《HAVEN ✔》Twenty-Nine


We stop at the wrought-iron gate at the bottom of the hill.

From our vantage point above, the fencing and gate looked so small, but up close, the bars of iron rise far, far above my head. Above Luke's head. I reach out to wrap my fingers around the bars, but Luke's hand whips out to grasp my wrist, halting my movement. I can't ignore the tingle beneath his fingertips.

"Don't," he says, a glimmer of something unreadable behind the scorn in his eyes.

Scorn that I put there.

Assenting to his instruction, I back away from the fence to watch as Luke scoops a handful of dirt and pebbles from the ground and tosses them at the fence.

An electric crackle is heard as the debris makes contact with the bars of the fence, the few leaves that were tossed now float down in smoke.

My eyes widen. It's an electric fence.

Electricity! I nearly forgot that Luke said there was electricity in Perseca. It is ingenious.

And dangerous. I would have been shocked if Luke wouldn't have stopped me. How many volts are conducted through the iron? If it's enough to keep the Skinwalkers out, it could potentially be deadly.

But more than that, it's disconcerting seeing another settlement using defenses similar to Herald. And it shouldn't raise the hairs on my arms, but the resemblance is uncanny. It brings our peoples closer than ever.

Luke punches some numbers in on the keypad beside the gate and after a few seconds it swings open with a creak.

I follow in his footsteps as we pass through, the metal clanking shut behind us. Immediately, two armed guards step into our path, each of them nodding at Luke before settling their eyes on me.

I breathe, and state my name, refusing to shrink beneath their scrutinizing gazes.

"Step forward and put your hands on your head," the taller one grumbles. I do as he says, and he asks if I have any weapons. When I explain to him the dagger wrapped in cloth at the bottom of my pack, he nods and quickly pats me down. Satisfied, he steps back and gestures for me to continue on with Luke.


Now that we've left security behind, I relax a bit. Coming up to stride with Luke, I survey our surroundings and realize that all the buildings match, each of them made of rust-colored bricks. Between the buildings are massive live oak trees, branches sprawling out like a lover's arms, reaching for one another. I push back the mental image of Luke's strong arms around me from yesterday, but not fast enough. My chest throbs.

As we pass, I brush my fingers along the brickwork, amazed and impressed that something so old is still maintained. This masonry is older than Herald. Older than Keir. The sidewalk is cracked, buckling in places where tree roots have grown beneath, pushing up through the rough, weathered concrete. Perseca truly is an Old City.

"Where are we going?" I ask Luke. I assume he knows where he's going but I don't want to walk in there blindsided. I want to be prepared.

"We are going to meet Dr. Tabb. If you are to help in research, she is the one you need to speak with." He says no more than is necessary, and I loathe it.

I contemplate keeping my mouth closed, but what more do I have to lose?

"You know, when I said we need to stop, I didn't mean our friendship needs to end. You can talk to me like a normal human being." I try to soften the harshness of my tone with a small chuckle at the end, but it echoes wrong.

Luke glances at me, his face a blank slate, but keeps walking. "I do not want to be your friend."


His response has rendered me mute. My ribcage aches, and my cheeks burn. I decide to keep my lips sealed and eyes on the ground until we approach a building marked by a bronze placard reading Research and Development.


Passing through the double doors, I take a steadying breath. This is what I came here for. This moment is what I've traveled days for. This is the place I am meant to be for the time being. I steel myself against the fear of the unknown and Luke's coldness, lest I forget what I am here for.

For Markee.

But there is another part of my brain that claims otherwise. I am here for me, too.

It is the reminder I need to pick up my feet and lift my chin. To meet challenges head-on.

I am led down a long corridor, taking a left and eventually we end up before a frosted glass door. It opens at Luke's touch, and when we enter, I am immediately fascinated.

We have arrived at a laboratory. There are long counters dressed to the nines with beakers and flasks of every shape and size. Test tubes and whirring machines. There is an entire wall labeled Specimens and Safety Equipment where shelves overflow with gloves and goggles. Cabinets hold more tools than I can name. I am reminded of mom's work lab back in Herald, and feel a familiarity here. A connection to her that warms my heart.

"What favorable fortune," a lilting voice calls from behind us, snapping me out of my perusal.

Luke and I both spin to see an older woman with ashy blonde hair striding toward us, clipboard in hand. She grins at Luke, but when she meets my gaze, she outright beams at me. Nervously, I smile back. This seems to please her, as she walks with jaunty steps toward me.

Slipping her clipboard under her arm, she extends her hands out to capture mine, shaking my hand vigorously. "It is such a pleasure to meet you, Sophie. I will do my best to ensure your comfort here with us," she says to me before finally turning to Luke. "And it is good to see you again, Subter Aspen. How's that compound bow holding up for you?"

Luke coughs at the title. "How many times have I asked that you call me by my first name?"

The woman chuckles. "More times than gray hairs on my head," she winks.

"This is Dr. Tabb," Luke introduces me. "She is the head of Research and Development here in Perseca." Luke turns to the older woman. "My father sent us here so that Sophie may help develop a cure," he explains.

Dr. Tabb hums, her eyes glued to me. "Yes, it seems you got her here in good time."

Her words turn my smile into a fragile thing. What an odd thing to say.

"Skinwalker territory is expanding. We were ambushed just last night," Luke explains. "I fear that we are running out of time."

"Yes," Dr. Tabb hums. "I am inclined to agree. Likewise, have been waiting for you for quite some time, Sophie."

My frail grin fissures, dropping off my face completely. "What?"

As soon as the words leave my lips, the laboratory door slams open and I startle. I peer around Dr. Tabb to see who has entered and my heart nearly stops. My bones ice over and my muscles go dormant for the winter.

All I can manage is one ragged breath as I meet the intense gaze of the newcomer with striking, violet eyes.

Eyes just like mine.

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