《Rejected and Pregnant》Chapter 3


My mom and dad had come and picked me up from the hospital. I apologize for yelling at them and they forgave me. I gave them a hug and told them that I loved them. They both asked me why I had been so deep into the woods but I pretended to fall asleep in the car.

When I had gotten home, Monica and Joey were both waiting for me in the living room. I had hugged both of them too and also apologized to them. They too asked me the same question as my parents but I ignored them too. I gave them the excuse that I wanted to take a bath.

Walking slowly up to my room, I went into my bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. I had lost so much weight. I haven't eaten anything since the night Axel and I... I looked away from the mirror and filled the tub up with hot water and bubbles and a bath bomb. I stripped out my clothes and got into the bath.

I hissed as the heat touched my skin. I slowly lowered myself into the water allowing my body to get used to the temperature. I sat in the water until the water was cold and I was forced to get up and drain the water and turn the shower on to actually clean myself off.

When I was done, I wrapped a towel around my body and stepped into my room. There stood Drake with a bag full of snacks. "I brought it." He handed me the box. I read the introductions and quickly went to go pee on the stick. I waited five minutes before checking the stick. Drake held my hand and I looked at it. . What was left if my heart dropped. I broke down. "What am I going to do?" I sobbed. Drake sat there quietly not knowing what to say. "I can't tell my family, they will be so disappointed. I can't let anyone know." I concluded.


"No honey, you can't do this alone. Besides you won't be able to hide your pregnancy for long. You werewolves have really good hearing and in a couple of weeks they will be able to pick up the baby's heartbeat." I sighed. He's right.

"I will stay another week." I said.

"What do you mean stay? You're not going anywhere." Drake half yelled.

"I can't stay he-." A painful fire burst through my body. My neck was burning the most. I yelled out in pain. My parents and brother all rushed into my room.

"What's happening?!" My mom yelled over my yelling.

"Drake did she find her mate?" My father asked. Drake looked at me and then at my father.

"Yes, she did. I don't know who he is, she didn't tell me. But he rejected her for another she-wolf." I yelled out in pain again. My mother rushed to my side to calm me down. Didn't help.

"WHAT?! HE'S MATING WITH ANOTHER GIRL AND MARKING HER!" Joey yelled. The hole in my chest grew in pain. How could he do this to me?! I can't stay here anymore. I can't! I can't! Slowly darkness took over.

When I woke up again... I was in my room. My mother was sitting in a chair next to my bed. I looked at my alarm clock. 11:30 a.m. I can't keep putting my family through all this fear and panic. I slowly moved around in my bed, causing my mom to wake up. "Hey honey, how are you feeling?"

"Tired." I whispered. She gave me a sad smile.

"You hungry? I can make you favorite?" I shook my head no. She sighed.

"I want to shower mama." I said. My mom sighed again but nodded.

"Okay honey, your father and I are going to go talk to the Alpha." I nodded. My mom got up and left. I waited until I heard the front door click and the car drive off. I shot out my bed and pulled out a duffle bag. I threw four pairs of clothing, underwear, bras, and toiletries. I then went downstairs quietly so I didn't way up Joey and Monica.


Walking into the kitchen, I began the search for some granola bars, water bottles, and some crackers. When I got everything I went back up stairs and finished packing. Pulling out some paper, I wrote a note to my family and Drake and Axel.

Dear mom, dad, Monica, and Joey,

I'm so sorry I have to go. I can't stay here anymore. I found my mate as you guys now and he rejected me. Chose another she-wolf over me and marked her. I love you guys so much. Don't look for me. I don't know when I will be back.

Sincerely, Alena.

Dear Drake,

Thank you for always being there for me. Taking my side and reminding me how strong I am. You're truly the best friend every girl dreams of. I'm sorry I have to go without a proper goodbye. I'll see you again some day.

Sincerely Alena.

Dear Axel,

Screw you.

Sincerely Alena.

Tears were rolling down my cheeks like waterfalls. My stomach aches knowing how hurt my family is going to be. But I can't put them through more torment. I can't.

Bag on one shoulder and jacket on the other hand, I looked around my room. I am going to miss my home, my family, Drake. I am gonna miss little Anne and Luna Carol and Alpha Ronald.

Creeping down the stairs I take in my surroundings and say a lady goodbye in my head. I open the door and run toward the woods. We can't leave! We can't leave our mate! My wolf shouts inside my head.

Euphoria our 'mate' doesn't want us. We aren't good enough for him!

Euphoria whimpers and blocks our commutation. I hate that I yelled at her but we can't stay here. We just can't. I ran for hours until I felt all of my communication being cut off from my old pack. If only I could shift. It would be so much faster. But I can't risk hurting my baby.

When I might have fallen, I finally decided to take a break from running. I climbed up a tree and sat down on a thick branch. I pulled out a water bottle and a granola bar. I slowly drank the water and ate. I looked up at the sky wondering what I did to deserve all of this.

The next day I ran again until nightfall and then the next day I did the same. When out of nowhere a painful sharp pain hit me like a brick wall. Axel is mating with that girl again. A painful screech flew out my lips and scared every bird around me. I heard paws hitting the ground toward me, but I couldn't move. I fell on my knees screaming still, holding my chest.

A black wolf appeared before me. You could tell he was an Alpha, the power poured out of him. I tried to stand and run but I couldn't because the pain was too much. Just as darkness can cover me, the wolf shifted but I couldn't see who the man was. "Don't hurt me."

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