《Rejected and Pregnant》Chapter 10


Seeing Alena with Timmy made me long for the day where she would bear my pups. She is so good with him and she loves him dearly. When Timmy stood up for Xavier, I realized that I might lose her to him.

Making my way into the pack house after calming down, I saw Xavier running his hand up and down her arm. He was saying something to her. But the only thing that I got out of it was a date. As Alena opened her mouth to answer him a deep growl rumbled through my chest.

Everyone turned to look at me shocked. Except for Alena. "You're my mate!" I growled at her and ripped her away from Xavier. Xavier growled at me.

"No! I haven't been your mate since the day you rejected me for some other girl!" Alena snapped at me. Timmy looked at me angrily.

Growling again, I said, "I was stupid to think that I didn't want you and that she was better than you. Please Alena give me another chance. I am your mate after all. We were put together for a reason." I pleaded. She pulled away from me and into Xavier's arms.

"I'm sorry but no. You hurt me Axel. Really bad." She whispered. Xavier wrapped his arm around her waist and dragged her into the kitchen. I was about to go in there to rip his head off when Oliver stopped me. I sighed and ran out of the house, into the woods.

Xavier dragged into the kitchen after the blow up with Axel. I hid my face in Xavier's neck and breathed in his scent. My wolf was furious at Axel. Not because he wants another chance but because he infuriated me and added stress on me. Which isn't good for our baby.

Xavier rubbed his hand up and down my back. "Are you okay?" I nodded.

"Yes. Yes I will go on a date with you." I whispered to him. Xavier pulled away from me and looked me in the eye.


"Are you sure? I won't rush you into anything you aren't ready for." I smiled at him slightly.

"I'm sure." He smiled and pulled me into a hug. I hugged him back.

"But we have to take this slow okay?" Xavier smiled and nodded. I smiled back at him.

"Be readying 7 okay?" I nodded. Xavier smiled at me again before leaving the kitchen. I left a few minutes after him and went on the hunt for Cassie to tell her about my date tonight. When I found her, she was in her room.

"Hey what's up?" She said looking up from her phone.

"Your brother just asked me out on a date." I casually said. She quickly springs out of her bed and rushes up to me.

"You're joking right?" She asked me. I shake my head now. An ear damaging squeal left her lips. I cringed and helped back the need to cover up my ears.

"Okay you go shower. Shave EVERYTHING and I will meet you in your room to get outfits organized." I sighed and nodded. I made my way to my room. When I got there, I found Timmy in my bed playing with some of his toys. He looked up at me and smiled. I went over to him and kissed his head.

"How's mommy's little boy doing?" I asked him.

"Good!" I chuckled and kissed his cheek.

"Who brought you in here honey?" I smoothed back his hair.

"Gwandma." I nodded.

"That was nice of her wasn't it?" Timmy nodded his head excitedly. "Do you want to watch a movie?"

"Yeah. Cars!" He exclaimed. I chuckled and put the movie in for him. While Timmy zoned into the movie, I made my way into my shower and turned it on. I looked at myself in the mirror and looked myself over. My eyes were shinier than they used to be. My hair is very silky and soft. My skin is glowing and clear of any ache.


My belly was still there. Small but hardly noticeable unless you really look. I rubbed it in slow circular motions. I will never let anything or anyone hurt you. Looking away from the mirror, I stepped out of my clothes and got into the shower. I cleaned myself and shaved everything.

When I was done, I stepped out of the shower and began to brush out my hair. When my hair was all brushed, I moved on to brushing my teeth and moisturizing. "Hey are you done?" I heard Cassie's voice behind the door.

"Yeah." I called back. She stepped into my bathroom holding three dresses. "Do you have to wear a dress?"

"Yes. Now here try on this one." She handed me a simple black strapless dress. I tired it on and didn't like it. It made my belly look bigger than it should have. I didn't even bother showing Cassie. I took it off and handed it back to her. Next she gave me a red, spaghetti strap, dress that was tight in the chest area and then flowed out. I also didn't like it. It made me look weird. Like I couldn't even explain how it made me look.

Taking it off I gave it back again. The last dress was one that really caught my attention. it was a cute maroon dress that was off the shoulder. It had an attached belt like things that you could tie in the front. It reached mid-thigh. I put it on and stepped out. Cassie squealed. "That's the dress!" I laughed at Cassie's excitement. I put on a pair of nude pumps and looked at myself in the mirror. I smiled. I actually felt pretty in what I wore. But then I noticed the bump. Cassie must have read my expression because she gave me a knowing look. "Don't worry before you leave this room, I will give you a jacket so it can cover your belly." I smiled at her gratefully. Cassie began to work on my hair. She curled it so that it would fall down my back in a neat elegant way.

"Don't do too much makeup." Cassie nodded. She applied a concealer under my eyes to cover up the small dark rings under my eyes. She then added a light shade of brown and some mascara. She then applied a pink lip gloss onto my lips.

"Okay, you are all done." Cassie said. I stood up again and made my way to the mirror. I looked at myself closely. I smiled knowing that I have more confidence in myself than when I lived here.

"Thank you Cass." I said hugging her.

"Okay, now go and have fun. Just not too much fun." I chuckled and rolled my eyes.

"Cassie I'm already pregnant, what else could happen?" Cassie chuckled and shrugged.

"You ready?" I nodded. We left my room and made our way down to the living room. There stood Xavier and Axel. Axel looked beyond pissed. I silently thanked Cassie for the jacket that she handed over to me before we left my room.

Xavier turned around to see me and froze. His mouth hung a little open. Along with Axel's. My breath left my body at the sight of Xavier. He had a white, tight button down, with some dress pants, and dress shoes. My mouth watered. A throat clearing broke us out of our trance. I glared at Axel, as he glared at Xavier. Xavier ignores Axel. Instead he extended his hand out for me to take. I blushed and took his warm, strong hand into mine. "You ready my lady?" I smiled at him.

"As ready as I will ever be." I giggled.

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