《Rejected and Pregnant》Chapter 18


It's been a week since Xavier woke up from his coma. Timmy couldn't be any happier, I'm also very happy he is back. The doctor said that I could have the baby any day now. Timmy can't wait to meet his baby brother or sister and Xavier is very excited too. Maybe even more excited than I am. Which leads me into something that I have been noticing, Xavier has been acting very weird lately. He can barely even look at me when I am around him. When we sleep together at night, he would wait until I am asleep before getting out of bed. He thinks that I'm asleep but I've been too scared to sleep. I'm scared I'll fall asleep and when I wake up again, he won't be there anymore. Back to my point, in the morning, he also gets up really early and I never see him until mid-afternoon.

When I talked to Cassie about it, she thought it was strange too. She thinks that maybe it's because of his near death experience and how he is how he is processing it all. Which I guess makes sense. Maybe he's just really restless because of how long he was asleep and in bed. He's probably scared of never waking up again. Right now, Timmy and I are outside playing when I suddenly get this very sharp pain in my side. What the heck? I push it to the back of my mind and continue playing again. 10 minutes later the pain is back, stronger than the first one. I grip my side and breath through the pain. It's probably just false labor pains. I tell Timmy that I am going to sit down for a minute and make my way over to the bench. I sat down and breathed through the contraction. Then the baby kicks me really hard, knocking the air out of me. "Mommy are you okay?" I smiled at Timmy and nodded. When the pain stopped, I got up to go play with him again, when I felt something just run down my leg. I looked down and saw that liquids were running out. MY WATER BROKE! "Mommy you peed!" Timmy yelled. I quickly mind linked Cassie telling her what just happened.


When I looked back up, I saw Xavier standing at the edge of the forest. His back was facing me. When I yelled out his name, he seemed to not hear me and went deeper into the forest. I grabbed Timmy's hand and made our way back into the pack house. When Cassie didn't show up after five minutes, I mind linked Axel. He was here within seconds. My contractions were now a minute apart each. "Axel." I breathed out. He shushed me and wrapped his arm around my waist and put his other arm under my knees, lifting me up.

"Timmy do you know where the baby's bag is?" Timmy nodded and ran into the nursery and grabbed it. "Good boy. Okay buddy mommy is having the baby and so you're going to have to be a big boy okay?" Timmy nodded again. He looked scared.

"It's okay Timmy, mommy is okay." I reassured him. He nodded again. Axel sped walked over to the hospital and took me into my room. He must have mind linked the doctor before he got here. Awe-another pain shot through my body. When the doctor came in, he said I was 8 centimeters apart. Oh dear gracious. How did that go by so fast? I thought it took longer. I whimpered out in pain.

"Did you mind linking Xavier?" I shook my head.

"I saw him by the edge of the forest and when I called out for him, he just went deeper into the forest. I think something is wrong Axel, he hasn't been acting as himself lately. Cassie didn't answer my mind link either." Axel gave me a weird look. Suddenly the door burst open and there stood Monica. Relief ran through my body. She gave me a small smile.

"Hey honey, everything is going to be okay. Joey is out looking for them right now." I nodded. Another contraction hit and I felt tears run down my face. Axel smoothed back my hair and soothed my pain away. Xavier is supposed to be doing that, not Axel. More tears ran down my face. The doctor and a few other nurses came back. He checked me again.


"Time to push."

It has been an hour of pure pain. My back hurt, my head hurt, my entire body cried out in agony. Where is Xavier and Cassie?! Suddenly I felt this pressure being released and a beautiful cry filled the room. My baby. I opened my eyes and saw the doctor holding my baby towards me. Its a boy. "Congratulations Alena, you gave birth to a beautiful baby boy." Joy filled my entire being. They quickly checked him and cleaned him up before putting him on my chest. Tears of joy ran down my face. Monica was the only one that I allowed in the room.

"He is very beautiful, Alena." I smiled at her and looked down at my beautiful baby boy.

"I will never let you go." I kissed his small head. They took him back and quickly dressed him before bringing him back so I could breastfeed him. When he was done, they laid him in his crib next to my bed. I smiled at him as I slowly went to sleep. The next time I woke up, I saw Axel holding my precious little boy.

"Did you find Xavier and Cassie?" He shook his head no. I looked down.

"What do you want to name him?" Axel asked.

"I was thinking about Mateo." I told him. Axel smiled.

"I like that name."

"Really? Xavier didn't like it and when I first laid eyes on him, I knew he was a Mateo." I said.

"I agree with you and yes I think it fits him well." I smiled.

"Mateo it is then." He smiled back at me.

"I thought we said no to Mateo." I heard a deep voice say. I looked over and saw Axel standing there.

"Where have you been? We had people looking for you! You missed the birth of your son and you ignored me when I called out to you! You weren't here! So I get to name him as I please!" Xavier glared at me, before he slowly smirked.

"Fine. You can do as you please. Can I at least see him." This sudden fear ran through my body.

"Xavier... what's wrong with you? This isn't you...you're different." I said.

"I'm okay babe, just still shook up from my near death experience." He got closer to Mateo and I could feel this need to protect him. This isn't my Xavier. This is someone else.

"You're not Xavier." I said. He turned to look at him, mock hurt plastered on his face. Axel was looking at us very confused.

"How could you say that Alena, it's me. The one that saved you and took you in."

"Axel." I looked over at him. He saw the look on my face and grabbed Xavier.

"Hey what's going on in here." Cassie asked.

"Where have you been? I mind linked you that I was in labor and you didn't come." Cassie looked at me confused.

"I never go to your mind link. I went out for a run." She looked between Axel and Xavier. "What's going on-" she stopped when she looked at Xavier. Fear filled her eyes. I got up and grabbed Mateo and held him to my chest.

"What are you doing here baby sis?"


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