《Rejected and Pregnant》Chapter 4


My father and I were in his office discussing my Alpha ceremony sense I have marked Daisy, when Beta Aaron barged in. He looked beyond pissed off. He walked right up to me and punched me right in the face.

My father and I stood up shocked. "HOW DARE YOU DISRESPECT YOUR FUTURE ALPHA!"


My father turned to look at me pissed off too. "You did what?!"

"I didn't love her father. I love Daisy." I explained myself. I didn't know Alena felt when I marked Daisy.

"No you don't love Daisy. You love what Daisy has on her. You rejected the one who would have truly loved you."

"Will you be wrong! And I'm sorry I hurt her but I think I would have hurt her more if I didn't reject her and just cheated on her with my gf! My Luna!" Her father punched in the face again and before I could kill him my father pinned me against the wall.

"Thanks to you my daughter is gone! She ran away and I don't know where she went!" My heart dropped, I didn't want her to leave. So that's what I felt early today? The connection being broken between Alena and myself and the pack.

"I don't know what you want me to say." I said.

"I'm telling your mother about this." My father said before letting go of me and leaving with Aaron behind him.

"Alpha has she woken up yet?" A deep voice called out in the dark. Who is that?

"No not yet." When things got quiet again, I slowly opened my eyes. I looked around me and I was in a beautiful room. It was the type of room that you would find in a cabin. As I was looking around in the room, the door opened.


"I see that your awake." In the doorway stood a very good looking guy.

"Where am I?" I whispered.

"You're in the hospital on the Blood Red Pack." He said.

"Please don't hurt me. I promise I was just passing through your land." I whispered. I wrapped my arms around my tummy in an attempt to protect my baby. The guy's eyes followed my movement.

"I know. You're pregnant aren't you?" I slowly nodded. "You're safe, I promise you won't get hurt. My name is Xavier Hastings. I am the Alpha of this back." Xavier slowly walked toward the bed. I watched his every move. He sat down at the foot of the bed. "What's your name?"

"Alena Martinez." I said softly.

"How far along are you? How did you come upon my land?"

"Umm I'm about a week pregnant." I said.

"Okay, will you be able to stay here as long as you want." I smiled at him softly.

"Thank you." He nodded.

"Can I ask you something personal? You don't have to answer." I nodded. "Where is the father of your baby?" I froze. "You don't have to answer."

"No it's fine. The father isn't in the picture. The father was my mate, he rejected me for a different she-wolf." I whispered. Tears ran down my face. I quickly brushed them away.

"What a jerk? Who could ever do that to his mate?!" Xavier yelled. I jumped. His face expression softened. "I'm sorry."

"It's okay. I'm from the Dark Moon Pack."

"The most feared pack?" I nodded. "Please don't send me back. I can't stand seeing him with her. He doesn't even know I'm pregnant. Please." Xavier sighed but I nodded. I smiled and jumped up and hugged him.

Realizing what I just did, I blushed and pulled away. "Sorry." I giggled. Xavier smiled and shrugged.


"I bet you wanna shower and get more comfortable. I will get my sister to get you some clean clothes and if you're up for it we can go shopping." I thought about it and thought why not.

"That sounds nice. Thank you so much." I grabbed his hand and gave it a grateful squeeze."

"Of course." He got up and left. I slowly got out of the bed and looked around the room. I found two doors next to each other. I walked over to both of them. I opened the first door. It was a walk-in closet. Scratch that, it was a freaking mall! My eyes popped out of my eye sockets.

Slowly I closed the door and moved to the next door. I opened it and it revealed a bathroom that was almost as big as my room. I walked around the bathroom. The bath and shower were apart. The bath had jets and the shower was one of the fancy ones with all the buttons. Okay how do I work this?

"Hello?" I stepped out of the bathroom and there stood a really petty brunette.

"Hi." I said. She jumped and turned to look at me. I giggled softly. "Sorry didn't mean to startle you."

"No that's okay. I'm Cassiopeia. I'm Aloha Xavier's sister. I came to bring you some clothes." I smiled softly at her. I took the clothes from her.

"Thank you." I smiled at her.

"Of course. It's good to have another girl around her for once." Cassie laughed. I chuckled.

"Uhh this may sound stupid but can you help me work the shower?" I laughed.

"Oh of course. Those things can be pretty tricky. Here." After 20 minutes of explaining Cassiopeia left. I turned on the shower. I made sure that the water sprayed me from the side and from the top too. My body slowly relaxed.

Slowly I washed my hair and my body. When I was done, I stepped out and wrapped a towel around my body. I looked down at my belly. I sighed. I will always be here for you little one. I will never leave you nor let anyone hurt you. I rubbed my belly softly. I can't wait to meet him or her in 5 months. You see werewolf pregnancy usually lasts nine months, but since I am a Beta female and the father is an Alpha, my pregnancy shortens and is five months instead.

Thankfully Cassiopeia also gave me some lotion and perfume. Both from bath and body work. It was the coconut and vanilla scented one. It was my favorite one and I used to have it at home. I lathered on the lotion all over my body and then changed into the clothes. I gotta say Cassiopeia has really good taste. She gave me some cute army, loose pants and a black cropped top. To top it all off she also let me borrow some white high tops. We surprisingly have everything in the same size. For now.

I brushed out my hair and put it into two braids. When I was done, I went downstairs to meet Cassiopeia and Xavier. Xavier also invited his Beta and Third in Command. "You ready?" Xavier asked, I nodded. He introduced me to London and Javier. London is gay and has already found his mate. Javier is still single and is a huge child. They both are really sweet though. I smiled softly and we got into their car. I belong here. But the thought of my family erased my smile. I miss them.

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