《Rejected and Pregnant》Chapter 11


Xavier had brought us to a fancy restaurant. He also reserved a secluded area just for us, so we didn't have to deal with annoying, loud people. "Do you like it?" Xavier asked as I was looking around. I turned and took his hand back in mine.

"I love it. Thank you for this."

"Anything for you my queen." I blushed and swatted at his arm. Xavier chuckled. He knew that I hated pet names. Okay not all but most. Like princess, baby, baby girl, cupcake. I mentally cringed at those pet names in my head. I mean I didn't mind him calling me queen, but it's just weird. I've never had someone call me that before. Or anything for that matter.

"So what would you like to drink?" Xavier asked.

"Just water. I can't have much while being pregnant." Xavier chuckled. I smiled at him. We sat and talked for a while until the waiter came over and took our order.

"What would you like?" The blond waiter asked Xavier.

"What would you like, Alena?" He asked me.

"I'll have chicken with cookies and vegetables please." I told the waiter. The waiter smiled and nodded.

"I'll have the streak please." I chuckled. Why am I not surprised? After the waiter left, Xavier turned to look at me.

"How are you feeling?" He asked me to run his thumb over the top of my hand.

"Good. I have an ultrasound appointment with Dr. O'Malley." Xavier nodded. So no one would know that I was pregnant and so I could still check on my little pup, we brought the OB-GYN from our pack with us.

"Can I come?" Xavier asked nervously. I nodded.

"Of course. So it looks like Timmy is really enjoying his time with his grandma and grandpa and uncle and aunt." I said. Xavier chuckled at this.

"Oh you have no idea. I was having a conversation with your brother and he was telling me how Timmy wouldn't allow his grandpa to shift back because he wanted to keep running around on his back." I laughed.

"You know I used to do the same when I was little?" I laughed. Xavier laughed too. M

"He's a lot like you, even though he isn't your biological son you were meant to find him and save him. You were meant to raise him." I blushed. "You're doing a great job with him Alena." I looked up at Xavier through my lashes.

"We are doing a good job with him. He is our son after all." Xavier smiled at me. I blushed again. We continued talking. Even after our food came and we finished it. We were really comfortable talking, when all hell broke loose.

London mind linked both Xavier and I. I don't think he meant to mind link me too.

Xavier and I both looked at each other. We both shot out of our seats and quickly paid for our meal. We rushed into the car and Xavier sped all the way back to the pack house. "Go inside and stay inside. We don't know what this is, but please take Timmy into the safe room inside your closet and stay there." I was about to protest. "Please do this and don't argue with me. We have Timmy to worry about and the baby." I nodded.


"Baby?" We turned around and there stood Monica. Xavier and I looked at each other worried.

"Let's go into the safe room and I will explain everything." Monica nodded. Monica and I ran into the house and into my room. Laying on my bed was my baby boy and Cassie. They were both watching some weird kid show.

When we rushed in, they both looked at Monica and I was weird. I mind linked Cassie really quick and told her what was going on. She looked down at Timmy and smiled. I looked at Timmy too and picked him up. "Hey baby, we are going to play a game of hide and seek okay?" Timmy nodded excitedly. "Aunt Monica and Aunt Cassie are going to hide with us too, but we have to be very quiet okay?" He nodded again.

We all went inside my closet and into the safe room. After locking the door and typing in the passcode, I sat down on one of the couches. "Explain." Monica said looking at my belly. Cassie looked at me weird again.

"She found out I'm pregnant." I explained to Cassie. She looked even more confused. "She overheard Xavier and I talking." I looked back at Drake. "So you know that Axel rejected me right?" She nodded. "Will before he rejected me, he slept with me and the next morning I heard him on the phone. He was talking to some girl and telling her he loves her. When I opened my eyes, he rejected me. A few days later Drake bought me a pregnancy test and I found out. No one else knew but him and later on Xavier found out when I ran away and he took me to the hospital because I had passed out. Sense Axel slept with that one girl again." Monica looked pissed.

"I am going to kill Axel." I shrugged.

"I passed it. I'm happy now." I smiled, as I rubbed my belly. "I have my friends, my family, my baby, Timmy, and Xavier."

"Do your parents know?" I shook my head no.

"No and I won't be telling them yet. I don't want them to slip up on accident and Axel finds out." Monica made an O shape with her lips.

"I understand. Your secret's safe with me." Suddenly, we heard a low growl outside the door. We all froze. I pulled Timmy onto my lap, who had been playing on the floor with a few toys that had already been in here. The growling got more vicious. Timmy whimpered on my lap.

My heart was almost jumping out of my chest. Then out of nowhere there was a loud bang against the door. We all jumped. Timmy was balling his eyes out and hiding his face in my neck. The bang came again. "I think it's running into the door trying to get in." Cassie whispered. Cassie was the best warrior female in our pack. I can't shift right now because of how far along I am in my pregnancy now.


The banging again at the door went on for about five minutes until it stopped. A few minutes later, the pass code punched in and the door opened. There stood a very bloody and sweaty Xavier. Behind him was Axel pushing the wolf that was banging against the door, against a wall. Xavier walked up to me and kissed me slowly. I pulled away and gagged at the taste of blood on his lips. He looked at me a little hurt and looked down at his feet. "Sorry, I know you said you wanted to take things slow but..." I smiled at him.

"No it's not that, your lips are bloody." Xavier looked at me startled before looking down at himself. He chuckled.

"Oh." I laughed at his reaction. A growl was heard behind us. We looked behind us and there stood an even more angry Axel. But when I looked into his eyes, I could see all the pain and hurt that was being bottled up.

"What are you going to do with him?" I asked them.

"I am going to take him to the dungeon and force some information out of him." Axel grumbled. The rouge snapped his teeth and Axel. Axel pushed on the rouge neck even harder. The rouge whimpered but then glanced at me and smirked. I shivered in discomfort.

"Axel got out of here." Xavier told Axel.

"I don't take orders from you, but you're right the fast we get him locked up. The faster we get information." Axel led the rouge out of my room by its neck.

"Daddy why you bwoody? Are you hwurt daddy?" Timmy asked. His red blotchy face has brand new tears running down his cheeks.

"No baby, daddy isn't hurt. He just had to deal with some really naughty men." Timmy whimpered before nodding and laying his head on my shoulder. I kissed his cheek. My poor baby shouldn't have had to experience this so young. "I'mma go shower okay?" I nodded. I took Timmy back into my room and laid him in the bed. He clung to my hand.

"It's okay baby, I'm just going to go get your jammies okay?" He slowly nodded. I went into his room and grabbed his pjs. When I got back to my Xavier's room, Timmy was asleep. I smiled at my baby. I woke him up so he could get out of his day clothes and into his jammies.

Tucking him into the covers, I kissed his forehead. "Is he okay?" I turned and saw Axel in the doorway. He was looking at Timmy worryingly. I looked back at Timmy and answered him.

"Yeah he's okay. Just a little shaken up." I stated.

"I'm sorry I dragged your friend and you into this. But we genuinely need your help." I nodded.

"I know." I looked at Axel and offered him a smile. He gave me a sad look in return.

"Hey Alena have you seen..." Xavier stopped talking when we saw Axel in our doorway. I looked at Xavier and blushed. His hair was wet and a towel hung low on his hips. Showing off his delicious V-line and six pack. Wait what was I thinking? Get a grip Alena.

"Don't worry, I was about to leave. Goodnight Alena. Xavier." Axel left with a sad look on his face. My wolf whimpered. 'Mate sad'.

'Yeah will mate made us sad many times.' She whimpered again. 'I'm sorry.' "What were you saying?" I asked Xavier.

"Oh, have you seen my toothpaste?" He asked, smiling and me gently. I blushed a little.

"Under the sink." I chuckled. He made an oh face and went back into the bathroom.

"So what was Axel doing here?" He asked from the bathroom.

"Came to make sure Timmy was okay?" I asked it in a question. Xavier popped his head around the door with his toothbrush sticking out of his mouth and gave me a weird look.

"I know right!" I exclaimed. "I think he is trying to kiss my ass." I laughed. Xavier shook his laughter.

"So how was the battle?" I asked Xavier when he came back from the bathroom after brushing his teeth.

"There weren't that many. We killed them all except for the one that was in our room."

"Do you know what they want?" Xavier shook his head. I sighed and smoothed Timmy's hair back.

"Don't worry. I won't let anyone hurt you." Xavier kissed my forehead. I smiled.

"I know. We trust you." I placed his hand on my belly, as I continued to smooth Timmy's hair back. Xavier smiled again. Xavier eventually pulled away and went to go change. I did the same. I put on a silk tank top and silk booty shorts.

When we were finally in bed, Timmy shot straight up in bed. "Timmy, honey are you okay?" He slowly turned to look at me. Tears were running down his cheeks.

"They're coming for you mommy."

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