《Rejected and Pregnant》Chapter 17


Another three weeks have passed. Xavier still hasn't woken up. I barely sleep and Timmy only talks to me. He doesn't play with the other kids anymore either. He just wants to spend his time with me. I think Timmy is scared that he is going to lose me too.

It's also been three weeks since I killed that man. I can't recall if he ever told me his name or not. No attacks have accrued yet, but I won't be letting my guard down. That is exactly what they want. They want me to put my guard down, so they can attack.

The doctors have been asking if I wanted to pull the plug on Xavier. They really don't think he will ever wake up again. He hasn't been getting worse nor better. His state hasn't changed at all. But Cassie and I keep thinking that he will pull through.

So here I am right now. I'm in Xavier's hospital room. All of the pack had gone back home with London. Cassie and I stayed behind. I grabbed Xavier's hand and talked to him like I always do. "Hey Xavier. Today I'm officially four months pregnant. It's crazy how time flies by. Timmy, Cassie, the pack, and I miss you so much. We need you here. Timmy and I need you here. I don't know how to cope with the fact that I killed a man with my bare hands without a second thought. I need you here to help me raise Timmy and the baby. Please wake up. I love you so much and I want to marry you. Please wake up." Tears ran down my face.

The door opened and closed. I looked up and there stood his new doctor. Dr. Ramirez. I gave him a small smile. He smiled back at me and checked Xavier's vitals. When suddenly Xavier's heartbeat picked up. The heart monitor was going crazy. I looked at Dr.Ramirez in confusion. He gave me the same look. I quickly grabbed Xavier's hand and squeezed it.''Xavier can you hear me?" Xavier's hand wrapped around mine and squeezed, but he did not open his eyes.


De. Ramirez quickly checked Xavier's vitals. "I think he will come out of his coma! There's hope Alena." Dr. Ramirez said. A happy tear ran down my face. He will be awake soon. I started to talk to him more. My love will be awake soon.

An hour passed and his eyes haven't opened yet. Then two and still nothing. Then the entire day passed and then the next morning came. Still...nothing. I sighed and got up and made my way back to my room and cuddled with Timmy. "Mommy everything okay?" He asked.

"Mommy's just a tired baby." He nodded and turned back to the TV. I closed my eyes and slept. But I was suddenly awoken with a start. "Alena wake up!" Cassie yelled in my face. Tears were streaming down her cheeks. My heartbeat picked up.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"It's Xavier Alena. His heart stopped. The doctors got it to start again and when they did... HE'S WOKE UP!!" I quickly jumped out of bed and picked up Timmy. We ran all the way to the hospital and into Xavier's room. There he was setting in his bed. I ran over to him and pulled him in a hug with Timmy in between us. He didn't hug us back. I pulled away.

"What's wrong?" I asked? He looked at me confused.

"Who are you?" My heart stopped. I looked around me and everyone had a look of sorrow on their faces. "I'm just kidding." Xavier pulled me back into his arms. I pulled away again and slapped him.

"That's not funny!" I yelled at him before kissing his lips. "I was so scared." Tears ran down my face. Timmy was gripping Xavier's neck as well.


"I'm right here baby. I'm right here." Xavier held us as we cried.

"Alena." I looked up and there stood Axel. I gave him a small smile and nodded. I moved away.

"Xavier do you remember who attacked you?" Xavier shook his head no.

"Do you remember anything from the fight?" Again Xavier shook his head no. Axel sighed.

"It might come to him later on." London said. I nodded in agreement.

"Yeah I suppose your right. Good to see you awake." Axel gave us all a nod and left.

"Oh Xavier, I was so scared!" Cassie threw herself into her brother's arms and hugged him. He hugged her back.

"I'm right here Cas. I'm sorry I scared you." They held each other and comforted each other. The boys then moved in and had a group hug with Xavier. Wait what are they doing here? How did they get here so fast?

"You scared all of us." I whispered. Xavier gave me a sad look.

"I know babe." They pulled away and gave one another a smile.

"I'mma call the pack and let them know that our alpha is awake." Cassie said before running out, everyone followed after her. I stayed with Xavier and sat Timmy on my lap.

"Your belly is bigger. So it's Timmy." I smiled. "How long have I been asleep?"

"You slept for about a month or so." He cringes. I gave him a small smile.

"I'm sorry I scared you." He whispers. I give out a small chuckle.

"It's not your fault. I killed the guy that attacked you." Shock spread throughout his face.

"You what?" I looked down at my hands.

"I didn't mean to. I was so angry and he came to pay me a little visit... it kind of just sorta happened." Tears ran down my cheeks. Xavier pulled me onto his bed with him and helped Timmy and I.

"It wasn't your fault. You did the right thing." He all just laid there, enjoying one another.

Anger surged through my body. She killed him. How dare she? Who does she think she is? Now she is really going to pay for killing my brother. This isn't over Alena. Oh no, this is only the beginning. I layed in my bed staring at the white ceiling above me. A smile smirk formed on my face as I thought about the huge surprise Alena is going to have when she finally knows the real me. Tightening my arm around a small wait, I kiss a head full of brown locks. Get ready Alena. We're coming.

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