《My Unrequited Love》BONUS CHAPTER, ONE


Changed into a red silk robe, Maria was sitting on the sofa reading a book when Mustafa entered their room. And just like past one month she ignored his presence again, giving silent treatment to him.

She was showing her naraazgi towards him. He had become the same workaholic he was years ago, but back then he always used to had time for his family, now he didn't had it anymore, all because they had to shift to Dubai for few years and he being the holder to most of the shares of Ahwaan's, had to take up the responsibility and thus all the workload of Dubai's branch fell upon his shoulders alone.

How miserable it was, for her and their kids! They all freaking missed him....so damn much!

Feeling tired Mustafa sighed as he removed his coat and proceeded to loosen his blue tie, all the while watching his wife's small form with doting gaze, waiting for her to speak which she never did, but instead maintained her cute pout, trying to look unfazed by him.

How adorable she was!

A small smile made it's way to his face, and his heart warmed, watching her wait for him just like every night but chuckled inwardly on her stubbornness which wasn't letting her speak with him.

He knew he wasn't giving time to her or their kids, his life has been revolving around office from past two years and she being a good wife kept her silence and understood his other commitments but now he knew her patience was weaning off.... And he was clearly able to see her frustration.

Oh how much he wanted to pacify her by kissing off all her worries and frustration, assuring her of a good time ahead.... But he knew he couldn't, For now!

Thank god, They were finally going back to India as his work had been completed. He was so happy that they were finally leaving. He didn't wanted his beauty under his employees piercing gazes. They used to ogle his young pretty wife and it really pinched him hard. Specially that rameez, who didn't wasted any chance to stare her freely, whenever she visited his office. He so wanted to fire that bastard, but he couldn't keeping in mind the contract they had signed, so he stopped her from coming there.... Her beauty was only for his eyes. Only his! And she belonged to him, exclusively and entirely.

Mustafa pulled in hard work day and night, completing the work of five years in three, so that they could return back to their family as soon as possible. He was sick of living in Dubai, without his whole family. Also,

he was dying to spend time with his whole family and of course his adorable little creations and his jahan, his wife.

Two days from now he was planning to give surprise to Maria, on their fifth wedding anniversary and he couldn't wait for it. He knew her hapiness would know no bounds, she too just like him was missing the family too much....

You could only surprise her when she is ready to talk with you. Yaha to begum dekhe ko bhi ready nahi hai!!

His inner voice mocked him and he agreed with it and walked towards her, who immediately stiffened on her place watching him approach her from the corner of her eyes.

“Maria..” cupping her cheeks he sat on his knees before her, snatching book from her hand, passing her a warm smile, watching her ignore him, not letting them melt her.

Maria tried getting up having made her mind to ignore her husband but he groped her waist and chuckled watching her groan in annoyance.


If she thought she could go easily ignoring him then she was so wrong. Mustafa Ahwaan would never let his jaani sleep with her angry pout even when she was looking so damn cute to him.

“Jaani---” interlacing his fingers on her back, Mustafa again called her, this time with his favourite nickname, pulling his chin over her knees, making himself all comfortable, taking in her refreshing scent.

“Are we playing this ignoring game again ?” not getting any reaction or a reply, he chuckled as he moved forward to snuggle his face inside her belly, rubbing his nose over it.

He smirked when he sensed her stiffening up with his action. She had clutched over his hair, making it look like she was trying to pull away but he knew the reality....His little wife was actually holding him strongly keeping him on the very place. Mustafa smirked watching his magic work and decided to pull the teasing session up a notch.

Mustafa started trailing his hands in circles all over her waistline and finally rested them over her abdomen where the strings of her nightgown was. Tugging the strings he undid her nightgown with his skilled fingers and pulled it up, leaving her thighs bare for his eyes.

So freaking beautiful and all mine!!

His gaze was transfixed over his wife's pristine features, ogling her flushed state with sparkling eyes. Keeping a firm hold over her bare legs he squeezed them, pulled her thighs apart as he dug into the soft skin of her belly, planting abundance of fluttery kisses over it, humming in satisfaction over again and again.

God! He missed her so much!

“You are so beautiful...” Mustafa moaned in pleasure biting her belly softly. His moan was enough to break Maria out of her trance and she pushed him away, wiping her eyes which had welled up with tears of humiliation.

She wasn't able to believe she gave in so easily when she resolved not to,

.....but what she could had done ?

She really missed him so much! So damn much!

“Why? Why do have to do this Mustafa ? I... No, we miss you so much. We miss the time when we spent time together as a family but you don't do that anymore.” feeling hopeless, Maria poured out her whole heart infront of Mustafa, letting her tears fall freely.

She wanted her old Mustafa back. Her Mustafa who was the best husband and the best father.

“I am doing this for us only Maria. So, that we would be able to give best to our children-” keeping his anger at bay, Mustafa tried making her understand his point for the umpteenth time over those three years.

Why couldn't she understand his point ? And why the hell was she crying when she knew he hated her tears ?! She never cried complaining to him before then why now ?!

“We have enough money Mustafa!! Hume paisa nahi aapka time chahiye. I understand if you have work commitments but you have a FAMILY as well. You can't stay at office for the whole day and night. Noor, Murtaza Rumi aapko bahut miss karte hai....” even when she didn't wanted to cry she wasn't able to stop her tears from flowing. It had been too long. Too long since she had waited. Since their innocent kids had waited.

(We don't meed money, we need your time.)

“I get it if you don't have time for me, but you can atleast spend time with your children--” she said taking Mustafa off guard, and her eyes pooled with more tears as she cried, stopping herself from choking out a sob.


She knew, she wasn't attractive anymore. She had got a little chubby on her face and thighs, and it made her feel so low.....No one was there to motivate her. To make her feel good. She missed Osama so damn much! Atleast he used to compliment her, even if they were peculiar in their own ways....

Her Mustafa too.... He never used to keep himself from complimenting her each day, but now he didn't spared a single glance to her, claiming to be busy in work.

Also, when she tried to spend time with him in his office, He didn't allowed her to step inside. He even snapped at her for entering it once when she went there with his lunch, pulling her out of the office not noticing her teary eyes. Although, he planned a super romantic date for her afterwards she still wasn't over it.

She had always taken his each and every action to her heart, and it wasn't easy to let go of his changed behaviour.

“What the hell are you saying ? Pata bhi hai kya bakwaas kar rahi hai aap ?!” she whimpered painfully as Mustafa held her shoulders in a tight grip and jerked her, peering her with anger.

(Do you know what rubbish are you speaking ?)

How could she think of him like that ?! How could she think he didn't had time for HER!! He freaking was dying to be with her and here she was saying he didn't wanted to spend time with her ?!

And how dare did she accused him of not being a good father ?! Here he was trying to secure their future and here she was accusing him.

And she had the audacity to say that he didn't over her ANYMORE!

She surely was crazy for thinking like that! There wasn't a single day when he didn't loved her. How could he not love her ? She gave him two beautiful children, the best gifts of his life. She gave him herself, the reason of his sanity. She was his anchor, his everything!

Heck! He could forget himself but he couldn't forget her. She was that important.... No! She was necessary for him. Necessary for him to survive, to function properly. Her one glance, one look could make his day, then how DARE she say he didn't loved her ANYMORE ?!


“I know you don't love me anymore.... But please spend time with your children. They need their baba.” wiping the tears off her pale face, Maria sobbed as she softly jerked his hands from her shoulders, walking away not before giving him a last look.

Look of pain, the look of longing!

What the hell had got into her ?! He had no idea. Pinching the bridge of his nose, he strolled towards the bathroom in anger.

It was definitely her periods acting up on her! Hopefully she would ponder over her words and behave normal in the morning.

But for now he had to endure the pain to sleep alone, as his wife was too angry to sleep beside him.

How frustrating it was to sleep without her ?!

Maybe he could try something in the evening to tame her anger and make her happy again... It was difficult for him to see his wife angry, although she looked cute with her red nose, but she looked out of the world with her dimpled smile. The smile for which he could do anything.


Ignoring the sadness looming over herself, Maria busied herself into teaching her girls how to bake Nutella cupcakes.

They were quite excited to bake them. Scratch that... only Noor was interested to bake them because Maria could swear her younger daughter was there only to gulp the batter, as her face and fingers was wholly smeared in the batter and still she hadn't stopped herself from giving heart eyes to the mixture bowl, making her chuckle looking at small form.

Surely she had taken after her. Both of them had immense love for Nutella.

“Mix the batter into the bowl and--” doing the action with her hands, she instructed Noor to mix the cupcake batter with the spoon, but stopped abruptly feeling someone's presence so close behind her.

She knew who it was, but didn't dared to turn and kept her silence, feeling his minty breath tickle her neck, making her shiver, bathing in his manly scent.

What was he trying to do ?

Mustafa smirked watching his wife getting stiff with his proximity and moved more closer to her, so close that his front was now touching her back, and his lips were close to her ears, almost touching them.

“What are you guys doing ?” speaking huskily near the shell of her ear, he asked, gliding his arms smoothly from her waist to the kitchen counter, trapping her in his hold. He knew well she would try to avoid him after last night's argument.

Her breaths heavied and she tried to push his hands off the countertop, but in the process the spoon she was holding fell from her hand, alerting their children, making him step away from her instantly.

Smiling at her little escapade Maria thanked her children, watching Mustafa glare at her, from ther corner of her eyes.

Served him well!

“Baba!” Noor screamed excitedly, as she jumped from the kitchen's counter to Mustafa's arms and wounded her arms around his neck, making him smile and kiss her forehead chuckling at her excitement.

Oh how much he missed this... His family time!

“I mwissed you baba! Itna shaara...” following her older sister, Rumi too started jumping over her place, showcasing her father how much she missed him, by stretching her small hands as wide as she could.

(I missed you! So much.)

“Baba is here little birdie and he won't go anywhere now.” pulling Rumi, he adjusted her in his arms just like Noor, and kissed her forehead, making her bobble her head in glee, unable to contain her happiness.

“Sachi ?” pouting her lips, she cutely asked, making Mustafa kiss the same pout adoring his daughter, matching her enthusiasm. “Yes, princess.”

(Is it true ?)

“Yaay!!!” His words made both his daughters cheer and they started jumping in his arms, making Maria emotional at the sight. Her eyes teared up, but she wiped them quickly before Mustafa could see.

What a beautiful sight it was !! Mustafa adoring their daughters and her, watching the serene scene, capturing it in her heart. But their family was still incomplete without their---

“Acha acha! Now tell me where is your brother--” as if reading her thoughts, Mustafa raised his eyebrows asking the same question from his daughters and right on queue, his son entered the kitchen, holding Maria's phone, talking with Murat on a video call.

(Okay, okay.)

“Mama! Murat chachu!” forwarding his hand Murtaza showed his mother Murat over the screen, not noticing her frown for calling Murat chachu. He was her best friend and here her children called him 'chachu' much to her dismay.

Murtaza on the other hand ignored his father completely, angry at him, remembering his mother's gloomy face and teary eyes. Standing between the both he created distance and held his mother's waist in a protective grasp, turning his head away from Mustafa, making him frown and but his frown turned into a proud smile when the little guy held Maria's hand, pulling her towards the sofa to make her sit.

That guy was so protective of his mama.... He was his miniature in true sense.

Mustafa too settled down beside his wife, but in turn got a push from Murtaza with a small glare, making him chuckle and pull him to his lap.

“I want my mama.” making a long sad face Murtaza forwarded his hands towards Maria, asking her to pick him, not even bothering to look at Mustafa, giving him signal that he was angry at him.

“No, you'll sit with me. Baba missed you so much, my life.” Feeling his son's angry mood Mustafa denied letting him go and squeezed him hard in his embrace, cuddling him, kissing his temple just like the little man loved.

But looked like his little man, aka his miniature was not ready to give in and struggled in his tight embrace, turning his face red with all the efforts. Both Rumi and Noor giggled watching the red face of Murtaza, making him glare at them and turn to his mama for complain.

“Mama...” he whined, looking at Maria with misty eyes, melting her heart.

“Girls! Don't tease your brother. He is not liking it!” reprimanding her daughters with a gentle tone, Maria caressed her son's hair and passed him a small smile which he returned.

“Mama I want to sit with you.” he again demanded to sit with her but she denied him politely watching him behaving cold with Mustafa.

Murtaza Mustafa Ahwaan was a short tempered person and it was difficult to make him understand things when he was angry.... But he was totally a different person with his mama. She could literally tame his anger within seconds. He was a mama's boy just like his sister Noor.

“Baba ke paas baith jayein meri jaan. He missed you so much.” Mustafa passed a thankful smile to his wife for being so understanding but she ignored him, and focused on their son.

(Sit with your father, my life.)


“He will feel so sad. Do want baba to be sad ?”

“Okay. I'll sit with him.” finally pondering a lot he agreed, not wanting to be the reason of his father's sadness and turn he got another kiss from his father who was now relieved for being spared by the angry son.

The girls on the other hand didn't created any fuss and quietly settled themselves. Noor being Mama's girl sat over Maria's lap whereas, Rumi decided to sit between their parents wanting to sit between both mama and baba.

“Hi chachu!” Noor beamed towards Murat passing him a dazzling smile of hers and turned the screen towards a shy Rumi, who blushed watching murat pass a flying kiss towards her.

“How are my beautiful girls ?” Murat asked, hearing only Noor’s reply in return, because Rumi was too busy looking down, feeling shy of Murat.

Rumi had always behaved so shy, so quiet in Murat's presence. According to Osama she had a little crush over the handsome hunk, but it was only the half truth. She liked him because he was so attentive towards her and always kissed her cheeks endlessly after pinching them.

“Rumi jaan, abhi bhi sharam aati hai mujhse ?! God she is so adorable!”

Murat gushed, pretending to pinch her cheeks in air, looking at her with so much love, that she shied more and hid herself from his eyes.

(Rumi love, You still feel shy from me ?!)

She was actually watching him with one eye open, concealing herself behind Mustafa’s arm, her cute little pigtail dangling from the side, making murat chuckle seeing her actions.

“Dove can you parcel this little adorable munchkin of yours to me ? I really need someone as adorable as her. God! How can someone be so adorable ? Ye to sarasar gunah hai Rumi baby!” Maria chuckled hearing his pleads and was ready to tease him to have his own baby girl but Mustafa was quick to beat her in speaking.

(It's a sin Rumi baby.)

“Humari beti hai pyaari to hogi hi Murat.” Mustafa proudly stated, kissing his daughter's little palm, eying his wife with a warm gaze, knowing he had turned her speechless with his remark, and her red cherry cheeks were a proof of it.

(She is our daughter, she is bound to be adorable.)

“Bekaar ka credit mat lo Mustafa! Her adorable trait comes from dove. Wo pyaari hai to tumhari beti bhi pyari hai, because from where I know you don't have any adorable trait inside you, so it has to be dove only!” Murat rolled his eyes hearing Mustafa taking credit of Rumi’s cuteness. This man was so full of himself. Rumi and him!! It was a total no. He could swear she would have been a stone faced baby if she had taken after him but thank god! she was her mother's miniature.

(Don't take credit for nothing, Mustafa... Maria is adorable and that's any your daughter is adorable.)

And If there was someone who deserved the credit of her cuteness then it was his dove, no one else. Specially not Mustafa! From her eyes to her hair, she was exact copy of her mother and not to forget her shy nature.

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