《Rejected and Pregnant》Chapter 13


After my dad left my office, I pondered what he told me. Now that I really think about it, Alena has been smelling different. I just can pinpoint the scent. "Alpha?" The pack's first grade teacher knocked on my door. She just recently found her mate about four months ago and she is now three months pregnant.

"Come in." As soon as she came in, her scent hit me. She smelled like chocolate chip cookies and she also had a pregnancy smell. Which is hard to describe. Then it hit me. She smelled like Alena. Only Alena's scent was much more faint.

"I was wondering if my class and I could take a field trip to the zoo next week." I nodded.

"Yeah sure." I said. My thoughts elsewhere. She smiled and thanked me before leaving. Wait didn't Alena say she was going to the hospital? Anger boiled deep inside my stomach and spread throughout my body. I threw my desk at the wall and ran all the way to the hospital. I caught her scent and followed it. Three doctors tried to stop but I gave them a warning growl. They backed off right away.

When I reached the door that led to the room Alena was in, I burst through the door. Xavier pulled a shocked/scared Alena and Timmy behind me. This only angered me more. "YOUR PREGNANT?!" My wolf was itching to come out and claw through Xavier for touching our mate.

"How did you find out?" Alena demanded.

"Your smell changed. I didn't notice it until my dad said something. I then realized that you do smell different. Why didn't you tell me?!" I growled. Timmy whimpered to Xavier and hugged his leg.

"Because you rejected me!! You chose another over me! You left me! This baby already had a father and he isn't you! It's Xavier! He was there when you weren't! He was there when you fucked that other girl! He is a bigger man and a better Alpha! He actually loves me for me!" Alena yelled. Tears were running down her face. Xavier looked pissed and so did Timmy. Timmy wrapped his arms around his mother's leg and comforted her.


"I missed up... I know that. Please give me another chance. I want to be there for our baby. It's still MY baby too! It carries my blood! It's the one that will take over for me! I want to be there for my baby's life too." I said. Tears pooled in my eyes. Alena's eyes softened but then hardened again.

"I'm happy and in love now. Let me live my life." Xavier wrapped his arms around my Alena and led Timmy and her around me. They left without another word. I lost my mate and my baby. Why? Because I was selfish.

After the scene in the hospital, Xavier took me to our room. I had left Timmy in the living room with Drake and his mate. Tears ran down my face. "Hey it's okay." Xavier wrapped his arms around me. When I calmed down, he pulled away. "You know I won't be mad if you still love him." He whispered. I put my hand on his cheek.

"But I don't. He hurt me. He may be the father of my baby, but he did abandon me. I have you now. And trust me it's a huge upgrade." Xavier smiled. He bent down and kissed me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he wrapped his around my waist. The kiss slowly turned into a more needy kiss.

It's been a week since we came back to my old pack. Axel has been keeping his distance and Xavier and I grew closer. We go back home this Saturday. Our pack has been training the Black Moon Pack daily. They have gotten stronger and have become better fighters. Rogues have been seen throughout the week, but none attacked. It just looked like they were watching us. Observing us.

My belly has gotten bigger. Everyone now knows that I am pregnant. My scent did change and became stronger. My parents were shocked but happy. Drake already knew but his mate was happy to hear the news. My brother was mad at first but he is now the most excited one. I promised I would come and visit after the baby was born.


Xavier and I were in our room right now cuddling. He was kissing my exposed shoulder, making me shiver. I smiled and put his hands on my belly and rubbed it. He moved so he was hovering over my belly. "Hey baby, it's your daddy. I just want you to know that I love your mommy sooooo much. I also love you and you big brother Timmy. You three are my world and I will never let anything bad happen to any of you." Tears sprang to life behind my eyelids. Xavier looked up at me and kissed the tears away.

"Tu eres me corazón." (You are my love), Xavier said in Spanish. My heart skipped a beat. How did I get so lucky?

"Tu eres me universo." ( you are my universe), I responded back. He smiled and kissed me deeply. An urgent knock was heard. We groaned and pulled away. "Come in." Xavier said when we sat up in bed. Javier rushed in through the door.

"Rouges are back." Xavier shot up and was out of bed before I could even blink.

"Alena get Timmy and get into the safe room now." The rogue that we had captured was found dead two days ago. He had found a way to use a small rock and kill himself. Xavier didn't give me details but he did tell me what happened. I rushed into Timmy's room and picked his sleeping form up. Being the light sleeper he was, he woke up and asked what was going on. Just as I opened the safe room, the smell of rouge filled my sense of smell.

I looked behind me and there stood a midnight black wolf. He gave me a wolfy smirk. "MOMMY!" I shoved Timmy into the safe room and quickly shut the door. But before I got out the lock in, the wolf had shifted and tried to open the door. I tried to close it, but he was much stronger. He made himself into the room and so I pushed Timmy behind me. He smirked at me.

"What do you want?" I growled.

"You." He snarled.

"Why?" I demanded.

"Your mine." He growled. He tried to lean in and take my arm, but moved before he could touch me. I grabbed the knife that I had in my sock and slashed his hand. He whimpered slightly before charging at me. I pushed Timmy out of the door and I stabbed the guy in the stomach. I went around him and grabbed Timmy. I ran as fast as I could and made my way into Monica's room. I made my way into their safe room and locked Timmy and I in here.

We sat in there for about ten minutes when lights went out and a door opened. Fear tore through my body and I pressed Timmy closer to me. How did he get in?...

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