《Rejected and Pregnant》Chapter 12


After Timmy's comment last night, we had put him back to sleep and reassured him that no one was coming for me. As soon as he was asleep, Xavier and I jumped out of bed and made our way into the boardroom that was on the second floor. Xavier had mind linked all of our friends to meet us there. "What's going on?" London asked bursting in through the door, seconds after Xavier and I.

"Timmy woke up crying and said that someone was after me." I told the group.

"Oh. Maybe it was just a nightmare. He's probably just shaken up from today's events." Cassie said nonchalantly. I looked at her.

"But what if it isn't. It's not uncommon for pups to get warning nightmares about their loved ones." I said. "Most of them end up being true." Xavier wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me against his chest. The door burst open and there stood Axel. He looked annoyed.

"What in the world are you guys doing in here?" He growled. "Some of us are trying to sleep and you're disturbing us with your loud chatter."

"We are discussing something important here Axel." Xavier scowled.

"Oh? Like what?" He challenged, crossing his arms over his chest. My wolf growled, noticing his bulging muscles. 'Not it off.' I growled at her. She growled back at me, before sinking into the back of my head.

"Timmy said something after having a nightmare." Axel rolled his eyes. I glared at him.

"What did the kid say?" He asked, bored.

"He said that someone was coming after me." I answered him harshly. He froze in his spot and his eyes slowly grew big. He then let out a bone chilling growl.

"WHO?!" He yelled. I shrunk back into Xavier's arms. Axel saw this and closed his eyes to calm himself down. "Sorry...I didn't mean to frighten you. No one will get you Alena. I promise you." He softly said to me. My wolf purred at her mate's comfort.

"Thanks." I told him.


"Do you know who is after her?" Axel asked Xavier. I looked up at Xavier and he had a blank look on his face. I looked around at our friends and they were giving me questioning looks. I looked confused at them too. I put my hand on Xavier's chest. He snapped out of it and he looked down at me. He gave me a small smile. I smiled back at him.

"We don't know. That's all that Timmy said. But I have a feeling that it has to do with the rouge attack today." Xavier said. Never taking his eyes off of me. I blushed again. He chuckled. I blushed even harder. I looked back and Axel. His eyes held rage and jealousy at the same time. I rolled my eyes mentally. His loss not mine.

"I'll be sure to question the rouge even harder tomorrow." Axel said before leaving. My friends and I stayed in the boardroom a little extra longer, before we all went to bed. Xavier and I laid down next to Timmy. My poor bubu. I kissed his little forehead before I pulled him to my chest.

The next morning, I woke up to the sound of Xavier in the shower. I looked next to me and saw Timmy still asleep. I looked at the time on my phone and saw that it read 8:30. I pulled myself out of the bed and went into closet. I pulled out my outfit of the day and set it out on the bed so all I have to do is change. I waited for Xavier to get out of the shower, before I went in and cleaned myself. After showering, I brushed my teeth and my hair. I dried my body off before moisturizing. When I was all done with the basics, I went back into my room and changed. I put on some black leggings, with an oversized grey shirt, and my plain grey vans. I then brushed out my hair again before throwing it up into a messy bun. I let some pieces of hair run out of the bun and frame my face. I the put some cute simple jewelry on.


When done, I woke up Timmy and gave him a bath and made sure he brushed his teeth. I then dressed him into some black, skinny jeans that kind of sagged at the top a little, a black and white checkered shirt, a black beanie, and some white vans. "You ready?" Xavier asked from the doorway. I smiled at him and nodded. Timmy ran up to his father and asked to be picked up. Xavier picked up Timmy and carried him downstairs. I grabbed my bag and phone before following them. We quickly ate breakfast and made our way to the front door.

"Where are you guys going?" Axel's voice said behind us.

"Our pack doctor." I said bluntly.

"What for?" I turned and glared at Axel.

"Why do you care so much? Why do you always want to know what we are doing? It's none of your business. When it involves you, we will tell you. Otherwise stick your nasty nose elsewhere." Xavier wrapped his free arm around my waist and ushered us out the door.

My heart broke and Alena's words. "Why do you care so much? Why do you always want to know what we are doing?" Every bone in my body wanted nothing more than to wrap my arms around Alena the way Xavier does and never let her go. I pushed her way and I rejected her. I place my head in my hands. I was sitting in my office right now. I chose someone else over her. I knew I loved Alena when I rejected her, but I also didn't want to leave Daisy. I had thought she chose me over her mate as well. That's why I left Alena. I would have felt bad if Daisy rejected her mate, but I didn't. I know its a stupid excuse and now I will have to live with that for the rest of my life.

"Hey son." My father walked in through the door.


"Does Alena smell different to you?" He asked me. I gave him a weird look.

"I haven't noticed. Why?" My father shook his head.

"It's probably nothing. She just smelled different to me. It might just be the fact that she is around Alpha Xavier all the time." He shrugged before leaving my office. Okay weird?

When we got to the pack doctor, he had already been waiting for us. He had me lay down the chair for him, before he placed the AQUASONIC 100 onto my belly. Which is the gel that they use for ultrasounds. It's the most worldly used gel for ultrasounds. The doctor ran the wand all around my belly looking for my sweet little baby. Suddenly, there was a heart sound filling the room. Tears made their way into my eyes. I tried to blink them away, but they were stubborn and stayed.

"That's your baby." The doctor clicked something on the computer and the TV ahead turned on and showed the image of a little baby. You could see it's head and it it's body and it's arms. What looked like its hands, one of them was close to his face. "It looks like he is sucking his thumb." Doctor. O' Malley said. I smiled tears ran down my face. Xavier came over and grabbed my hand. I looked up at him and Timmy. They were both staring at the TV. "Because the baby has Alpha blood in it, it will be a shorter pregnancy. Around five to six months." I smiled.

"Thank you." I whipped the gel off my belly and pulled my shirt down. Today I was a month alone. My belly looked bigger than normal belly's did at one month. It just looks like I gained a little gut. I rubbed my belly.

"You ready?" I nodded and smiled at Xavier, when out of nowhere, Axel barged in through the door. He was breathing hard and fighting off his wolf. What heck is he doing here? My heart jumped down to my chest. Xavier pushed Timmy and me behind him. This can't be good.

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