《Rejected and Pregnant》Chapter 6


It's been three weeks since Alena ran away. No one had heard from her or knew where she was. Her parents are both searching for her non stop. I feel bad because it's all my fault. Joey isn't talking to me whatsoever. My mom and dad are both very disappointed in me as well.

Daisy has been acting weird lately as well. She comes home a little too happy. She doesn't let me kiss her anymore and touch her. She has been putting on way too much perfume as well. "Okay what's going on?" I said and I stormed into my room. I froze at the doorway. There in my bed was Daisy with a man. He wasn't a rogue but he also wasn't part of my pack.

"Axel it's not what it seems." Then I recognized the man, this was Daisy's mate. The one she rejected for me.

"Why are you with him? I thought you rejected him?" They both hurried to put their clothes on.

"I-I... I didn't reject him. We've been sneaking around behind your back." She admitted. My vision changed and all I could see was red. I rejected MY mate for her and she lied to me about doing the same thing.

"You made me reject my mate for you! She left because of you! I did it because I thought you did it for me too! She was my only chance of true happiness and you made me think that it wasn't true! That you were!" I was fuming. The man looked like he was about to crap himself. "Get out of my house and off my land! NOW!" They both ran out.

Dropping down to my knees, I truly realized what a huge mistake I made. Alena...

After the discussion Alena and I had a few weeks ago, everything has been great. She officially joined my pack a week ago. Everyone now knows that she is pregnant. Timmy has adjusted to everything perfectly and Alena has been a great adoptive mother to him. She also officially made him her son on the same night she joined my pack. Her belly is also starting to show a bit.

Although you have to look really hard to see it. Everyone loves her and Timmy. Which makes me happy because all I want is for her to be comfortable after everything that happened with her mate.


Snapping me out of my thoughts, a loud squeal is heard throughout the house. Timmy runs into my office and hides behind me. "No!" Timmy shouts giggling.

Alena comes into my room out of breath. "Sorry Xavier. Timmy ran away when I told him it was bath time." She said in a scolding manner. I chuckle. I reached behind me and picked up Timmy.

"Now Timmy listen to your mother. You need to shower because you are very stinky." I said passing him over to Alena.

"TRAITOR!" Timmy's little voice yells out as Alena leaves my office. I chuckle. Alena and I have been very close. I won't let anything ever hurt her, the baby, nor Timmy.

Carrying Timmy out of Xavier's office I couldn't help but to smile. Xavier has been the perfect father role-model to Timmy. He is so good to Timmy and treated him so well. I know I am only 18, mateless, and pregnant, but I love Timmy so much. He is such a sweet little boy and so full of life. "There you go buddy." I set Timmy on the sink counter and check the bath water to make sure it's still warm.

Slowly I placed Timmy in the water after undressing him. "Alena?" I smiled at Timmy and I watched him play with his toys.

"Yes buddy?" I asked him softly.

"Can I call you mommy?" My heart stopped for a while. A huge smile ran across my face. I smoothed back Timmy's hair. He looked so scared.

"Of course honey." I said. Timmy smiled back at me. Then his smile dropped. His little lip started to quiver.

"Would my other mwommy be sad bwecause I asked you to be my mwommy too?" He whimpered. A small tear ran down his puffy cheeks.

"Oh honey, I'm sure she would be a little sad. But I also know she is happy because you are loved and happy. That's all she wants, baby." I said to him softly. He nodded and looked at his toys. "How about we clean you up? Then we can go downstairs and make some yummy chocolate milk?" I asked him to cheer him up. He looked up and his eyes brightened a little. He nodded.


Pulling the plug out of the water, I watch the water go down. When I made sure it was all gone, I made my way back into Timmy's room. He was sitting on his bed swinging his legs back and forth.

Walking over to his drawers, I pull out a pair of dinosaur pjs. I also grabbed his boxers and lotion. "Mwommy?" My stomach filled with butterflies.

"Yes baby?" I made my way over to Timmy. I slowly dried him off.

"Can Xwavier be my daddy?" I stopped.

"Honey, that's something you are going to have to ask him." I said. Timmy looked at me with his big beautiful eyes.

"Oh." He looked down. I dress him quickly.

"Do you wanna go ask him how?" I offered the idea. Timmy shrugged.

"Come on honey let's go make some chocolate milk and watch the Paw Patrol." Timmy took my hand and we walked down to the kitchen. Xavier was in there making some sort of snack.

"Hey." I said. Xavier turned and smiled at us.

"Hey what are you guys up to?"

"Chwocolate milk!" Timmy shouted.

"Ooooh that sounds yummy. Can I join?" Xavier asked Timmy. Timmy nodded viciously. I laughed. Xavier looked at me and I blushed.

"Come on buddy. Let's let mommy work on making the chocolate milk." Xavier took Timmy and left the kitchen. He could have at least offered to help. I got the milk warmed up and then poured in the chocolate. I added some marshmallows. 'Where are you? I'm done with the chocolate milk?'

'We are in my room watching Paw Patrol.' Xavier answered me back.

'On my way.' Closing off the link, I made my way to Xavier's room. Timmy and I have been staying with Xavier in his alpha house. He thought it would be better. Having more privacy and everything. I am more than thankful for his thoughtfulness and help.

"Xwavier, cawn I ask you a question?" I heard Timmy day out loud. I froze knowing what was coming.

"Sure buddy what's up?" Xavier asked.

"Can I call you dwaddy?" Timmy asked timidly. My poor sweet boy. Xavier didn't say anything for a few minutes.

"Have you asked your mom yet?" Xavier asked Timmy.

"Mhm. She swaid to ask you." Timmy said softly.

"Then I would be honored buddy." Xavier said.

"Really?!" Timmy yelled out excitedly.

"Yes really." I decided to walk in then. Timmy was giving Xavier a huge hug. Xavier looked at me. I smiled at him and mouthed a thank you to him. He nodded back. "Look mommy brought us chocolate milk." Xavier said. Timmy pulled away from Xavier and looked at me.

"XAVIER AGREED TO BE MY DADDY!" Timmy yelled. I laughed and passed out the chocolate milk.

"I heard buddy." I kissed his cheek. He snuggled into my arms and drank his milk. Xavier also cocooned himself around Timmy and me. I smiled. I just wished Xavier were my mate.

After two episodes of Paw Patrol Timmy had fallen asleep. Xavier turned to pick up Timmy but I stopped him. "Leave him. He's a very light sleeper. He will wake up if you move him." Xavier nodded.

"So how do you feel about me agreeing to be Timmy's daddy?"

"I feel like you made the right choice. No we aren't a thing or anything like that, but he looks up to you and he loves you. We are also his parental figures in his life. You have helped me a lot and you supported my decision when I adopted Timmy." I said. Xavier smiled at me. I smiled back.

"Thank you. You have changed my life and our friends' lives. You have improved our lives. Your mate is truly missing out on an extraordinary person. You would have made a fantastic Luna. You're so kind and loving." I blushed.

"Thank you." I said softly. Xavier continued to smile at me. I blushed even more and looked at the TV. The last Paw Patrol Episode had finished. Softly I shook Timmy awake. "Come on buddy. Time for bed." Timmy nodded. I wrapped his arms around my neck and his legs around my waist as I picked him up.

"Goodnight buddy. Goodnight Alena."


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