《Rejected and Pregnant》Chapter 24


"WHAT THE HECK XAVIER? I know you didn't mean for this to happen but seriously? You couldn't have waited to cuddle with this bobo until after you broke the news to Alena? You didn't see her when she found out you were missing. She was worse than I was. She was barely functioning. Mateo and Timmy were the only things motivating her to go on. Then Timmy went missing and you could see the pain in her eyes of not being able to protect her pup. Now this! You inconsiderate jerk! As for you missy, I don't like you. I will never like you." Cassie yelled at me. This was not what I was expecting. I didn't even expect to have met Tanya, but I did. I can't deny her for Alena. I'm sure she will understand, but I also hate knowing that I have to do what Axel did. Choose another over her. Tanya gripped my hand tightly. She was the one that led Axel to Timmy and I.

Timmy and I were in our cell when they got to us. I had just been whipped again an hour previously. I was still a little sore. I always thought Tanya was one of the bad guys. But she was just a spy from another pack. I love Tanya. But I also love Alena. When I am all healed up, I will have to go back to my pack with my new Luna. The one person that truly is running through my mind is Timmy. He will have to choose between Alena or I or we will have to take turns with him. I sighed and rubbed my hand over my face. Alena.

Timmy and Mateo both fell asleep in my arms. Axel stayed in here with me the entire time. I slowly moved so I wouldn't wake up either of them. I walked over to Axel and gave him a big hug. "Thank you." Axel hugged me back.


"It was so weird. They didn't even fight back that much. They just took it. I don't understand." Axel blabbered off.

"We can figure it out another day, right now I need to talk to Xavier." I almost threw up at the idea of going, but I knew I had too.

"Yeah, I think it would be for the best. Remember you have a home here."

"Mind watching them for me." Axel smiled and nodded and took a seat in the chair beside the bed. I dragged over to Xavier's room. Tanya wasn't in there. He was all alone.

"Xavier." I called out. Xavier opened his eyes and looked at me. Pain filled his eyes.

"Alena." I stayed by the doorway.

"Choose her. I already know you did, but choose her. She's your mate and I don't want to come between you two. I know how it feels when your mate chooses another. I'll be okay. I have Timmy and Mateo. We can take turns with Timmy. But only until after he heals properly. Mentally and physically. Until then he stays with me. We will explain to him the situation, but it's going to be hard. You deserve to be with your mate. Especially after everything I put you through." I rushed out.

"Alena." I sighed.

"I should get back to Timmy and Mateo. Bye Xavier. Fell better." I walked over and kissed his cheek. Xavier shivered and tried to grab my hand, but I pulled it away. I walked through the doorway and didn't turn back. Pain struck my heart and my wolf whimpered in my head.

"Alena please!" Xavier's vicie rung through the hall way. Tears ran down my cheeks. I turned around and ran outside. I ran into the woods and collapsed. Why? Why do I have to go through this again. I sat there and cried for about an hour, until I felt someone watching me. I looked up to see Tanya.


"What do you want?" I rasped out. Tanya smirked.

"Oh nothing, I just like seeing people suffer. That's why I took Xavier and Timmy from you. It's only a matter of time before we take little Mateo. That's who I really want anyway. Those slime balls back there were dragging me down, and so Axel was my ticket to get rid of them." Anger bubbles up inside my chest.

"Why do you want him? Why would you do this to your own mate?!" I got us. What felt like fire burned through my veins.

"Mateo has power and I want it. I will raise him to do great things! I will make sure we both rule the world! At for Xavier, he's just a part of my plan. He's not really my mate silly, why would I was a nut when I already have my husband?" Tanya pointed behind me. I turned around and there stood a very pale man. Vampire. More fire filled my veins.

"Why would you tell me you're plan? Are you going to kill me? Because if you do, it won't be long before they find out it was you." Tanya laughed out.

"I am only telling you this, because I know you won't tell. Not unless you want Timmy to die." My hearts stopped and so did the fire inside me. I opened my link with Axel so he could hear the rest. "Now, before you attack me, I have someone watching over Cassie right now as she cries in her room. I don't think you want Xavier to know his sister is dead after only just coming home do you?" I growled out and so did Axel inside my head, "good doggy. Don't forget, I have eyes everywhere. Come on babe, we did what we had to do. Now really starts the plan." Then suddenly, a huge light exploded all around me sending Tanya and her husband flying again the trees. I shot my hand out in front of me and fire get a tree knocking it down. I think shot my hands out to another tree and knocked it down.

"She has the power too!" Tanya's husband shouted out.

"That's not possible! It skips generations! Come on let's get out of here." Tanya and her husband ran into the trees, right as darkness consumed me.


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