《Rejected and Pregnant》Chapter 16


When I was first told about Xavier, my entire being broke. It has been two weeks since he went into a coma. He hasn't gotten worse, but he hasn't been getting better either. I sit in his room every day. I force myself to eat and smile around Timmy though. When I told Timmy about his dad, he broke down in my arms. Causing my heart to break more.

My poor baby lost his biological mama,his biological dad was abusive, and his real daddy might never wake up. He doesn't talk much or smile much anymore. He's quiet. He doesn't play with any of the kids. Timmy has told me that he just wanted his daddy back.

London was running the pack right now. The pack had been mourning the absence and possible loss of their Alpha. Timmy and I are currently sitting in his room. Timmy was sitting on the bed next to Xavier and I was in the chair. All I wanted to do was hear his laugh again and feel his arms around me. We were supposed to be home right now. We could have been cuddling in our bed with Timmy watching some Disney movie.

My belly has been getting very big. I am about three months along now. The doctor asked me if I wanted to know the gender, but I said no. Xavier wanted us to be surprised. So I wanted to complete his wish. Even if he wasn't going to be there.

Timmy and I were enjoying our somewhat time with Xavier when Cassie burst through the door. She has been a mess.. her eyes were bloodshot, she barely eats, she hardly sleeps either. She took one look at her brother and broke down. I went over to her and held her in my arms as we both cried.


"Why?" Was all she whispered.

"I don't know." I whispered back.

Alena hasn't let Xavier side sense the accident. I have finally found the spy. He had been pretending to be a warrior. I don't know how I didn't notice this before. I always count my warriors at training to make sure they were all there. I have been so distracted lately that I didn't realize I was counting an extra.

So here I am in the dungeons, trying to get information out of him. He was young and strong. About 21-years-old. So far the only information I have gotten out of him was that they were after my baby. But not why.

Leaving the dungeons, I went back up to my room and showered. When I was done, I put on some grey jogger sweats and a hoodie. I slipped on my shoes and made my way to the hospital. I found Cassie and Alena holding each other and Timmy sleeping next to his father. My heart broke for the kid and Cassie. Alena especially. "I think you guys should get some rest." I said. They pulled away and looked at me. They both had tears running down their face.

"I won't leave his side." Alena interjected.

"Alena, you're three months pregnant, sleeping on that chair must be killing your back. Cassie you should sleep too. Xavier wouldn't be allowing you two to do this to yourselves."

"Your right." Cassie whispered. She got up and left after giving her brother a kiss on the cheek.

"I can't leave him." Alena tears up.

"Alena looks at Timmy. This can't be good for him. You guys need to go home and rest." She nodded and picked up a now awake Timmy.

After showering and giving Timmy a bath, I laid us both on my bed. Then as soon as Timmy went to bed, I allowed myself to cry. I got up carefully so I didn't wake Timmy up and I pulled on one of Xavier's hoodies. His scent was all over it. My heart was shattered. Just when I finally found happiness and love again, it got taken away from me again. I wrapped my arms around my belly and cried harder.


Xavier was so excited for the baby. I fell down to my knees sobbing. Please wake up again. I can't do this alone. I need you. Quietly, I recalled the last time I kissed him. That was before he left to go train. Tears ran down my face faster.

"Alena?" Axel's voice rang out from behind the door. I dried my tears and made my way to the door. I opened the door and one look at my face, he knew I had been crying. Which caused me to break down again. Axel wrapped his arms around me and helped me as I sobbed.

"Why me? Every time I am starting to be happy again, it gets taken away from me." I sobbed. He kissed my head and held me close. I closed my eyes and pretended for a second that it was Xavier that was holding me. Just for a second.

When I was done crying, I bid Axel goodnight and went to go lay down. I laid down next to Timmy and pulled him against my chest and tried to sleep. Key word; tried.

That next morning, I turned the alarm off before it went off. I didn't sleep at all last night. I haven't slept without Xavier by my side. I don't want to either. I once again got off the bed and changed. I threw on my grey joggers, Xavier's hoodie, and my grey uggs on. I threw my hair up into a bun.

Making my way downstairs, I made Timmy and I breakfast. If it weren't for the fact that I was pregnant, I probably wouldn't be eating. "Hello Alena. It's nice to see you again." A terrifying shiver ran down my spine. I turned around and there stood the man that has been tormenting me.

"What do you want from me?! You already took my boyfriend away from me! You took him away from me!! Do you want to see me cry?! Do you want to see me all broken and hurt?! Will you have it! Just leave me alone!" I yelled at him. I was so angry. Very angry.

"Oh darling, I want your baby." He smirked. That's old news.

"I'm aware of that! You won't have my baby! You already took my love away! You can't have my baby either! You can't have anymore of my loved ones!" I growled.

"Oh but we will." I launched myself at him and snapped his neck. But I knew that this wasn't over. Even if he did.

Axel ran into the kitchen and saw the body in front of me. He started at it shocked. "Who is that?"

"The guy that has been paying little visits to me. I'm also pretty sure he was the one that attacked Xavier." I whispered. Then it dawned on me that I had just killed someone. With my own hands. Tears ran down my face all over again.

"Hey don't cry. You did the right thing. He has been causing you harm." Axel came and held me again. I leaned into him and once again pretended that it was Xavier. I want Xavier back.

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