《Rejected and Pregnant》Chapter 9


Xavier and I were hanging out in the room that Joey showed us too. My heart was in my stomach. Xavier sat next to me on the bed and pulled me in his lap. I laid my head on his shoulder. "I thought you were happy to see your family again?" Xavier whispered.

"I am. What if they are mad at me for leaving the way I did." I whispered back. Xavier kissed my head.

"They won't be. I'm sure they understand why you had to leave." I nodded and took a deep breath. "Ready?" I nodded again and got off Xavier's lap. I grabbed my purse and made my way to the room next to Xavier's and I's. Which was Timmy's room.

"Hey honey." I walked inside. Timmy was lying in his bed watching some random show on PBS. He looked at me and smiled.

"Mommy!" He exclaimed. I smiled and walked up to him. I smoothed back his hair.

"Ready to meet grandma and grandpa?" He nodded excitedly. I chucked. I picked him up and took him back to my room.

"You ready?" I asked Xavier. He nodded. He grabbed my hand and closed the door behind him. We made our way through the hallways back into the living room of the pack house.

My parents and Drake were already there. Joey and Monica were also there. As soon as we walked in, my parents snapped their heads toward Xavier, Timmy, and I. My mother burst into tears. She ran to me and wrapped her arms around Timmy and I. "Oh honey. I love you so much. Don't ever do that to me again." I nodded and hugged my mom back with my friend's hand.

"Mommy tis gwandma?" Timmy asked. My mother pulled away and looked at Timmy. She looked just as confused and everyone else but Xavier.


"Yes honey. Everyone meet my son Timmy and my Alpha Xavier." I said.

"How is he your son? You've only been gone for a month?" My father said standing next to my mom.

"I adopted him. We adopted him." I said. My mother looked shocked and so did Drake. I put Timmy down. He looked up at me as if asking for permission. I nodded. Timmy looked at my mother and father.

Timmy slowly took and stepped forward towards my parents. They watched him cautiously. Before we knew it he had his little arms wrapped around both of their legs. My parents look at me alarmed. "I never had a gwandma and gwandpa before. I love you already." I smiled. My mother looked at Timmy as a tear ran down her cheek. She picked him up and hugged him tightly.

My father also wrapped his arms around them before motioning me to join. I smile and join their hug. Soon after Monica and Joey also joined.

When we pulled away, I glanced at Xavier. He smiled warmly at me. I glanced over at Drake. He had tears running down his face. "It is okay if we take him to the park and get to know him?" My mom asks. I nod. She smiled and left the room with my dad right behind her.

Joey kissed my head and told me he has some work to do. I nodded. Monica gave me another hug before she followed Joey. Drake stood there still. "I'll give you two some time to talk." Xavier said. I nodded and kissed his cheek. He smiled and left the room as well.

Slowly I made my way over to Drake. As soon as my arms wrapped around him he sobbed uncontrollably into my shoulder. A few tears of my own ran down my cheeks. We hugged each other tightly. After what seemed like forever, we finally pulled away.


"Don't ever leave without saying goodbye first. Or I swear." I laughed.

"I promise." We sat down on the couch and talked for hours. Until Axel walked in.

"Oh sorry." He said and turned to leave until he saw that it was me. "Alena can I talk to you please?" I glanced over at Drake. I told him everything that happened between Axel and I. I even told him about the baby and made him promise not to tell anyone.

Glancing down at my watch I noticed that it was almost 6. "Sorry I have to go pick up my son." I said. I stood up and went around him. Drake was hot on my trail.

Walking over to the park, I find my mom and dad playing with Timmy. I stood there and watched for a bit until I felt a presence behind me. I turned and saw Axel again. "What?" I asked rather rudely.

"Is he really your son?" He asked standing next to me.

"What else would he be?" I asked.

"An attempt to get back at me for rejecting you." I laughed. He looked at me confused. I turned and sneered at him.

"I am not using him to make you jealous. Don't be so full of yourself. Not everything is about you. I adopted him after we took him away from his abusive father. He's mine and I love him." I snapped. He looked taken back.

"I'm sorry." Was all he said. I scoffed. Timmy heard and turned to look at me. He smiled a big toothy grin and ran towards me. My parents smiled after him.

"MOMMY!" He yelled. I smiled and crouched down and scooped him up in my arms. I kissed his cheek.

"Do you want to help mommy with dinner or do you want to hang out with daddy?" I asked him. He made his little thinking face. But before he could answer and a low growl rang out.

Looking at Axel I raised an eyebrow at him. "Do we have an issue?" I asked him.

"Why does he call Xavier daddy?" He growled. Timmy raised his head up high and answered before I could.

"Bewcause he makes me happy and he hwelps raise me. He also mwakes mommy smile." I looked at Timmy with so much pride and love. I kissed his cheek.

"There you got your answer." Axel looked at Timmy shocked.

Turning, I followed my parents back into the pack house. When we got inside, I saw Xavier and Sam in the living room talking softly. I smiled at Xavier and he came over and kissed my cheek. I blushed. "Want dinner?" I asked him. He nodded.

"But I want dinner with you." I laughed.

"Who else would you have dinner with you weirdo?" I chuckled. Xavier ran his hand up and down my arm.

"No. I want dinner alone with you. Like a date." I froze and almost choked on my saliva. I opened my mouth to answer when a deep grower rang out.

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