《Rejected and Pregnant》Chapter 2


When I opened my eyes again that morning, Axel was awake. Although he was on the phone. I pretended to be asleep. "Look I'm sorry I know. I didn't know that I was going to find my mate and I wasn't planning on sleeping with her either. My wolf took over! I'm sorry babe. Please. I love you." Tears stung my eyes. He was never planning on leaving her. His wolf didn't take over last night, it was always Axel. He was just using me. I lay there until he hung up.

After five minutes went by, I slowly got up and began to change back into my clothes. Axel still hasn't said anything. When I was done changing, I went into his bathroom and washed my hands and arms and face over and over again. Hoping to get the feeling of his hands on me off. When I dried off, I looked at myself in the mirror. How could you be so stupid? I got out of the bathroom and I saw Axel sitting on his bed with his head in his hands.

"We need to talk." He said. Here it goes.

"About what?" I asked softly.

"Last night was a mistake. I don't know what I let it carry out that far. I'm sorry Alena but I love my girlfriend and I won't let her for you. Especially for you. She will be a better Luna than you will ever be. I Axel Malcolm Draven rejects your Alena Malia Martinez as my mate and Luna." It was as if someone punched me in the stomach and ripped out my heart.

"I Alena Malia Martinez accept your rejection as your mate and Luna." Axel looked surprised and hurt that I accepted. I grabbed my stuff and ran out of his room and house. I ran and ran and ran until I couldn't run anymore. By the time I stopped it was already night time and I was deep into the woods. I cried and cried and cried. My heart ached. My wolf was broken. She hadn't said a word the entire time I ran.

How could he do this? He USED me. Slowly my eyes closed and I drifted off into a deep sleep. When I woke up again, I was in the arms of a man. I don't know who he is. "Beta Aaron." The man called out.

"Oh thank goodness. Where was she?" My father asked the man. Why is he so fuzzy?

"She was just past my border line. My warriors found her unconscious. When they called for me I recognized her. I brought her right away." Border? Before I could hear the end of that conversation I fell back into darkness.

"Sweetheart wake up. Please wake up baby." My mother's voice rang in my head. I tried opening my eyes but nothing happened. Darkness took over again.

"I Alena Malia Martinez accept your rejection as your mate and Luna." Alena said softly. Tears ran down her face and she turned around and ran out of my room and house. What have I done? My wolf growled at me before blocking all communication between the both of us.

My phone began to run. Daisy. "Hello?"


"Did you get rid of the she-wolf?" I almost growled at her.

"Yes. I rejected her." I said.

"Good. I love you babe. I can't lose you. We have gone through so much to let one person come between us." I sighed.

"I know babe. I love you too. Are you almost here?"

"I'll be there in an hour." I smiled.

When the bell rang, I ran downstairs to answer the door hoping to see Daisy. But instead it was Beta Aaron. I looked at him confused. He looked scared beyond belief. "Axel is Alena here? She didn't go home last night and she hasn't come home yet." He said.

"Sorry Beta Aaron, Alena just left about an hour ago." I said. He nodded and sighed.

"Good she must be on her way home then." I nodded stiffly. "I'll see you around Axel." I nodded again. Just as he pulled out of our driveway, another pulled in. Daisy! She ran out of the car and into my arms. I hugged her tightly and took in the scent of her perfume. Expect now I find it repulsing and aggravating. She also feels right in my arms. Unlike Ale- no we won't speak of her. It's just the aftermath of the rejection I'm sure it'll go away.

Picking up Daisy, I rushed us into my room to have some alone time. We laid in my bed for ours, enjoying each other and talked all day and most of the night. When dinner was supposed to be ready, Daisy and I went downstairs, only my dad wasn't there and my mom was crying. "Mom what's wrong?" I rushed over to her and pulled her in for a rug. She pushed me away.

"How could you be sleeping around when your best friend's little sister is missing and no one can find her?" My heart stopped.

"What do you mean?" I asked. Daisy grabbed my hand.

"Alena hasn't come home Axel. It's 1 in the morning and she hasn't showed up at all. No one has seen her all day sense she left the house this morning according to you." I mentally cringed sense Daisy was there and now she knows who we are talking about. Her nails dig themselves into my hand painfully.

"Maybe she went for a run." I said.

"That's what we thought but her scent isn't anywhere on the territory. She isn't on our land Axel." My heart dropped down to my knees. I looked down at Daisy. She seemed bored. Seriously? At least pretend like you care.

Before I could say anything else my dad barged into the house sad and scared. "We got her. Alpha Blake found her unconscious a mile past his border. She was found unconscious." My mom fell to her knees sobbing. My mother loved Alena and so did my father. The image of Alena running out of the house passed through my mind and I remember watching her run into the woods from my window. This is my fault.

"She's in the hospital. No one is allowed to see her yet." All of this is my fault. Daisy glared at me as a tear ran down my cheek. 'Why are you crying over that mutt? She deserves it after sleeping with a taken man.' I looked down at my feet.


It's been three weeks since I rejected Alena and she was admitted into the hospital. My parents met Daisy. My mom doesn't like her at all and my father tolerates her. It bothers me that they won't accept her. "Alena's finally wake." My father called out as he walked back into the kitchen after getting a call. My mom perked up.

"Really?!" My dad nodded and hugged my mom. They were both crying tears of joy. I sighed in relief. Daisy on the other hand rolled her eyes. I rolled my eyes at her. Sense my parents made it clear they don't like her, she has been rude and disrespectful to them and it's really pissing me off.

"Wanna go see her?" My mom nodded.

Slowly I finally cracked my eyes open against the harsh light. I hissed, catching the attention of both my parents. They rushed towards me crying. "Why are you guys crying? What time is it?" I croaked. Ew why do I sound like that?

"Honey don't you remember what happened?" I shook my head before freezing in my spot. The memory of Axel rejecting me and me running out rushed back. Tears ran down my cheeks.

"Oh honey please don't cry. It's okay. It's okay." My mom and dad hugged me. After I calmed down, I slowly fell back asleep. When I woke up again Alpha Ronald and Luna Carol we're there. Luna was holding little Anne in her arms. Axel was also there looking 'really sad' and someone else was there with him... holding his hand.

His girlfriend.

Tears ran down my cheeks again. I turned my back toward all of them and stared at the wall. "Honey, they all came to see how you're doing. What's wrong?" My mom said behind me.

"Leave me alone." I whispered.

"But sweetie-." Mom began again but I cut her off.

"I SAID LEAVE ME ALONE! GET OUT! GET OUT!" I yelled. Everyone jumped. Little Anne began to cry. So did my mom and Monica. Everyone scrambled out of the room. I sobbed and sobbed and sobbed. I hate him. How dare he show his face here after everything and BRING her with him. Hasn't he hurt me enough? I cried all day and night. The only people that came in my room were the nurses and my doctor to check on me.

When we got to Alena's room, she was asleep. We sat there with her parents waiting for her to wake up again. Hoping she will wake up. After an hour, she began to stir and her eyelids began to flicker open. When she opened her eyes, she looked all around the room until she saw Daisy and me. You could till she put two and two together. I knew I shouldn't have brought Daisy to the hospital with me. I've already caused Alena enough pain. Tears ran down her face and she faced her back towards us. "Rude and pathetic." Daisy whispered. I glared at her to shut up.

"Honey, they all came to see how you're doing. What's wrong?" Carina asked Alena. Alena whispered something but only her mom heard her.

"But sweetie-." Alena cut Carina off.

"I SAID LEAVE ME ALONE! GET OUT! GET OUT!" Alena yelled. Anne started to fry and so did Carina and Monica. We all jumped and ran out of the room. Her mom was sobbing loudly.

"Who hurt our baby Aaron? Who hurt our baby?" My heart skipped a beat because of the guilt I was feeling. Aaron looked straight at me.

"I don't know honey. But when I find out it won't be pretty." I gulped. I looked at Daisy. She looked annoyed. I ignored everyone and focused my hearing on Alena. She was sobbing heart breaking sobs. How could I have been such a jerk? This is all my fault...

I have let no one in my room since yesterday. I feel bad for yelling at everyone except for Axel and her. They didn't deserve that. That I just... I couldn't be around people. "Hello Alena, how are you feeling today?" I didn't answer Dr. Phill. He sighed. "Alena someone's here to see you." Again I didn't say anything. "Come on in." He said to the person at the door. I didn't turn to face that person. I stayed still. I looked at the tray of food that the nurse brought this morning for breakfast.

"Hey girl." I looked behind me. Drake. One look at him and I broke down again. He rushed over to me and hugged me tightly. I sobbed for hours into his shoulder. He held me the entire time. Didn't say a word. Not a thing. Drake has been there for all my breakdowns and anxiety attacks. He knows not to say anything when I cry. He knows that all I want is for someone to hold me. Which is what he did.

When I was done crying, Drake wipes away my tears. "Wanna talk about it?" Although Drake is human, he knows about us werewolves and about mates. His mate is someone from our pack. They found each other a little over two years ago. They love each other so dearly. I wish I had someone to love me as much as they loved one another. Quietly I told Drake what happened between Axel and I. Starting from the day at the office until yesterday. Drake listened and processed everything that I said.

"Oh honey, I am so sorry. You don't deserve what happened to you. Want me to kick his arse? Because I can. And I will." I chuckled a little. "Ah see there's that smile of yours."

"No I'm good. I just don't ever want him again."

"Honey I hate to ask...did you guys use protection?" I paused. Oh no. "It's okay. I won't say anything. You get out of the hospital tonight so I can go and buy a pregnancy test and meet you at your house. I promise I won't tell anyone what you told me not about this." I hugged Drake.

"Thank you so much. I love you." I whispered.

"Of course honey. Anything for you queen. And I love you too."

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