《Rejected and Pregnant》Chapter 5


When we got to the mall, Cassie grabbed my hand and dragged me to the first store that caught her eye. Of course it had to be Victoria Secret. I rolled my eyes and went in there with her. I bought a few undergarments and some amazing perfume. I felt kind of bad that I was using Xavier's money, but he said that I could get whatever I wanted. As long as I only got what was truly necessary.

Although I am for sure planning on paying him back for everything. After 13 stores, the boys and I got hungry. Cassie wanted to keep going but she eventually agreed to eat. I was craving some Chipotle.

Xavier and I were both in line talking softly and having a good time when a little boy ran up to us. He ran behind my legs hugging them tightly crying. I looked down at him confused, when a big man appeared. He was fuming. Quickly I grabbed the boy and hugged him to my chest.

The boy was balling. He had a red handprint on his face, a hand ring around his neck, and blood running down his nose. I turned to the man running. "Give me my son!" He boomed. I scoffed.

"Your son? Is this what a real father would do to his own child? I think not." I growled. Good thing this was a mall for wolves. He growled back at me. Eyes turned to look at us. Xavier stood in front of me and the boy.

"Alpha, sorry for the disturbance. Tell this mutt to give me back my son and mind her own business." He spat at me. I wiped my cheek to get it off. Ew.

"Greg, why don't you explain to me the markings on this child?" Xavier asked calmly.

"That's none of your business. He's my son. Fathers are allowed to punish their children." He tried to shove past Xavier but Xavier stopped him and shoved him to the ground.


"You will not come near this child again. Go home. Child protective services will go by your house to pick up his things." Xavier growled before grabbing my hand and leading me away from Greg. The boy was still crying in my arms. I sat down while Xavier went to go get us food.

"Hi honey, what's your name baby?" I spoke softly to him. He looked at me with tears running down his face.

"Twimmy." He whispered. I smiled softly at him. I whipped his tears away.

"Will my name is Alena." I said softly. "How old are honey? Where's your mommy?" I pushed his hair out of his face.

"Four. Mommy weft." He whimpered.

"Did she go home?" He shook his head and pointed to the sky. Oh. I pulled Timmy to my chest and held him close. He sobbed in my arms. This poor boy has gone through so much already. I rocked him back and forth slowly. He was really skinny and tiny. He didn't look like he should be four.

Xavier appeared with some food a little later. "Hey buddy." Xavier said and placed some nuggets and a milkshake in front of Timmy and I. Timmy looked at him horrified.

"He won't hurt him. He's a huge teddy bear." I whispered in his ear. He giggled at the teddy bear comment. Xavier raised his eyebrow at me. I shrugged and handed Timmy a nugget. He ate it quickly and asked for more. Within a matter of 5 minutes he had finished all his nuggets and half of his milkshake. When was he last fed?

Xavier and I both shared a knowing look. What now? I looked at Timmy. He leaned his head against my arm as he drank his milkshake. His father was his only family. He's going to have to to go into the system. Xavier's voice rang in my head.


No we can't just do that. What if he ends up in a bad home. Can't he stay with us? I asked.

I don't think so. We are all busy.

Then I will take him. I watched as Timmy slowly fell asleep. "Hey guys-." Javier stopped and looked at little Timmy. "Who's this?" Cassie, London, and Javier sat down with us and ate. I ate my food slowly as I told them everything that happened.

"You really want to take him?" Cassie said. I smoothed back Timmy's hair.

"He's already had a lot happen. I don't think foster care is a good idea." I said.

Everyone looked at me in awe. Xavier looked at me with such a proud look. I blushed. When we were ready to leave, Xavier picked up Timmy in his arms and grabbed my hand. As we were walking out, I saw a baby shop. I asked Xavier if we could go in there. I found some cute unisex outfits. I bought them and then went to the store right next to it. I found some nice outfits and pjs for Timmy.

When we got home, everyone was tired. Xavier our Timmy in my room. He was still sleeping. I went to Xavier's room and knocked on his door. "Come in." I walked into his room. He was sitting on his bed with his head in his hands.

"Are you okay?" I sat down next to him.

"Yeah. Just tired I guess. Had a nightmare last night." He mumbled into his hands. I grabbed his hands and moved them away from his face.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He shook his head no. I nodded. He leaned his head into his shoulder and just stayed there.

"It was about my mate. I met her about two years ago. A few months ago she had left to go on a run while I finished a meeting. When out of nowhere I got a huge pain right in the middle of my chest. Then she mind linked me and told me that she loved me. Then I realized she was in trouble. When I ran to her, it was already too late. She died. A rogue had gotten onto my land and she happened to be at the wrong place, wrong time. I couldn't save her..." He was crying. I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him.

Not saying anything, I held him in my arms. When he stopped crying I put my hands on both sides of his face and made him look at me. He looked so sad. He was there for me and now I am going to be there for him. "It wasn't your fault. You had no idea what was going to happen. Your mate doesn't blame you either." Tears ran down his face. I softly wiped them away. "Knowing you, I can say that your mate loved you so much. You're an amazing guy and a loving friend. Don't blame yourself for something you had no control over."

Xavier looked at me. I smiled at him softly and rubbed my thumb against his cheek slowly. "Thank you Alena." He placed his hand on my belly. My heart stopped for a second. "This baby is so lucky to have you in his life." I smiled. I placed my hand on top of his.

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