《Rejected and Pregnant》Chapter 19


Jared? "What are you doing here?" She growled at him. Axel and I share a look of confusion.

"Awe come on little sis didn't you miss me? I missed you?" Xavier...Jared answers her? I'm confused.

"Yes, I missed you like I miss the trash that I threw away four years ago." Cas growled again.

"What the hell is going on here?!" Axel finally billowed, causing Mateo to wake up and cry. I took him from Axel and cradled him to my chest until he stopped crying. Xavier...Jared turned to look at Axel with an evil smirk on his face.

"Didn't they tell you? It's not just Cassie and Xavier. There is me too." He said.

"What the hell do you mean by that?" I growl at him too.

"Our mother had triplets, not twins." Realization dawned on me.

"I'm the triplet. They kicked me out before I could become Alpha." His face grew dark.

"Father knew something was off about you. He wasn't just going to let you be Alpha after YOU killed a pack member for no reason." Cassie growled. Then it dawned on me...the week is Xavier?

"What did you do to Xavier?" I gasped out.

"Oh don't worry about him. He's fine...for now. You see I was the one who attacked him and made my men take him to our grounds. Then I had one of my pack members beat me up to the brink of death, but made sure that I could still come back." My heart stopped. He was never Xavier.

"What do you want?" Cassie growled. Why isn't Axel calling for the pack warriors? Why are we just casually setting here and talking?

"You child." He hisses like a snake.


"Why? He's an innocent child, what good could he do for you?" I question further.

"I can raise him to be evil and to do a lot. He's powerful. I want his power." My heart was thundering in my rib cage.

"Will you can't have him?" Axel growled and stood between Jared and I. Protecting Mateo and I. Cassie followed suit and stood between her brother and Axel.

"You'll have to go through us." She said. I smiled. They have my back.

"Oh, I'm not here for him yet. I still have a lot to do. I just came to warn you....watch your backs." He growled and then just disappeared. Out of nowhere.

"I should have known it was him sooner. It's my fault. I should have known, I am so sorry guys." Cassie babbled on.

"Cassie, it's not your fault. He fooled us all." I get up, ignoring the pain between my legs, and hug her. She hugged me too.

"We'll get him back." I nodded and hugged her again. "Now let me see my nephew." I smiled and passed him over. I looked over and Axel, he had a grim look on his face.

"Do you guys want to give him his middle name? You both have to agree on it though." I said. This is an attempt to distract them for a little bit about what just happened. A huge smile crossed their faces.

"Really?" Axel breathed out. I nodded, he nodded viciously. They both sat down and began discussing names. I rolled my eyes at them.

Around 7 p.m. that night, my mom and dad came to see me. Along with Joey and Monica. We filled them in on what happened with Jared. They were all pissed to say the least. Cassie then later left to give London a call and to tell him what happened as well.


We will bring Xavier back. Even if it kills me. I watched as my family and Axel interacted. Monica and my mom are arguing about who gets to hold the baby next. I smiled. These are the moments you don't want to miss.

Eventually they all left to let me sleep. Axel offered to stay just in case Jared came back. I was kind of grateful but a little uncomfortable too. He laid down on the couch and got comfy. Good thing he had us moved into the suit.

"Goodnight Alena."

"Goodnight Axel." I said. I laid in bed thinking about Xavier. Is he safe? Are they hurting him? He must think it's my fault. Tears ran down my face. I miss him. I slowly fell asleep. I was soon awoken by a loud cry. I opened my eyes and saw Axel leaning over the crib where Mateo was.

"Hey baby, daddy's here." I was about to correct him but he is his dad. Axel picked up Mateo and cradled him. "Daddy missed up big time little buddy. I had mommy in my hands and I missed up. Mommy loves someone else and wants to raise you with him. I don't want to lose you buddy. But I don't want to make mommy sad again. Just remember that daddy loves you so much." Axel laid Mateo on the changing table and changed his diaper.

My heart picked up a little bit when he came closer to me. He shook my shoulder and so I pretended to wake up. "I think he needs fed." I nodded and took Mateo in my arms and began to feed him. He ate for a while and when he was done, I burped him. "Go back to sleep, I'll lay him down." I smiled and gave Mateo back to him.

Mateo woke us up about 4 times last night. Which I guess could be worse. "So I was thinking, we could move into my house. The house for the Alpha and Luna. I just think it would be safer if we stayed somewhere smaller, with less places for that creep to hide in." At first I was freaking out, but then I thought about the logical side of it.

Nodding, I agreed with him. "Okay, but we have to find Jared before he can finish whatever he is planning." Axel smirked.

"Oh, I plan on it."

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