost both of his biological parents and now his adoptive dad. Axel and I have grown much closer, he has been very helpful with Mateo and has accepted the role of being his daddy. He has done very good so far. No, I haven't developed feelings for him and I don't plan to. I have had enough heartache to last me a lifetime.

Currently, I was practicing and training my powers. I got a hand on them pretty fast. Apparently I not only had the ability to shoot fire out of my hands, but I can also manipulate water. It was pretty cool actually. I have grown stronger too and much faster. I helped train Axel's pack too, so I was also able to help them grow much stronger and faster. I was head warrior and tracker.


"Good job Alena, you did good today." Joey said. I smiled at him and thanked him.

"Want to get lunch?" I asked him. Joey agreed and we went back to the pack house. Axel was already in the kitchen with Mateo. I smiled at him and went to go take Mateo from Axel's arms and snuggled him close to me.

"Hey, how was training?" Axel asked Joey and I.

"It was good, she has gotten the hang of her powers. So whenever Tanya and her group decide to attack." Joey said.

"Yeah, Alena's powers could be of great help." Axel agreed. I decided not to say anything. Axel and Joey continued having a conversation about how my powers are very helpful, when the doorbell rang. I went to go answer it. What I didn't expect to see behind that door was Javier, London, Samule, and Noah. There were sweating and out of breath.

"What are you guys doing here?" I pulled Mateo closer to me, who knows what kind of spell Tanya put on them too.

"Its Xavier, he kicked us out of the pack. None of us know why, he has changed Alena. He isn't himself. He is angry all the time and very dark. The pack is terrified of him. Tanya has also been taking over a lot of things." Noah gasped out. I looked at him confused.

"But how does that justify him kicking you out? How do I know your not under a spell or here to distract me?" I looked at all of them suspiciously.

"Because we are the only ones that weren't affected by the spell that was put on all the other leaders of the back." Javier says. I looked at him confused.

"What spell?" I asked. A teary Samule walks ups to stand next to London. He was black and blue. I gasped. London wrapped his arm around Samuel's waist. "What happened to you Sammy?" I reached out to him. Samule flinched away from me. I dropped my hands.


"Xavier, he-he demanded that I must be punished for standing up to you. He locked me in the cellar for three days without food or water, but continuous beating." Samule whispered. I gasped again.

"Xavier did this?" Everyone nodded. I ushered them all inside and mind linked Axel to meet me in the living room. In a matter of seconds he was there.

"Alena what are they doing here?" Axel asked, glaring at the boys. I quickly mind linked Cassie as well.

"Xavier kicked them out of his pack and beat Samule up." I said. Axel looked at them suspiciously.

"Why would he do that?" Axel asked.

"Because they are all under Tanya's spell and we were the only ones not affected by it. We don't know how." Javier spoke up again.

"Hmm." Was all Axel said.

"Boys?" Cassie's voice rang out from behind us. We all looked at the living room entrance. Cassie has been having a hard time lately, being away from her brother and everything. I feel guilty at times, because I feel like its my fault. I dragged everyone into this mess.

"Cassie." Samule sobbed. Cassie gasped out, "Xavier kicked us out." Samule sobbed harder. Cassie rushed over and pulled him into a hug.

"He did this to you, didn't he?" Samule nodded. I turned to Axel and motioned for him to follow me. I lead him into his office on the main floor.

"This has to be a trap Alena." Axel said. I shook my head no.

"I don't think so, before Xavier left, he had this darkness surrounding him. It wasn't IN him, but around him. Like something was urging him the wrong way. When I passed out in the forest, Tanya wasn't alone." I said. After Axel found me in the woods, I only told him that I found out I had powers and that Tanya was there. Nothing else.

"What?" Axel looked at me weird.

"There was a man with her, I can't remember his name. What I do remember is that he was a vampire. I think Tanya is a hybrid Axel. I think she may be half witch and half werewolf." Axel looked at me horrified. It is against the law to mate with witches and birth children. It's unnatural and a disgrace.

"Are you sure?" I nodded.

"I don't know how, but I do. I can feel it deep in my gut."

"Will it's about time you figured it out."

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