《Rejected and Pregnant》Chapter 20


My head hung as I breathed in hard and fast. 50 whippings aren't as bad as being away from my girlfriend and children. Yesterday Jared came in and told me that Alena went into labor and gave birth to a boy. I wish I could have been there for. Soon the pain ran across my body again as Jared lashed me another 20 times. My wolf kept healing me, angering Jared even more.

"Want to see a picture of your children and girlfriend? I believe she has already forgotten about you." He shoved his phone in my face and showed me a picture of her moving into a house, Axel carrying boxes too.

I agreed with my wolf. "Get that way from my face, I know Alena and I know that she is moving in with him for a reason." I growled. Jared dropped his smirk and back handed me.

"Take him back to his cell!!" He yelled. Two big men came out of nowhere and unchained me from the table. They each grabbed an arm and dragged me back to my cell. When they left, I sat on the bed. I want my Alena and Timmy. I want to wake up at night and help Alena with her baby. What did she name him?

"Mateo. She named him Mateo." Jared said as we walked into my cell. I remember arguing with her about that name. I was being a dick that day and made her feel bad for wanting to name him that. She has always adored that name I knew. I was stressed and took it out on her. That was the night before Jared attacked me.

"Why are you telling me this?"

"Because she agreed to the name after she told Axel about it." My heart dropped a little. She still chose the name? I mean don't get me wrong I love the name, I always have. I was just being stubborn that night, but it still hurt that she took Axel's advice. "She even is letting him choose the middle name." My heart dropped a little more.


Again my wolf was right. "So? She loves me not him. You can't say anything that will make me doubt that." Jared growled and stormed out the room.

Wait for me Alena.

Today I am moving in with Axel. Timmy and Mateo were both inside. The baby monitor was in my pant pocket so I could hear everything. Lately I have been very paranoid about my surroundings. Cassie and Axel have both been comforting. Drake, his mate, Monica, and Joey are all helping us move in as well.

"Hey honey, how are you doing?" My mom and dad showed up out of nowhere.

"Extravagant." I say sarcastically. Last night I got three hours asleep. Not just because of Mateo, but because I kept having nightmares. I kept seeing Xavier being whipped. I just kept getting the same dream over and over again.

Mom gave me a kiss on the head. "I know you're worried honey, but we will find him. I promise." I nodded and hugged my mom. My dad joined soon after. They are my biggest supporters. "How's Timmy doing with the new baby?" Mom asked when we pulled away.

"He's happy he has a baby brother. Timmy won't let Mateo leave his sight." I chuckled. Mom laughed.

"I still remember when we brought you home, Joey was not happy. He hated the idea of having a sister as his younger sibling." I giggled. Joey wrapped his arm around my shoulders.

"Oh how wrong I was." I smiled warmly at him. A wail ruined this beautiful moment. Mateo.

"Let me get him." Monica offered.

"No let me." Mom voiced. They both stared at each other before running to the door. I laughed at their child like behaviors.

"Can you just give her a baby." I teased Joey. He glared at me.


"We are working on it. In fact we were working on it before we came." I made a disgusted look.

"Okay, too far." I gagged.

"You asked!!!" He shrieked. I giggled. Mom came out with Mateo in her arms. Monica begins her pouting. Timmy was following my mother too. His eyes held so much worry. When he asked about Xavier, I told him that daddy needed to go for a little while. That he went to go fight the bad guy to protect us and that he would try to come home to us soon. He was upset to say the least. But he has been so brave for his little brother.

"Mommy, Gamma has a brother!" Timmy grumbled. I laughed and picked him up.

"It's okay, grandma won't hurt Mateo." He didn't even blink as we watched my mom pass Mateo to my father.

"But..." he trailed off as he looked deep into the woods. I followed his gaze, there stood a shadow of a man. I skipped a beat and pretended like I didn't notice it. I quickly linked Axel and let him know what we saw. He made sure to make a discreet exit to go hunt the man down.

"Mommy, why is my dad here?" Timmy asked out of the blue.

"I told you Xavier went away baby, for a little while." Timmy shook his head.

"Not him, my real dad." I looked at him confused.

"Where did you see him baby." He pointed towards the shadow, but then I noticed that behind that shadow stood another man. Timmy's biological father.

"Wait here with grandma baby." I handed him to my mother and made my way to the house. I climbed up into my room and peered out my window. Timmy's dad was already staring into my window. The only thing was...his eyes. They weren't brown...they were pure white. No pupil, no nothing. Just white. Blood ran down his mouth, his head kept twitching. Suddenly a shriek was heard. It sounded like a high pitched bird. My ears began to ring and I could hear Mateo cry downstairs. His eyes slowly went from white to red. My eyes went big. He's infected...

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