《Rejected and Pregnant》Chapter 15


After I left Alena's room, I made my way to my office. When I opened the door, I found Daisy on my desk half naked. I close the door as fast as I could so no one would see her. "Hey baby, I missed you." I growled at her.

"What are you doing here Daisy?" I looked around my office.

"I missed you." Daisy pouted. I laughed a cold laugh.

"Where's your mate Daisy." I glared at her and through her the rope she left on the couch. She pulled it on.

"I left him. For good this time." She whispered. I glanced at her before I laughed again.

"Yeah sure, what do you want?" I growled at her again. She paused and smirked at me. It was evil and cold.

"Fine, you caught me. I want your unborn child Axel." I froze and looked at her confused. How did she know about my child?

"What are you talking about?"

"Oh don't play dumb with me Axel. I have eyes watching you. Your little mate came back, pregnant and not alone. I want that baby Axel. I want it as soon as it's born." I lunged at her and grabbed her neck.


"Because that baby will do great things. Things you couldn't even imagen. That baby holds so much power. I want it. So you give him to me or I will burn your pack down. Then I will kill your mate and take him by force." She smirked.

My heart thumped loudly in my chest. I can't let her get to them, nor my pack. I looked at my hand around her neck. I smirked at her. She looked at my confused. "Glad to see nothing has changed Daisy." I seductively said. Her eyes filled with lust. I squeezed her neck andas bit harder. I could smell her arousal. I brought my lips next to her ear. "You seem to have forgotten my tiny detail."


"That you want that power with me?" She asked breathlessly.

"Nope." I squeezed harder. "That you just exposed your entire plan, that I have a spy in my pack, and my hand is around your neck." I smirked. Daisy's eyes grew large. She suddenly looked terrified. Then they grew cold and evil again.

"Do it. I'm not the only one that wants that baby. Kill me, but it won't be the end of it." I snapped her neck and dropped her dead body onto the ground and called a meeting.

After I told everyone what Daisy told, I waited for their reactions. Xavier looked pissed, along with his high ranked meme era. Alena looked scared and worried. She wrapped her arms around her growing belly. Oh how I wish I could wrap my arms around her and keep her safe.

"What do we do?" Alena asked.

"We need to find the spy that is among us." Which is why I only invited my beta, Xavier, his third in command, beta, gamma, and Cassie. So no one else would know the plan and try to change things on us.

"Obviously." London snapped sarcastically. I glared at him. After discussed the game plan, we all went back to our rooms. I laid on my bed staring at the ceiling. All my thoughts consisted of was Alena and how radiant she is. A sad smile formed on my lips as I imagine a world where I didn't reject her and was with her. I was about to hop in the shower when I heard someone knock.

Slowly I padded my way over to the door and there stood my beautiful Alena. She had tears in her eyes. "Hey what's wrong?" I pulled her into my arms. Tears were running down her beautiful face.


"I'm so scared. I don't know where Xavier went. He has been disappearing a lot lately and he keeps leaving me alone. He says he is going to go train but no one else ever does. Axel I'm scared." Her tiny body shook in my arms. I kissed her forehead and pulled her near me.

"Maybe he is just doing some alone training. It's been tough for all of us. We don't know what's going on and why is this is happening now, he might just be putting in more work to keep you safe." I have no idea why I was trying to comfort her about her relationship when she was my mate.

Alena smiled and nodded. "Thank you Axel." I smiled and kissed her forehead again.

"Do you want to go get chocolate chip cookies?" Her eyes sparkled at the sound of cookies. I chuckled. She nodded her head viciously and skipped into the kitchen. Me behind her. "Where's Timmy?" I asked pulled out the milk and cookies.

"With my parents. They want to see him as much as possible before we go home." My heart sunk and broke. I forgot that she leaves in a few days. I can't lose her again and see her every day.

"Oh." I said. I dipped my cookie into the milk and placed it into my mouth. I heard Alena moan into her bite of cookie. My pants suddenly grew tight. But then it sent back down, when the front door slammed open and there stood Joey. Blood caked his hands and his chest and legs. "What happened?!" I yelled at him. His eyes darker to Alena. They looked sad and scared.

"It's Xavier." Alena shot out of her chair and followed Joey. I soon followed after them. We ran into the hospital and into a room. Xavier later there. Bloody and...still. Alena dropped down to her knees and screamed a horrified screech. Tears ran down her face. The doctor put his hand on her shoulder and apologized.

I stood there shocked. How did this happen? What was going to happen to his pack? Alena? Timmy...? I wrapped my arms around Alena and helped her as she cried. Cassie soon came into the room and sobbed at the sight of her brother. Alena pulled away from me and seemed comfortable with her best friend Cassie.

"Xavier is in a coma. We don't think we will ever come out of it. I'm sorry again Alena." Doctor. Drew left. Alena and Cassie cried their hearts out. How did this happen? Who did this?

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